What is your all time favorite Horror movie?

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I am surprised there are so many Blair Witch fans.

I thought the movie was awful....so boring and not a bit scary.
I am surprised there are so many Blair Witch fans.

I thought the movie was awful....so boring and not a bit scary.

Oh c'mon, you have to give the "Snot Cam" shot some credit, it was creative and also hard to watch! :cool:

The only issue I had with this film was the fact that it was a freakin hoaxe in the end, that really pissed me off! I admit I did find it creepy when I saw it in theatres (Even though I almost threw up from the fantastic camera work) but after finding out it was all B.S. I then hated the film very quickly!

I don't care if it DID at the time freak me out, it was all B.S. and they ran to the bank fooling everyone with it! The movie now IMHO sucks ass!
I don't care if it DID at the time freak me out, it was all B.S. and they ran to the bank fooling everyone with it! The movie now IMHO sucks ass!

Wait, when you were watching it, you thought it was a real documentary? And now you're mad at the filmmakers because it wasn't? :confused:
Oh c'mon, you have to give the "Snot Cam" shot some credit, it was creative and also hard to watch! :cool:

The only issue I had with this film was the fact that it was a freakin hoaxe in the end, that really pissed me off! I admit I did find it creepy when I saw it in theatres (Even though I almost threw up from the fantastic camera work) but after finding out it was all B.S. I then hated the film very quickly!

I don't care if it DID at the time freak me out, it was all B.S. and they ran to the bank fooling everyone with it! The movie now IMHO sucks ass!

I knew it was a bunch of B.S. and major hype when I went into the film so I just went along for the ride. The film has it's failings but (for me) it succeeded in scaring me (no other horror film, English, Asian, Italian, French and so on, has been able to accomplish that level of fear in me or any fear at all really).
Wait, when you were watching it, you thought it was a real documentary? And now you're mad at the filmmakers because it wasn't? :confused:

Unfortunetly yes. I had no idea this was a load of B.S. at the time and neither did anyone I knew. Mad at the film makers? Absolutely! Maybe some didn't care but I did and I believe i'm entitled to an opinion anyway.
Scariest? Night of the Living Dead, the original, scared the hell out of me when I first saw SOME of it. I was in second grade and stayed up till 1AM to watch it. I got as far as Barbara running towards the house, then had to shut it off.

Favorite horror movie baddie? Jason.

Favorite all-time horror movie? Halloween.

- Joe
Best Horror film of all time?? Easy for me...


Now, there are many that are close... The Friday series, Dawn of the Dead (original), The Exorcist, Poltergeist, A Nightmare on Elm Street.... and a few others... But Halloween will always remain king. That film scared me on so many levels and the structure of the film is damn near perfection. :rock
I think it's becoming clear to me that I have a very different definition of horror movies than many of the posters in this thread. Slasher and gore-for-its-own-sake movies have never scared me. Sure, there are usually some decent jump scenes, but aside from those, the only thing these movies make me want to do is hurl from some of the more graphic gore. And while my own puke might not be the most pleasant thing to think about, it doesn't really scare me. ;)

I agree with those who find the unseen to be much more sinister and frightening than gore splattered across the screen.

So, it shouldn't surprise anyone that my favorite horror film is one where the beasties are never seen, but they are still the stuff of nightmares...

The Haunting (the terrifying original, not the goofy remake) ranks as #1 for me, with The Legend of Hell House a close second.
My all-time favorite would be The Thing by John Carpenter. I love that movie man.

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Sacriest would definitely be The Exorcist for me.

Overall, I probably would say the original Texas Chainsaw or Halloween. The Shining and The Others were real great too.

As for the classics, I love The Creature and Bride of Frankenstein.

Phantom of the Opera is my favorite silent movie.

Sorry, I know you just asked for one, but I could not do it. :D
Scared the hell out of me as a kid, and still does today.


Holy crap! I thought I was the only one who was terrorized by that movie. Even now I still can't look at clowns without getting weirded out...

As for my FAVORITE Horror movie... Hmmm.... Uhhh... There are too many to choose from, but i'll narrow it down to Dead Alive, The Gate, Evil Dead Trilogy and the Elm Street franchise...
Best Horror Film (highest quality horror film)

Night of the Living Dead (1968)
Halloween (1978)
Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
The Exorcist
The Thing (1982)

Favorite Horror Film (most fun, best replay value)
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I'm a real werewolf nut. My favorite old school movie is The Wolf Man but my favorite Horror movie has to be An American Werewolf In London. For me this movie has it working on all cylinders. It's realistically funny without it being a comedy, except for the young cop and the bedpans in the doctor's office. It's superbly graphic and gory handled perfectly by Landis. It had great tension in the scenes in the moors and in the subway.


John Landis made a great movie and took alot of chances with this movie. The ballsiest move had to be the first David transformation scene. He went from a statue of Mickey Mouse to the greatest transformation in film history (in broad daylight). I love the way he shoved that scene down your throat, no shadows to cover anything. Rick Baker did a great job but it's a pitty his underling Rob Bottin, "cough" borrowed "cough" his ideas and secrets for The Howling. By The Howling coming out before American Werewolf, it kind of stole alittle of Landis/Baker's thunder.

Ironicly American Werewolf was dedicated to the wedding of Prince Charles to Lady Diana and it's sequel :monkey4 was dedicated to the memory of the late Diana.
