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It's just meaningless background noise, like an infomercial on the TV that you fell asleep in front of at 3AM.

These characters mean nothing to me. I don't care whether any of them live or die. The desperation on Disney's part couldn't be more obvious. Cramming as many references to Star Wars as possible in a 2 minute sci fi fantasy reel doesn't make it "Star Wars" if it's just a bunch of nobodies I don't care about. And I felt the same way about the beloved RO. I couldn't name any of those characters. I didn't like them. I didn't care about them.

Slowing the music way down at the end for the title reveal is the laziest way to manipulate emotions. It won't work on me but I'm sure the NPC Bugmen that will flock to this movie on opening night had rivers of snot running down their faces cause it "hit them in the feelz."

The only emotion I got from a Disney movie was white hot anger when I saw what they did to Luke in TLJ.

All I have now is apathy.

I understand that apparently there are people that ARE excited about this, but there's no way I can relate to them. Just like all those TV shows called the "The Real Housewives of Whatever City." I've never seen one and can't imagine actually sitting down and watching one, but I get that there are people that enjoy those shows. I just shake my head cause I can't imagine giving a **** about it. Same with this.
"Nobody knows me" - because you haven't had any character development.

Rey and Kylo having a lightsaber battle... why bother, she's whipped him ever time?

A whole bunch of vapid nothingness in that trailer.

Yeah Rey vs Kylo, 3PO about to "die", and a hug for Leia are all kinda weak. Rey always wins (and Kylo's sooo cute too,) 3PO will have a back-up drive, and we've already had all the CF send-offs we need.

While there's some nice visuals, the trailer feels like a reuse of the standard SW iconography (yes, beautifully/stylistically realized from an FX standpoint) but without anything truly dramatic or climactic or even unique to set it apart.

And yeah wow - that line "Nobody knows me" stuck out majorly to me too. Think about how much we knew Luke at the end of ESB vs Rey at the end of TLJ. If Rey was male there would be little to define him, simply a "new Luke".
But she's wearing an armband to cover the boo-boo she got in TLJ.....that's so deep man. That's character development.
It just hit me that the whole ST feels like the most expensive fan-films ever made.

"Good job guys, but it ain't Star Wars."

(and BTW, how over-the-top-obvious is all the CG - looks really bad)
A SW trailer tradition for me that started in 1997 with the SW SE came to an end with this final trailer for TROS.

This is the first trailer since the first SE trailer that did not stir my emotions.

All SE trailers were amazing.

All PT trailers were amazing.

All RO trailers were amazing.

All TFA trailers were amazing.

All TLJ trailers were amazing.

Trailer 1 and 2 for TROS were amazing.

This was not.


Or is it.

SE trailers were amazing but look at those horrible changes.

PT trailers were amazing but the actual movies were sense abortions.

TFA turned out bland.

TLJ turned out silly.

So no it?s not sad because the lesson here is that trailers mean jack **** lol

SW and ESB original trailers were meh see the irony.

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Nah the trailer for ROTS was amazing and the movie was to. Lmao. Yea I suck as a star wars fan
That still doesn't fix the PT.

It doesn't?

Luke dreamed Old Ben and his father were Jedi.

Yep, I was implying that he dreamed up Obi-Wan, Darth, Leia, Han, the works. The PT was all in his head too, because those are backstories of characters that only exist in his dream. Of course given the length of the OT, PT and ST, maybe I should amend my original post to state Luke awakes from his coma on Tattoine... :lol
Would be awesome for the C-3PO death scene for him to speak with R2 last saying that while he might be the one that is fluent in so many languages it will be R2 who will carry their story forward.

Cut to Khev and jye crying in the theater.

Cut to Clown and ironwez giggling texting Joker memes to each other in the theater lol

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Is that Luke?s X-Wing lol


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Watched it a few more times. For me it's a sum-less-than-parts trailer.

Surprised they went with the 3PO "friends" moment mid-trailer - it just has so little emotional pull, despite the feel-y dialog, and then cutting to that expressionless ST Chewy mask (always amazing how much expression/emotion they got from Chewy, Yoda, Jabba etc in the OT era vs their much later incarnations.)

And yet another deep Leia hug - we've seen the same shot several times now (she is the ST's go-to hugger) diminishing its impact too.

The Luke voiceover, saying the same thing Luke always says - generalized force homilies, always with over-gravitas to his voice.

And the visuals - massive wreckage from the OT era as a constant backdrop (just not fresh anymore), or out-of-context spacecraft maneuvres (various OT space ships battling over desert, battling over or in water,), the yet-again imagery of Kylo and Rey facing off with sabers, a clash that's SO low wattage (compare it to the spine-tingling times Luke and Vader faced off.)

And Palps - like they killed Han and Luke and CF was dead, so they went to the only other significant character left Even though it makes so little sense (and the reveal, if true, is almost LOL absurd.) The unbroken glass in his window and intact chair - after an explosion the size of a planet - just says it all.

And horses galloping along a star destroyer hull carrying Pat Benatar's backup dancers - dunno on that one. I guess they aren't in space. It's both a cool and very strange visual idea at the same time - like from a dream.

The sum just feels so random - Rey's journey was to battle this guy she's sort of attracted to, sort of evil but sort of emo, then face off with... the Emperor? After the same face-off with the guy Snoke we thought was the "replacement Emperor"? And presumably have a redo of the Luke/Vader vs Palps thing? Like with Snoke in TLJ? A mega random ending to a journey that to me's been so unclear from the start. "People keep telling me that they know me - No one does" perfectly encapsulates it.

Two lightweights with no story of their own, a Luke mega-fan and a Vader mega-fan, dueling in front of the greatest icon of the Star Wars universe. maybe that's how the saga had to end.
I mean I guess it's ok. It felt kind of forced and over the top. It really feels like JJ is going to go out of his to make sure every fan question is answered in this movie, which in turn makes the movie feel rushed and kind of blah. I have a feeling this movie is going to be nothing but fan service and have the most remote cameos, if that ridiculous space battle is any indication.
I hope so! :lol

And was that really a giant Vader or are Rey and Kylo actually visiting George's microbiotic world, lol.

It reminded me of the Bespin hallways.

The trailer is growing on me still not as epic as I was hoping for and I think the lack of a great shot showing off the supposedly space battle to end all space battle is the culprit.

What was there was just not enough for me.

Well that and also no shot of Rey in wet underwear walking like Jessica Biel out of the pool lol

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