The ***k You Taco Bell Thread

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What a hyperbole. You make it sound as if everyone who doesn't go on an organic diet will find their way into an emergency room :slap :cuckoo:
Unprocessed foods are "unhealthy", too. The chemicals and hormones that animals are fed will make its way into a person's body, once they ingest the meat. Not to mention the pesticides that are used on fruits and vegetables.

That is true - which is why if you are able, it is better to eat organic grass fed/grass finished beef and chickens that are free range and eating a healthy diet. Many people could also save money by growing their own fruits and vegetables or participating in p-patches where communities will grow food together and share the harvest. It is expensive, I agree. I went from eating a really crappy diet to doing a complete 180. But even people on strict budgets can make some positive changes - get rid of the sodas, limit fast food to a couple times a month....find healthier snack options - instead of potato chips - eat an apple and some walnuts or almonds....
That is true - which is why if you are able, it is better to eat organic grass fed/grass finished beef and chickens that are free range and eating a healthy diet. Many people could also save money by growing their own fruits and vegetables or participating in p-patches where communities will grow food together and share the harvest. It is expensive, I agree. I went from eating a really crappy diet to doing a complete 180. But even people on strict budgets can make some positive changes - get rid of the sodas, limit fast food to a couple times a month....find healthier snack options - instead of potato chips - eat an apple and some walnuts or almonds....

Well, besides not eating organics, I already do most of those; juices instead of soft drinks, lots of fruits, etc. But, I do have to incorporate junk food into my diet several times a week, simply because of working late. The Burger King around my area also has a two-for $5 Whopper sale on Tuesdays. And Whoppers are simply divine :drool. Much better tasting than the nasty stuff from Taco Bell, that's fosho.
What a hyperbole. You make it sound as if everyone who doesn't go on an organic diet will find their way into an emergency room :slap :cuckoo:

I don't know how many threads he has derailed with his healthy eating ****. Remember people if you eat healthy you will be disease free! :hi5:
I was a Taco Time junkie....then I did an elimination diet for 6 weeks, ate completely healthy. After 3 months went to Taco Time for a treat.....damn food made me so sick. :lol I also stopped eating sugar (only sugar I get is from fruit - don't do juices - too much sugar in a small serving) and I went and had some frozen yogurt the other day. I was sooooo looking forward to it...and it did not taste anywhere near as good as I remembered...which was disappointing. It really is interesting how our taste buds can change once you start eating healthy. I can't afford to buy everything organic - but fruits and vegetables that are on the "dirty" list (being high in pesticides, etc..)I will buy organic. Many fruits and vegetables just need a good washing and are ok.

Look how boring that is! Dull...



That's a salad! :lol
I don't know how many threads he has derailed with his healthy eating ****. Remember people if you eat healthy you will be disease free! :hi5:

Well I think most people know that is not entirely true...but eating healthy definitely is better for you - I don't think anyone can argue that. If you do research, a lot of people's ailments are caused or worsened by inflammation - which can most times be taken care of by eliminating certain foods from your diet.
I don't know how many threads he has derailed with his healthy eating ****. Remember people if you eat healthy you will be disease free! :hi5:

I eat healthy and rarely get sick....I'd say its working ;)

Well I think most people know that is not entirely true...but eating healthy definitely is better for you - I don't think anyone can argue that. If you do research, a lot of people's ailments are caused or worsened by inflammation - which can most times be taken care of by eliminating certain foods from your diet.

Well I think most people know that is not entirely true...but eating healthy definitely is better for you - I don't think anyone can argue that. If you do research, a lot of people's ailments are caused or worsened by inflammation - which can most times be taken care of by eliminating certain foods from your diet.

No I totally completely agree with you, but he argued in another thread that a few certain disease that my gf has could have been prevented by eating healthier. Which is completely not the case.
No I totally completely agree with you, but he argued in another thread that a few certain disease that my gf has could have been prevented by eating healthier. Which is completely not the case.

I hate it when people feel the need to get preachy.
I had a gyro and some fried mozarella sticks for lunch. I hope I can throw it all up because my tummy feels yucky.
No I totally completely agree with you, but he argued in another thread that a few certain disease that my gf has could have been prevented by eating healthier. Which is completely not the case.

Genetics plays a big part in well as environmental pollutants and things like poor sleep and stress. Sadly, for many people, no matter how healthy you may try to be, it is not enough.
How do you eat your guacamole? I usually just have mine with tortilla chips :lol

Usually with veggies. Or I'll by some organic sprouted (non GMO) corn tortillas and fry them in some olive can bake them as well.
No I totally completely agree with you, but he argued in another thread that a few certain disease that my gf has could have been prevented by eating healthier. Which is completely not the case.

And in this thread he jumped in by saying 1 in 2 people die from cancer and it's due to unhealthy eating. He has a point about eating healthy, though it is common knowledge that healthy habits are good for your health. Unfortunately he is trying to make that point in the worst way possible with the misinformation and hyperbole.