What's next for Marvel Studios? (Post Avengers)

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This Sounds Huge - Vin Diesel Reveals "A Merging Of Brands" In The Marvel Movieverse For Phase 3 - Bleeding Cool
Is he talking about different studio Marvel properties crossing over, if not what could it mean?

Brands already merged for Avengers, so it's a no-brainer that A2 and A3 will have the same merging. I don't think it's on a "studio" level if you're insinuating FOX or Sony merging with Marvel Studios/Disney. Perhaps they mean more crossover films/supporting heroes ala Marvel Team Up?
Is he doing anything confirmed besides the possible Groot voice? He made it sound like whatever the merging was, meant he could still he fufill like two sides. Has Riddick had a comic book series? Could it be Marvel wants to incorporate that character into the MCU or maybe develop him into a role beyond just the voice over? This has me very curious, hope more is forthcoming soon.
Fox is leaving a ton of money on the table by not letting Marvel cross over Spidey, X-men or FF.

Forbes actually had an excellent article on that not too long ago, how much cash Fox could rake in leasing the characters back while pulling in a percentage of all goods licensing without lifting a finger. Add to that the fact that they could develop something else with the resources that would be tied up on hero movies just doubles the cash they could be making.

I actually think both studios are trying to be semi-respectful. Feige hasn't tried replicating any of the missing properties and I still see them both using Magneto's children without it resulting in a court date as a huge stride forward. :lol
Fox has nothing to do with Spider-Man.

The merging of the brands thing sounds like a GOTG and Avengers crossover in future,

I just don't see FOX needing nor wanting to relinquish their license, especially with the franchise finally back up on it's feet. And we've already seen that Sony will dig way up into their smaller intestines to grab a chunk of poo to chuck at the wall and make it stick, so they can keep Spider-Man. :lol
I'm guessing 'merging of brands' is gonna be the New Avengers. Vin Diesel looks like he could play the movie-verse version of Power Man, so probably not Luke Cage but a different guy taking up that persona. He could start with Heroes for Hire with Iron Fist and Misty Knight etc.., then later join the New Avengers with Dr strange and others. Iron Man could even show up very briefly as the mentor using strictly CGI, so no actor is needed if RDJ is no longer involved with Marvel by then.

Also what is people speculation of Pepper Potts? She's the first female to gain superpower in the Marvel movie-verse. (not counting the villians) I thought they could give her the Warbird persona, but we're probably not gonna see her character show up after IM3...

Getting superpowers is almost a trope for supporting characters in the comics.

Giving her them then taking them away felt kinda pointless. It would've been great to see her take on a hero role
Disney's a juggernaut. Who's to say the future landscape of the motion picture industry doesn't yield a merger or hostile takeover? Or, maybe they'll just give Fox an offer they can't refuse. Maybe unrealistic, but I can dream, right?

Next time contract negotiations happen, Disney tells them that to re-purchase the rights for the liscnese, it costs 100 BILLION dollars.

Pretty sure fox would walk.
Speak for yourself :wink1:

:goodpost: :exactly:

Not, heresy, many feel the same. Particularly about their most recent movies.

I'd love a female superhero movie the only two we've gotten (Catwoman and Elektra) were shameful.

Other than Ms Marvel who could they use though?

Black Widow would seem an obvious choice but she's more hero than superhero.
Black Cat springs to mind as one who could work as a solo movie.

I'm actually drawing a blank thinking of female heroes who could carry their own movie. :(

Ms. Marvel
Black widow ( MAAAAAYBE if toy do a bond-esque spy noir film)
Elektra is a posability.... but she has been a little tainted by bad movies.
I think a cameo in a GOOD daredevil movie would need to happen first.

Abigail Brand, who is HIGHLY possible considering the Cosmic direction Marvel is going at the moment.

Agent Brand is a 1/2 human, who runs S.W.O.R.D. ( Sentient World Observation and Response Department) The Division of SHIELD that is most directly responsable for dealing with alien threats.
Think Nick Fury in Space.
IMO, there is a reason why robert downey junior isn't coming back to Iron man 4. If he was truly fed up with the super hero franchise, and didn't want to come back then he would not have signed up for avengers 2 and 3.

Iron man 3 was a cash grab in every sense. All the special interests and focus groups had their say in the movie, just so disney can attract a wider audience. RDJ mentioned he wanted the mandarin since the first iron man movie. Disney didn't want to offend their chinese market, so they did not cast an Asian actor or even incorporate any of the comics in the interpretation of the character. And apparently Disney didn't want to violate the Hollywood Fatwa on Asian males.

And that stupid kid. God damn that stupid kid. Stopped the movie dead all in the name of pleasing a focus group and getting more kids to show up and relate to the movie. The entire Tennessee sequence killed the movie dead. The stupid exchange he had with the guy in the van just so they can advertise for the "oracle" company. Just so many attempts to grab more cash, they turned Iron man 3 into one huge advertisement.
Next time contract negotiations happen, Disney tells them that to re-purchase the rights for the liscnese, it costs 100 BILLION dollars.

Pretty sure fox would walk.

Not sure that's how it works. Marvel was so desperate back then, I think they get to keep the option so long as they keep making films for it.