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Hopefully predators wont be avp-r all over again. How the hell did they manage to make the trailers and short clips to that movie so fantastic. I remember sitting in the cinema for about half an hour after it had finished amazed at how bad the whole thing was. :lol
Predators had better be better than that... it wont have to try very hard. :rotfl

Well I take a lot of comfort in the fact that Rodriguez is producing the movie. I think he may have helped write it too... yeah he did just checked. Plus, there are some pretty strong actors in there.
I mean, Adrian Brody - in a Predator movie? That should be interesting. Plus Topher Grace, Laurence Fishburne. Not to mention Danny Trejo, who I think should play Machete in this. Machete fighting Predators. How sweet would that be?
Well I take a lot of comfort in the fact that Rodriguez is producing the movie. I think he may have helped write it too... yeah he did just checked. Plus, there are some pretty strong actors in there.
I mean, Adrian Brody - in a Predator movie? That should be interesting. Plus Topher Grace, Laurence Fishburne. Not to mention Danny Trejo, who I think should play Machete in this. Machete fighting Predators. How sweet would that be?

Yeah the whole movie seems to be being held up by the right people. It's just very hard to think a predator sequel in this day and age isn't going to be terrible. Fingers crossed though. :D
I loved this movie, a nice companion piece to Cape Fear. And yeah as a parent there were some pretty hardcore moments in the film. Gut wrenching in fact. But still I gotta give it up to Scorsese, it takes balls to do what he did. Something I don't think his peers can do anymore, create anything interesting. I loved how there was just plain old tension built up within the movie itself: score, imagery, acting, slight gore, etc.

It was just nice to see a movie that didn't rely on cheap tricks, crappy effects, shakey cam, no fast moving monsters...cliche' movie parlor tricks that are a dime a dozen in most films. What you see is what you get...quality film making. I don't want to give anything away so if you like the combo of Scorsese/DiCaprio then go check it out. Man that ending, whew...I am not afraid to was powerful.
Yep! I agree. I loved, LOVED the way it was shot. Very haunting. Very good stuff.

And yeah, that ending is a kick to the balls.
The score is awesome. And I would agree the movie is somewhat on the same ground as The Shining. As I said the other thread, I don't think the ending is as cut and dry as the movie plays out. He might be Andrew, he might be Teddy. The chick in the cave is still what drives me to think that he is Teddy.
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I think it could be argued either way. Remember he did start smoking his partners cigarettes at the very beginning of the film on the boat. I lean towards Andrew, but the ambiguity is what makes it so enjoyable.
Indeed. The tools at the end was my clue he was sane....but theres a ton of other stuff that led me to believe he was not.
IMO people are wanting this to be a better movie then it is by thinking the ending isn't quite what it seems.

I was disapointed.
I think it could be argued either way. Remember he did start smoking his partners cigarettes at the very beginning of the film on the boat. I lean towards Andrew, but the ambiguity is what makes it so enjoyable.

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Doc you are right on the effing money! FINALLY!!! :chew
Yeah that line was my favorite from the film. It showed a man taking responsibility for his past and his actions, accepting the truth of who he was, and deciding that it's better to be truthful with himself than to live a lie. Very, very good ending.
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I guess one would have to believe that it would be outside the realm of possibility. It's all part of the mind trip, and remember they were allowed cigarettes because the guards would hand them out. I personally don't think there is anything that can't be argued the other way. The flashbacks at the end would make sense because he was being told what happened, and if the info is being planted and the drugs are working, well it would become his reality and they were successful. Like I said my interpretation is the same as yours. I just think it's ambigous enough to make a case the other way as well.
I guess one would have to believe that it would be outside the realm of possibility. It's all part of the mind trip, and remember they were allowed cigarettes because the guards would hand them out. I personally don't think there is anything that can't be argued the other way. The flashbacks at the end would make sense because he was being told what happened, and if the info is being planted and the drugs are working, well it would become his reality and they were successful. Like I said my interpretation is the same as yours. I just think it's ambigous enough to make a case the other way as well.

This alone created the "Shining" feel for me. An ending that left more than one possibility. You left thinking "Ok I get it" ............ or did you?

It was nice to see Thelma Schoonmaker working with Martin, yet again. Cinema at its best .................. it was damn nice to sit back and watch something that felt assembled many many years ago.

Todays film is lost.
I'm glad it's making decent money. And I, too, love the ambiguity. It really could be either way. There's no one moment where you see it one way clearly.
This alone created the "Shining" feel for me. An ending that left more than one possibility. You left thinking "Ok I get it" ............ or did you?

It was nice to see Thelma Schoonmaker working with Martin, yet again. Cinema at its best .................. it was damn nice to sit back and watch something that felt assembled many many years ago.

Todays film is lost.

Indeed. I love movies that make a good discussion. Scorsese is one of the best. :cool:
Saw it today. Loved it. Was everything I was wanting it to be and more.

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Either way, I loved the ambiguity and can't wait to see it again.