The Amazing Spider Man 2 (2014)

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I've got a few of them. Best one was where Magneto and some of the last un-infected were taking shelter and trying to prevent the zombies from entering an alternate universe to feed via a device in the Baxter Building.

I can agree that Iron man 3 was weak.

not Origins Weak, and not X3 weak, but it's not that much better.

and why? Becuase the writer/director were given too much freedom ( they bragged about how much freedom they were getting, compared to the other writer/director teams for tthe rest of the Marvel movies, in several interviews before the film came out. You can bet disney/marvel won't do that again)

And what did they say about their movie? That they felt the story was "getting out of hand, and going TOO fantastic" was becoming " TOO unbelieveable" and "needed to take a step back in teh direction of being more grounded". "Alien invasions, and dimensional portals? No, that's tooo weird. The auidences will never buy it. Nevermind that avengers was one of the highest grossing films of the year.

Besides, There is NO WAY Robert Downy Jr is coming back for any more movies, and they needed to "round out his trilogy with a solid end"

Crappy director, and scriptwriter who dosn't understand the source material, and makes NO effort to TRY to understand it = bad films. This is what happened with Spiderman 3, Xmen 3, and Origins, as well as Iron Man 3 suffered this fate, though each to varying degrees.
The source material is just that. Source material. You look at it, see what works, and then you make the damn movie. I wish comic book fans could see these movies outside of themselves, and watch them as they should be watched.

I know you want your comics thrown up on the screen with attention to detail and all that...but that's boring. Regular people don't care. They never cared. I took my uncle to see Iron Man 3 today. He doesn't know **** about the comics, and loved the film because it was fun, and funny. Ben Kingsly was his favorite part. He had no idea who The Mandarin was.

And couldn't give less of a ****.

I don't get the mentality to be a slave to the source material. It doesn't create an interesting movie. You can read the comic if you want that ****.

Now, I think there should be a certain respect to the material, but only to a point. We're at movie 3 in the Iron Man series, and already it was getting stale. The Avengers changed everything, but the only way to move the series forward, was to take some risks. And that's a good thing. Just because they didn't adhere to your nerdy needs, doesn't make the film bad.

I'm going to bring this up again, you know why Origins sucked? The script, story, directing, acting, effects, everything. It had NOTHING to do with their retarded version of Deadpool. That sucked. But if the film was good. Who cares? But it wasn't, so that's just another sore on the pimply *** that is Origins.

Movies shouldn't listen to you guys any more. You're too picky and selfish.

Also, that goes with Spider-Man 3 too. That movie sucks because it fails on a basic filmmaking level. It was a bloated mess done in by the studios to add a character you all clamored for. And you got your wish. Thanks fans. We regular film goers appreciate it.

(AND!) while I do love Watchmen, 300, and Sin City....I feel like doing a film like that today would be pointless, and unnecessary. We're lacking originality here. Take a comic, or book...whatever, and just use it as a guide to do something interesting with. Had World War Z been an R Rated film, I wouldn't mind it's changes. It'll stand apart from the book, and maybe be a little original too. We don't know yet.
And what did they say about their movie? That they felt the story was "getting out of hand, and going TOO fantastic" was becoming " TOO unbelieveable" and "needed to take a step back in teh direction of being more grounded". "Alien invasions, and dimensional portals? No, that's tooo weird. The auidences will never buy it.

It's story was grounded but everything else was fantastical and unbelievable, much moreso than the other Iron Man ones. I don't think the studio tried to subdue it
Iron Man is in a connected universe. It's not a stand alone film series any more.

An Alien can pop up when ever it wanted too.
I can agree that Iron man 3 was weak.

not Origins Weak, and not X3 weak, but it's not that much better.

and why? Becuase the writer/director were given too much freedom ( they bragged about how much freedom they were getting, compared to the other writer/director teams for tthe rest of the Marvel movies, in several interviews before the film came out. You can bet disney/marvel won't do that again)

And what did they say about their movie? That they felt the story was "getting out of hand, and going TOO fantastic" was becoming " TOO unbelieveable" and "needed to take a step back in teh direction of being more grounded". "Alien invasions, and dimensional portals? No, that's tooo weird. The auidences will never buy it. Nevermind that avengers was one of the highest grossing films of the year.

