Star Wars: Andor (September 21st, 2022)

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This is a dumb complaint, but they really need to stop it with the British hires and their accent. Even the freaking Asian baddies have British accents. Its fine if a couple here and there but this is an American property and needs more American actors and accent.
The OT had a lot of British accents too.
That episode was pure perfection. Not just tense, but gripping. Not just entertaining, but captivating. Kept building characterization equally as well as the first five episodes did but managed to do it while also sustaining high tempo throughout. There's not a single damn thing about this one that I'd change.

Five episodes of buildup with a payoff like this is something I'll be plenty good with if that's how it plays out. Now that the entertainment value has caught up with what was already great technical craft, I don't think I'll ever revisit any of the other D+ shows. It's gonna be so hard to ever take any of that episodic SW content seriously after watching this and what they're capable of with this property.

Can't wait for the rest of the episodes now. Hype train is going full steam.
Even before this episode, the show as a whole had quickly become some of my favorite Star Wars content. Then episode 6 comes along and just... wow.

My wife and I had some high expectations but the the episode exceeded every one of them. So many layers to read and analyze; so much said in a relatively short amount of time. Truly beautiful, both on narrative and visual levels.

Had to re-watch some of the episode immediately after and pause at certain scenes just to take it all in.
Remember Mandalorian S2 when Boba Fett showed up to fight the stormtroopers on the hill. That was quality SW. Or when Luke showed up and said "I'm Luke" everyone lost their heads of the quality of SW we were seeing. And then Asoka showed up and said "I'm Asoka" OMG I couldn't believe the quality of writing I was watching.
Sorry but your Mando post looks odd dropped in here. We're all talking about the new episode of Andor and you throw it back 3 years 🤣🤣🤣
Peak Star Wars IMO. Just craziness. I can't believe what they were able to do with this past episode. It made me feel like a kid watching RotS for the first time (I remember covering my eyes in the cinema while watching the final Anakin scene 🙈)
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Also.. Hot Toys Quadpaw when? :naughty
Further proof of the just outstanding writing on this show. This show will get no awards not because it doesn’t deserve them but because it’s not showy enough. That’s why Better Call Saul got nothing. They are better than awards winners. That Easter egg is just such simple writing but so elegant, works on many levels.
“Directors work in blocks of three episodes, so we did four blocks [in Season 1] of three episodes each,” Gilroy told Empire, while elaborating on the structure in an interview with Mashable, saying, “We essentially made four new Star Wars films. And we’re gonna make four more.”

He’s also said the slower-paced series is meant to feel a bit like a novel. He told Mashable that the show “endeavors to be a 1,500-page novel by the time it’s done…It really is Dickensian. Multiple characters, multiple plots, multiple intrigues; everybody’s adventure stories colliding with one another. The idea is to start extremely small, and we are going to get huge.” And to Total Film, he described the upcoming Andor season 2 as “the second half of the novel.”

I need to watch the episode again, but plenty of Holy %$# moments. This show doesn't mess about.
Well all that episode has done has made it even more excruciating to watch the Han/Greedo scene.

For ****'s sake - put it back to it's original state!!!! MaClunky!!!!!!!! WTF?????

Cassian mows down anyone that even looks at him the wrong way! :LOL:
While my kids are loving it (surprisingly so), I’m going to rewatch it all when it’s done by myself, they like to talk, hum, fidget, pause it lol and I am missing a lot of the nuanced detail (can’t believe I’m saying that about SW). I reckon some people would find that unacceptable, before kids I would have, but I’m used to it now.

Btw I love that they had speeder bikes in there and they did nothing and no attention was paid to them. That’s how you do it. I wonder what ott fan boys Favreau and Filoni are thinking of this show lol??

I don’t even know where to start lol

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I don’t even know where to start lol

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"Go watch AOTC now lol"

Settle down there, jye - can't criticize anything with a SW logo on it. ;)

I love how on the press junket for OBK they kept wanking on about how much everyone now loves the prequels 20 years later :ROFLMAO:

No, Ewan, they don't... only the franchise addicts do. The bubble of blind follows that fill those conventions, and squeal at any and all announcements. You (Ewan) disliked them yourself until dollars convinced you to say otherwise.

Andor is a real kick to the teeth of the entire brand, on many, many, levels.
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I don’t even know where to start lol

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Hell yeah! :yess:

It took 40 years, jye, but this episode actually felt to me like the return of flawless Star Wars. I'm feeling proud of being a fan again. Nothing wasted, nothing goofy, nothing boring... just strap in and go for a ride where you care about everything that happens to everyone on screen because all of it was constructed with competence and masterful skill. Consequences, stakes, and no cheap or lazy writing tactics to piggyback off of previous connections in order to get us to care. Everything felt earned and self-contained. No gimmicks necessary. No cartoonish nonsense.

Cassian is now a legit legacy character as far as I'm concerned (bring on the HT figure!). That last sequence with him and Skeen had my eyes popping out of my head; didn't see it coming but damn did I love it!

The world of SW has never felt more real to me, and the layers of nuance, and just the richness of textures added within the world building, were so perfect. Imperial troops not just wandering around aimlessly and being idiots who can't put two and two together. Rebels not just waltzing into situations and stumbling into success. Seems so easy to do, but it's been depressingly absent so often.

The tension just kept ramping up. And those last few quick-cut scenes to Mothma, Luthen, and the ISB made the whole event feel nothing short of epic.

THIS is how it's done! Gimme more! :lol