Spider-Man 4-5 Movie news

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If Elisha can't be cast as MJ, she can be Emma Frost instead! :)

stick with tobey.
i don't want to see minka kelly as mary jane. because then we will have to hear that derek overrated jeter needs to be apart of the film since he is getting married to her.
I like Black Cat a lot, but I don't think I want her in the movie. I don't think they can get her character right - especially if she's going to be interacting with Tobey Maguire..
Tobey Maguire Hopes to Evolve Peter Parker
Source:Boston Globe
November 29, 2009

Speaking to The Boston Globe, Spider-Man 4 star Tobey <nobr style="font-weight: normal; font-size: 100%; color: darkgreen;" id="itxt_nobr_2_0">Maguire </nobr> addressed the rumors he was reluctant to return to the role.

"It's not that I was reluctant," he said. "For me, it's a big process to decide whether or not to do a role.... I have to want to wake up in the morning and feel like I can't wait to get to work. I've got to feel OK about leaving my kids for 12 or 13 hours a day for five months. It's a big commitment."

Maguire added that he needed to feel there was a fresh story about <nobr style="font-weight: normal; font-size: 100%; color: darkgreen;" id="itxt_nobr_4_0">Spider-Man </nobr> worth telling.

"Hopefully I'll be able to evolve the character in a new direction. He'll still be Peter Parker, but I hope I can move him forward a bit and take him to a place where there will be new challenges for me as an actor."

Spider-Man 4 is scheduled for a May 5, 2011 release in conventional and <nobr style="font-weight: normal; font-size: 100%; color: darkgreen;" id="itxt_nobr_6_0">IMAX </nobr> theaters.

Sounds kinda what i want myself as well. (A MORE EVOLVED PP)

1. No more saving MJ (beating a dead horse?)
2. Love triangle? NAAAA!
3. a more smartass spiderman in costume
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However, unlike in the comic books, this Felicia Hardy doesn’t transform into the Black Cat. Instead, Raimi’s Felicia will become a brand-new superpowered figure called the Vulturess.

Ugh. Why bother calling her Felicia Hardy then. If this comes to pass I will lose all faith in Raimi. I thought the point of him taking on Spider-Man 4 was to wipe out the memory of the polished turd that was Spider-Man 3 not enhance it.
Malkovich would be a fine Vulture no one is contesting there, although I would have gone Ben Kingsley, what is troubling is that Raimi wants to mind???? the franchise by introducing one of his own new characters into the mythos instead of just sticking to what is established. Feels very Schumacher, what's next Spider-Nipples?
Ugh. Why bother calling her Felicia Hardy then. If this comes to pass I will lose all faith in Raimi. I thought the point of him taking on Spider-Man 4 was to wipe out the memory of the polished turd that was Spider-Man 3 not enhance it.

Ahmen to that.

Felicia Hardy as the Black ..............Vultress :confused:
The Vulturess?? Felicia Hardy?!?! Who's cockamamie idea is that?! If this really is Raimi's idea of blockbuster of epic proportion someone needs to kick him in the butt and send him packing. The last one (which Raimi both wrote and directed) was a slap in the face to all Spiderman fans in my opinion. In fact I wasn't a big fan of the second one either but that one at least was decent (except for the passing of Spiderman like he was Jesus). I hated how he reinvented the new Green Goblin into this surfing bad ass. Oh and the whole Saturday Night Fever Peter Parker was just a big joke. I dunno. In my opinion someone else needs to take over the Spiderman films cause it's obviously not doing well in Raimi's hands.

Just my 2 cents...
The Vulturess? Lame!
There's more characters that could be done before they start making up their own.
In other news the main villain in Nolan's third Batman film will be the Jokeress played by Alessandra Ambrosio.


:lol that's actually pretty awesome looking (photoshop wise) did you make that, or did you find it? if you made it, then great job!

as for malkovich as vulture = WIN........i agree that ben kingsly could be better, but malkovich works just fine

as for that other shmuck...
anne hathaway as black cat = FAIL
anne hathaway as vultress = SUPER EPIC MOTHER F'ING FAILURE!!!:banghead:banghead:banghead