Besides, There is NO WAY Robert Downy Jr is coming back for any more movies, and they needed to "round out his trilogy with a solid end"

Crappy director, and scriptwriter who dosn't understand the source material, and makes NO effort to TRY to understand it = bad films. This is what happened with Spiderman 3, Xmen 3, and Origins, as well as Iron Man 3 suffered this fate, though each to varying degrees.

Yeah, Disney is really worried with the direction taken after it made over a billion. :rotfl
That's the difference though from S3 to IM3.

IM3 didn't receive enough bad reviews for Marvel/Disney to say:

"Lets get rid of RDJ asap!" :lol

If anything, RDJ just got rehired. :lol
That's the difference though from S3 to IM3.

IM3 didn't receive enough bad reviews for Marvel/Disney to say:

"Lets get rid of RDJ asap!" :lol

If anything, RDJ just got rehired. :lol

For me, RDJ's performance was one of two things that SAVED Iron man 3.

The other was his time with the kid, and the MAcguyver sequence, which I view as one part.

Either/or, I am wondering where They will go from here.
The source material is just that. Source material. You look at it, see what works, and then you make the damn movie. I wish comic book fans could see these movies outside of themselves, and watch them as they should be watched.

I know you want your comics thrown up on the screen with attention to detail and all that...but that's boring. Regular people don't care. They never cared. I took my uncle to see Iron Man 3 today. He doesn't know **** about the comics, and loved the film because it was fun, and funny. Ben Kingsly was his favorite part. He had no idea who The Mandarin was.

And couldn't give less of a ****.

I don't get the mentality to be a slave to the source material. It doesn't create an interesting movie. You can read the comic if you want that ****.

Now, I think there should be a certain respect to the material, but only to a point. We're at movie 3 in the Iron Man series, and already it was getting stale. The Avengers changed everything, but the only way to move the series forward, was to take some risks. And that's a good thing. Just because they didn't adhere to your nerdy needs, doesn't make the film bad.

I'm going to bring this up again, you know why Origins sucked? The script, story, directing, acting, effects, everything. It had NOTHING to do with their retarded version of Deadpool. That sucked. But if the film was good. Who cares? But it wasn't, so that's just another sore on the pimply *** that is Origins.

Movies shouldn't listen to you guys any more. You're too picky and selfish.

Also, that goes with Spider-Man 3 too. That movie sucks because it fails on a basic filmmaking level. It was a bloated mess done in by the studios to add a character you all clamored for. And you got your wish. Thanks fans. We regular film goers appreciate it.

(AND!) while I do love Watchmen, 300, and Sin City....I feel like doing a film like that today would be pointless, and unnecessary. We're lacking originality here. Take a comic, or book...whatever, and just use it as a guide to do something interesting with. Had World War Z been an R Rated film, I wouldn't mind it's changes. It'll stand apart from the book, and maybe be a little original too. We don't know yet.

Not really. Not for me anyways. so long as

1) The ESSENCE of who and what the character is, and the world he is from is preserved.

2) The Story is good.

3) any changes that are made to the characters are handled well, done for story reasons, and don't dramaticly alter the character or his concept just for shock value, or just "Becuase".

Then I'm good.

A good example of this for me is, While i enjoy Nolan's batman, it's VERY clear to me that Nolan dosn't really "GET" batman.

It's appearently clear to Snyder that he dosn't get superman either, from what we've been told.

Perhaps he just dosn't get superhero comics in general.

Though, CLEARLY he gets Donald Duck comics, but I digress.

On the other hand, while Smallville is about as dramaticly different a take on the superman mythos as you can get, It's about my Favorite Non-comic version.

Let's talk about Trevor specificly, for example. On the Surface, I REALLLY liked that twist to be honest, once I saw it.
I just wish it hadn't been the Mandarin. They should have, IMO, invented a new villian for this. Becuase NOTHING about Trevor, Or Killian Was Mandarin. Granted, there were some cosmetic trappings, but Much like Danny Devito's "Super Pervert Man" Character from Batman Returns, anything it has in common with the essence of the character BARELY, if at all goes beyond superficial. Venom, from Spiderman 3 was the same way as well.

