The Book Of Boba Fett (December 2021)

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And why is that?

SW like other brands and franchises, will go on forever, rebooting itself, and evolving to appeal to the latest youngest demographic. The point is, at some point Vader will no longer sound like James Earl Jones, just like Bugs Bunny no longer sounds like Bugs. There's going to be lots of things that contradict or doesn't fit with the OT. So, to hold on to some kind of personal canon and to compile it is just a way to be easily disappointed with the latest films and shows. I think it's better to accept the new stuff as just that, nothing more.
Georgie made it clear with his tiers of canon. He broke his own canon with the SE then the PT.
Canon is pointless. The comic book companies know this, which is why they reboot things eventually. I wonder if the Matrix needing to reboot itself is a commentary on franchises and IPs evolving to connect with new generations.
to hold on to some kind of personal canon and to compile it is just a way to be easily disappointed with the latest films and shows.
Better that than having what I love ruined by retcons IMO. And the only reason I will be able to enjoy things like BOBF going forward is if I don't allow it into my personal canon. Because now I get to sit back and howl with laughter at the memes and comments here rather than being angered at the "one single canon" storyline being sullied. That would be true disappointment.

RO, the ST, and Mando Seasons 1 and 2 show that they are perfectly capable of bringing new "films and shows" that I can accept as canon so I'm not about to just give anyone a blanket pass for producing crap.

I'm going to make this a poster for my room.
Better that than having what I love ruined by retcons IMO. And the only reason I will be able to enjoy things like BOBF going forward is if I don't allow it into my personal canon. Because now I get to sit back and howl with laughter at the memes and comments here rather than being angered at the "one single canon" storyline being sullied. That would be true disappointment.

RO, the ST, and Mando Seasons 1 and 2 show that they are perfectly capable of bringing new "films and shows" that I can accept as canon so I'm not about to just give anyone a blanket pass for producing crap.

So, to you canon is not just continuity, but instead, some kind of personal standard for new things to live up to? Then perhaps, you shouldn't use the word canon. I just no longer care about continuity. It no longer matters. It never did. There is no spoon...I mean, canon. :)
I know, it's worse, because "official" canon is pointless. :confused:
No, "official" canon is a direct reference to what the current owner of an IP wants you to accept as the "real" story at any given time. That is until ownership changes hands or they directly contradict themselves or retcon something (all the more reason to keep your own head canon separate from what's official.) This isn't some weird out there concept. I guarantee you that George Lucas and James Cameron have very different perspectives about what's canon in the stories they created vs. what the studios that own them say is canon for instance.
Canon is pointless. The comic book companies know this, which is why they reboot things eventually. I wonder if the Matrix needing to reboot itself is a commentary on franchises and IPs evolving to connect with new generations.
Canon? No it all works! Multiverse ftw!

Matrix was a sequel not a reboot. An abortion of corporate pressure.
Yes it really is just stupid on *so* many levels, lol. So you only experience a new definition of pain and suffering if the Sarlacc keeps you alive over a thousand years...and you have a portable oxygen tank nearby? Nice little omission there 3PO. :lol

If I were to hand wave that moment away I'd say that the digestive fluids had already started to make him go insane to the point that he *thought* he needed more air when he really didn't.
If you look at the term 'digested' as imprecise phrasing or poorly understood Sarlacc physiology, it may be easier to envision (and more horrific) that the Sarlacc is assimilating and 'fusing' with living organisms on the level of a huge parasite or similar, slowly digesting parts it doesn't need while adding and adapting useful tissue to its own like a huge, horrible chimeric organism. An unfortunate aspect of this alien process would be the host or target organism being kept alive and of course, ennervated and conscious for an indefinite period of time while its nervous system was jury-rigged into the alien physiology. Fascinating but very unpleasant ... wouldn't you agree?

If your nervous system was co-opted and plugged into the physiology of one large super organism, there would be no particular timeline for brain death.

It's Lovecraftian level horror.
If you look at the term 'digested' as imprecise phrasing or poorly understood Sarlacc physiology, it may be easier to envision (and more horrific) that the Sarlacc is assimilating and 'fusing' with living organisms on the level of a huge parasite or similar, slowly digesting parts it doesn't need while adding and adapting useful tissue to its own like a huge, horrible chimeric organism. An unfortunate aspect of this alien process would be the host or target organism being kept alive and of course, ennervated and conscious for an indefinite period of time while its nervous system was jury-rigged into the alien physiology. Fascinating but very unpleasant ... wouldn't you agree?

If your nervous system was co-opted and plugged into the physiology of one large super organism, there would be no particular timeline for brain death.

It's Lovecraftian level horror.
Yep that's exactly the kind of horrifying fate that I imagined would be in store for anyone unfortunate enough to fall in!
Yep that's exactly the kind of horrifying fate that I imagined would be in store for anyone unfortunate enough to fall in!
In ROTJ the Great Pit of Carkoon sounded like a storied and horrible place, making the Sarlacc very rare if not unique. You figure any sentient beings with an inkling for what a Sarlacc is would have gone out of their way to extirpate them completely. Unless they were a giant sadistic space slug gangster or course.
No, "official" canon is a direct reference to what the current owner of an IP wants you to accept as the "real" story at any given time.
That is until ownership changes hands or they directly contradict themselves or retcon something
Agree, and they often do while producing a new product for the latest and youngest demographic, in order to continue the brand.

The OT is your childhood canon. Little Khev grew up watching OT and playing with OT toys. Then, the EU happened, in the 80's and 90's and that was the "canon" for those generation of kids.

Then the PT happened and Clone Wars, and the video games, and the ST...and so on and so forth. Everyone has "their own" meaningless personal canon depending on when and how they were introduced to the franchise. Basically, we all like what we like.
(all the more reason to keep your own head canon separate from what's official.)

That's where we disagree. I think it's all pointless. When Vader sounds like a white man doing a black man's voice, and he's flying around like Neo, fighting Obi Wan like he's agent Smith, you can either like or dislike it for what it is, or choose to hold on to your precious head canon and disregard it as nonsense. My point is, it's all nonsense anyways.

When Yoda did all those flips and was screaming like a crazy muppet, bouncing around like flubber, I thought it was ridiculous, and one of the worse things I'd ever seen. Now, in retrospect, I say **** it. There's a generation of kids that grew up with that version of Yoda from both the PT and the animated shows. That's their Yoda, and you know what, if I were a kid then, I probably would've liked it too. It's cool, stupid, but cool. Ghost Yoda shoots lightning now...**** it. If Yoda shows up in a Marvel film, **** it.

As for Boba Fett, **** it, he's retarded now. He won't be in Mando season 3. Or in a future animated show or movie.