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I just watched a couple of leaked scenes from the climax of the movie, and holy **** that was awful! The cringe factor is totally off the charts. And the resolution of the Palpatine conflict might be the single-stupidest and most nonsensical thing I've ever seen in a SW movie.

I've been accused of being a SW homer, but even I would challenge *anyone* to watch those scenes and tell me that they aren't embarrassingly bad. So many "WTF?" thoughts crossing my mind in the span of just a few minutes worth of footage. :slap

Since I enjoyed TLJ, I know that my opinion means nothing around here, but there are so many bad - and just plain nonsense - elements in what I've seen today that I can't help but wonder how anyone is going to be able justify any of it. Very little logic on its own, and absolutely zero logic relative to earlier SW context. Just wow!
I didn?t really have any interest in watching this but I wasn?t going to sit at home alone while my family goes to see it so I?m in for Saturday. From what little I?ve read, I now look forward to seeing how wacky this thing gets. It?s getting difficult to resist reading the spoilers.
Why in the world would Pal continue to use lighting if it always kills him.

So as opposed to leaving a fitting, dramatic death for him in RotJ, they decided to essentially go back to RotS and have Windu finish the job per se where Palps dies from his own lightning being deflected back him via a lightsaber, before Anakin intervened.
It's okay. The Sequel Trilogy was just a bad dream.

Wait for Disney to cast the current sequels into the 'Legends' category, and reboot them with the real sequel trilogy using CGI to recreate the original OT heroes facing off against the Remnant.
Palpatine: "I am all the Sith!"

Rey: "Ok Boomer."

[snip video]

That clip should really be in spoiler tags for those so inclined. I watched it and:

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So as opposed to leaving a fitting, dramatic death for him in RotJ, they decided to essentially go back to RotS and have Windu finish the job per se where Palps dies from his own lightning being deflected back him via a lightsaber, before Anakin intervened.

Keeping the lightning going with Mace in the ROTS scene at least has the plausible excuse of Palps knowing that Anakin would only intervene if that continued. Plus, he got right up and seemed to be relatively healthy. He was in control of what he could withstand; it was an opportunity cost. But in that clip above . . .

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I was personally never an advocate for them bringing back Palpatine in the first place. Right from the start, it was demonstrable to me it was because they had no clue in which to take the story in this trilogy. That leaked final scene just to me confirms it completely dilutes the story told in Episodes I-VI, and you may as well had him die in Episode III at Windu’s hand.

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Keeping the lightning going with Mace in the ROTS scene at least has the plausible excuse of Palps knowing that Anakin would only intervene if that continued. Plus, he got right up and seemed to be relatively healthy. He was in control of what he could withstand; it was an opportunity cost. But in that clip above . . .

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?Who is more foolish? The fool or the fan who follows him??

So many of us are still going to pay money to see this, even to hate-watch it.

I'm conflicted. I want to see the dazzling FX spectacle on the big screen, but don't want to support a product that insults my intelligence.
?Who is more foolish? The fool or the fan who follows him??

So many of us are still going to pay money to see this, even to hate-watch it.

I'm conflicted. I want to see the dazzling FX spectacle on the big screen, but don't want to support a product that insults my intelligence.

Oh, I'm definitely the bigger fool. JJ has cashed his check. KK the same. Disney will still make a billion dollars or more on this. But I'm the one willingly paying them to piss me off. I don't even have the excuse of having stayed spoiler free, so in a battle of who is most foolish, I'm wearing the duncecap crown. :(
Fans: It can?t possibly be worse than TLJ.

JJ: Hold my beer.

I think critics are only bashing the film because it undoes everything they loved (and fans hated) about TLJ.

Not saying TROS isn't clumsy (how can it not be?), but there's undoubtedly some spitefulness tinting "professional" reviews, making them read worse than the movie may deserve.

Still avoiding the new movie because no matter what it does or doesn't undo, the entire trajectory of the story has been FUBAR'd by TLJ. Nostalgia be damned, the majority of this franchise just sucks. I can't convince myself to watch, let alone like it out of some sense of duty to the property as a whole. It's a preposterous idea.
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