And To me, that's a shame.

Tackling Wolverine Origins as well, the way wolverine himself is handled, and Jackman's potrayal of him are the ONLY things in that film that work.
The REst of the film, from the continuity errors, To the Bad script, the Shoddy CGI, The mess that was Barakkapool, and just about everything else, was crap.

X3 was LITERALY just Fox giving Brian Singer, and James Marsden the finger for making Superman. If you went into it expecting anything more than a 1/2assed film made JUST to piss someone off, and meet the liscense requirement, you were probably dissapointed.
Singer had Originaly planned to make both films, but Fox didn't want him to do this, and bumped up production to make him choose. But you already knew that... his Original treatment.... well.. From the Wiki

Bryan Singer, the director of the first two X-Men films, left the project in July 2004 in favor of developing Superman Returns.[3] He was joined by X2 screenwriters Dan Harris and Michael Dougherty, as well as John Ottman, composer and editor of the film. Though Singer, Harris and Dougherty did not produce a completed script, Singer revealed that at the time of his departure they had partially written a story treatment focusing on Jean Grey's resurrection,[4] which would also introduce the villainness Emma Frost, a role intended for Ashley Hartman, Gambit, a role intended for Josh Holloway, and The Hellfire Club.[5] Frost was an empath manipulating Jean's emotions in the treatment, and like the finished film Magneto desires to control her. Overwhelmed by her powers, Jean kills herself, but Jean's spirit survives and becomes a god-like creature, which Dougherty compared to the star child in A Space Odyssey

So yeah, I'm cool with it not being "EXACTLY like the comic" so long as the essence of who the character is, is there.
Not really. Not for me anyways. so long as

1) The ESSENCE of who and what the character is, and the world he is from is preserved.

2) The Story is good.

3) any changes that are made to the characters are handled well, done for story reasons, and don't dramaticly alter the character or his concept just for shock value, or just "Becuase".

Then I'm good.

Same here :hi5:
Comedy that contrasted with the tone, lack of time in suit, weak armours, false advertising. PTSD was odd, i mean no one wants to see a hero who could get taken out by saying 'New York' same applied to Spider-Man actin a fool and dancing like a twat in SM3

Like all movies it has good and bad parts. Tony was good, as was Rhodey and Killain and the kid was probably the best kid partner of all the movies that have had that trope.
Comedy that contrasted with the tone, lack of time in suit, weak armours, false advertising. PTSD was odd, i mean no one wants to see a hero who could get taken out by saying 'New York' same applied to Spider-Man actin a fool and dancing like a twat in SM3

Like all movies it has good and bad parts. Tony was good, as was Rhodey and Killain and the kid was probably the best kid partner of all the movies that have had that trope.

I liked was so much better than the uninspired mess that was IM2

Now IM4? That will have to go into another direction, I hope a good one....get Shane Black back, maybe add another writer
I disagree with all of those. But alright....except one.

But I don't think the lack of suits is a real complaint. The suit isn't a character. It can't act, or emote. Hence why we have that face in the suit shot. But Tony having fight without his suit was the main focus of the film. The whole point was he finally decided the suit wasn't a part of him. But the suit was him. HE was Iron Man. Suit or no suit.

I just think people can't enjoy anything any more due to their own preconceived expectations. The only thing I knew about this movie, was the fact that it was probably going to be really, really funny. And have a lot of good one liners. That's it.

Man of Steel, I have no idea what that movie's going to be. It could funny, it could be serious, it could be exciting, it could also be pure crap. I have no idea. I try to go in to every film with a very basic level of expectations.
I liked was so much better than the uninspired mess that was IM2

Now IM4? That will have to go into another direction, I hope a good one....get Shane Black back, maybe add another writer

I'm hoping its a full blown new direction since it seemed they wanted to tidy up the theme that began in IM1. From what people have posted about extremis/bleeding edge IM it sounds like it will be a blast if thats what they go with.