What is your all time favorite Horror movie?

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I have to agree with RoboDad... I want a horror movie to be scary, and if it makes me look over my shoulder or get up in the night every time I here a noise, then it has accomplished it's job as a horror movie! Therefore, the "scariest" (although I'm not sure I would say my favorites) movies are the original "The Haunting" and yes, "Blair Witch Project". If you watch either of these films alone, in the dark at night, and don't get a little nervous and paranoid and scared, then I don't think any movie will do it for you!

Yay, another for "Blair Witch Project" (even if it's not a favorite). As, I said in a much earlier post that movie scared the bejeebus out of me. I have yet to come across another film of the genre (and I watch a lot of horror) that has ever scared me. Sure, it has it's flaws but it worked so well in so many parts (the very end, the fact you never see the 'villian(s)' and the setting). I had to sleep with a dim light on for a month after I saw that film and I still can't bring myself to watch it alone or at night.

It would actually be a nice change to come across another horror film that would have the same effect but all others end up being entertaining or very lame (for lack of a better word).
Can't believe I forgot about Blair Witch. That is THE ONLY movie to scare the crap out of as an "adult". I saw it in the theatre with a group of people, a couple of whom had to leave because of either motion sickness or being too scared. I bought into the whole hype, saw the sci-fi pequel, etc. Funny story: the kids that dissapeared were supposedly from "Wheaton" high school in MD. At least that's what I thought I recall. That's my school!!!

Sure, now that it's been done, and you've seen it and it's not nearly as scary the second time around, that movie was terrifying for me, but I allowed myself to be drawn into it. That's the whole point, right? Those that write it off immediatley are either too critical of a FICTION film, or too chicken to be part of the experience. IMHO (no offense intended)

I really couldn't sleep well for a couple of nights.

Edit: The nose/teeth package was disgusting. But that's what was so fantastic. Were there even nose/teeth in that package, or is that just what my mind interpretted?
Poltergeist got me as a kid!

But as far as scariest movie though definitely a not favorite...

Any adaptation of a Jane Austin novel... AAAHHHH!!!! :horror
two many to pick one.
first nigthmare on elmstreet,
the evild triogy,
any childsplay,
leparchaun series was also good,
friday the 13th series,
dusk till dawn ( frist one)

and after watching the series the original buffy movie scared the piss outa me:)

best horror tv , buffy, angel ,forever knight , monsters, Twightlight Zone ( orginal not remake), dark shadows, friday the 13th( not about the movies but still good). all i think of right now:)
It's funny... No one has mentioned "Psycho" the original. It freaked so many people out when it was released that a lot of people stopped taking showers and started to take baths instead!
best horror tv , buffy, angel ,forever knight , monsters, Twightlight Zone ( orginal not remake), dark shadows, friday the 13th( not about the movies but still good). all i think of right now:)

Oh why can't they bring out the Friday the 13th TV series to DVD! They manage to bring out every other lame show that no one has ever heard of. Yet they can't bring out a show that received quite good ratings.
You are all going to think this is weird but first movie I remember that scared the crap out of me

was........................................................wait for it.


Just imagine if you will, a young girl 12ish at a slumber party watching a late late movie... with ax murders. I will always remember how terrified I felt watching this black and white movie in a room with screaming girls. We were traumatized, to this day I cannot watch and Joan Crawford movie without screaming :rolleyes:.
It's funny... No one has mentioned "Psycho" the original. It freaked so many people out when it was released that a lot of people stopped taking showers and started to take baths instead!

Great, great movie. If I had to pick one right now, it'd be 28 Days Later. I love zombies and this was suck a fresh twist with the infected. The one thing that always bugged me with zombie flix was how slow they were. Not the case in this one.

And of course Halloween is my favorite classic horror movie
Technicley they ar't zombies... just infected and "Mad". Still Zombie esq.

Zombies are slow because of rigamortise! :D:monkey3
I love Horros films far too much to pick one!
But a freak you out film has to be Halloween. Most likely the camerawork in it I think.