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This was so bad I'll have nightmares about spending money to see it. Absolutely to what the YouTube guy said.
This movie looked bad from the trailer's. I wouldnt see it but thats just me.
Ain't it Cool News says it's not even worth a $1 Redbox rental.
I just started reading through Massawyrm's review.

Massawyrm Skyline review said:
You ever have one of those nights where two of your buddies show up at your house at 11:30, high as the day is long and insisting that they have to tell you something AWESOME? I don’t mean they’re giggling a lot; I mean they’ve smoked themselves retarded. And as they sit there on your couch, clearly off in a world much better than the one you’re still sober in, they begin talking about “the best movie ever made”, which happens to be locked right there in their heads. You know the one I’m talking about: the one with hot chicks, sports cars and brain eating alien invaders with giant toothy space ______s for mouths. Yeah. And those two _______s riff on your couch for an hour and a half about how awesome their movie would be…if only someone would be smart enough to give them $10 Million to make it.

SKYLINE is what happens when someone shows up with a $10 million check and never lets these two geniuses sober up enough to realize just how ____ing asinine their idea really is.

The Brothers Strauss are perhaps the single most inept filmmaking duo working in the studio system today. There isn’t a moment here they get right, not a single decision they make that doesn’t end ridiculously. In fact, there are three chief moments in the film where they seem to be making bold, inspired choices, only to completely ____ it up each time.
Sounds promising!
Just got forced into seeing this.
WOW. What was that ?.
Terrible film , was that the most pointless ending ever ?.

Sports cars , rap music , jets , cool looking things blowing up , that's all this movie consisted of and even those parts were done in such a horrible way that none of it was enjoyable.

Just got forced into seeing this.
WOW. What was that ?.
Terrible film , was that the most pointless ending ever ?.

Sports cars , rap music , jets , cool looking things blowing up , that's all this movie consisted of and even those parts were done in such a horrible way that none of it was enjoyable.


they should have added some boobs, that usually helps :dunno
I saw a preview for this months ago, rolled my eyes and then just found this thread. I didn't think Hollywood would continue making gay movies like this.
Hollywood didnt. The Strause Brothers did. The financed and pretty much did this whole movie without Hollywood. Universal only distributed it.
I haven't seen the movie yet, but I found a draft of the screenplay online. If that's actually the ending they filmed -- DEAR LORD, that's just _____ING GOOFY!!!

The script also ends with a "To Be Continued..." Please tell me the movie doesn't...
It ends with Jerrod taking over the Alien thingy, and rushing to protect his pregnate wife. And he drapes his nasty alien hand over her head, and she replies..."JERROD???" :lol
Ah, yeah, basically the way the screenplay ends; I'm just glad they didn't go with the "To Be Continued..." From what I've heard so far, that might have been pushing it.