Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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God I hope my husband fixes internet access. If he can, then I will post pics of the posters. And I want to post pics of General Ursus--I also have to finish reading up what I missed out on in Central City while I was gone.

I'm going to die if I won't be able to get onto the internet tonight.
I know that there are a few apes on Les' plate. Hopefully they will be done soon.

I didn't know that Les was retiring when he's done with commissions. I think I read that from one of your later posts. That will suck. He's such a great painter. I look forward to when he makes the time for the apes. I would love to see what he does.

Here's Jessica's version of Milo. I bought this one from her. I'm using her version of Milo as Dr. Galen for right now. Sorry about the bad pictures. I didn't realize (until now) that his nose was chipped. :(

Angel your Dr. Milo as Dr. Galen looks fabulous!! Mine sits on my windowsill unpainted...


14,000 + posts!

Sweet fancy Moses, you Apes know how to keep a thread alive :rock
Back to the slavemines. I'm on page 352 of the backlogs on this megathread. God I love it so. I will treat myself to more pages after I do some real work.
Save the Planet of the Apes!!! Keeping a thread and a dream alive for over four years!!!

And llok, the Apes that we got are better than the Sideshow versions! Well, IMO that is.

Did you ever email him and ask him when he is going to send them out? He told me the Soldier and Captain should mail out this week but we will see!!!
He told me last Monday that he had Ursus and teh soldier was due in that week. He siad they'd ship out ASP after the gorilla arrived. That should mean that they shipped or are shipping shortly. I'll give it a few days then ask agian.
OMG Jessica! You got the the ALPHA and the OMEGA prints! You lucky duck! Those things are golden! I've been writing to BLAM hoping to buy them, but they haven't responded to any of my e-mails. :(

I've been checking eBay... I wonder if anyone will ever sell them? There were so few made. Hang onto those. :angelsmil

I was lucky enough to stumble across Blam's table at Comicon. I got the prints as well. They are framed and hanging in my office. They really are amazing.

I spoke with the gents at the table and the book sounds exciting. Should be a lot of fun.

Now if only Sideshow would send out my HT Apes.
I am so regretting not having had the money to pick up the BLAM package. :banghead

Morgan, any chance you could get a scan of that Omega print?
I was lucky enough to stumble across Blam's table at Comicon. I got the prints as well. They are framed and hanging in my office. They really are amazing.

I spoke with the gents at the table and the book sounds exciting. Should be a lot of fun.

Now if only Sideshow would send out my HT Apes.

Whoa Morgan! It's really good to hear from you again. It's been such a long time since we last heard from you. Welcome back buddy. Congrats on being able to land those two really cool prints! I'll bet they look GREAT all framed up! :peace
How come no one else has displayed their Armondo here? The head size is perfect and the likeness is great! Very well done Angel!:angelsmil
Armando looks fabuloso! Angel that's great if you did the painting on him. My Armando sits unfinished with the rest of the ape projects. I'm not putting so much emphasis on him because apes come first...and I need to fill up a stadium. I want to have as many apes that Sticks had in his stadium.

So I unboxed General Ursus. He's such a cutie. I love him to death. The only thing that bugs me is that his hair peeks out of his it's a struggle. Also, his hair is shorter than the Captain especially in the back. I think it looks more appropriate.

Dylan said he prefers the apes to have plastic hair. I told him good boy. You can tell what is good and what is bad.

Having real hair on the apes is still cool in my opinion. They feel better when you kiss them. Honest!!
What?! Only four times! :horror I've seen the new CONQUEST at least a dozen times by now. It really rocks! :rock

I have seen it only once. I have no time.

Old Fashioned Apes Camera

As far as I know, there's only one other camera like this in the whole world!

LOVELY. Just lovely!!

Sideshow would have rocked had they made the main mutants instead of 9 Taylors. :monkey3


My new Motto! "Ape shall never bid against Ape"! How is that one?

I love this motto!!

Thanks again Dr. Z, that Dodge head is actually a custom head. As you may recall, I started with the Sgt Barney head (also known as: my version of "Landon"). I shaved him and then rebuilt him back up with some of Dodges features. (I even shaved his nose down and gave him bigger nostrils.) I added the orange apoxie today and it's drying right now. I gave Dodges hair some texture today. (See it?) It was smooth as a baby’s bottom prior to today.

Angel I am loving being to look at your work in progress. I learn a lot this way, you know. I am thinking about your Dodge. I think if you just re-shaped his forehead line--shave/cut it off and start over with just the top part where it meets his hair and re-do that portion of the hair you should be able to capture him. Right now his forehead looks too angular.

All this pic needs is Zaius, Brent with a rifle shooting Ursus, and Angles Doomsday Bomb!

OMG! I so love this pose, Dr. Zaius!! It gives me chills.

I really wanted to photograph General Ursus talking to my Zira, but my stuff is a mess and I can't remember where I put Zira's body. Hmm...I'll try to put something fun together for this weekend. I also noticed that with the changing of the seasons we are getting less daylight. That sucks IMO because I like to photograph in natural light.

(Here's a picture of those things and our new kitten we named Milo.) :angelsmil

Milo is so cute, Angel.

Well here are the gorilla heads with more hair added. Can you even tell? While working on the final gorilla head, I bumbled upon a really neat sculpting technique for the hair. Look at 2nd head from the left. His hair seems messier than the others. That's something new I just learned how to do. I’ll be using that method more often on future sculpts.

I love that new method of sculpting! The outcome is so much more dramatic!!
From what I saw at SDCC first hand, I KNOW that I will be one of those satisfied customers.

Personally, I think its exciting that any company is making new stuff for us Ape fans to buy... albeit expensive. And for that company to be Hot Toys, well... we Ape fans should be counting our lucky bananas.

I am in complete agreement with you, PZ.

I would say that HT is a smaller PF version that you can actually play with:monkey1

This is by far the Planet of the Apes figures you have only wished for so far!!

I totally agree...I was so not happy with the SS Ursus that this Hot Toys Ursus really is so fantastic. I don't care how much I would have paid to have him...he is really freaking gorgeous. I don't know how you boys play with your toys, but I have already hugged my General Ursus more times than I care to admit. :rolleyes:

I wonder how Angel's helmet will fit on him. I will have to try that and see. I hope I find Angel's helmet. I love how it feels in the fist of my hand. I have not held it in such a long time.
I hope you guys were not offended that I took apart my Hot Toys Captain. I really wanted to see how he was put together. I did not destroy him in the process. He's as good as gold once I glue his face back on. I just love to see how things are put together so I can improve on my own customs, that's all.

Gee, I still have so much reading to catch up on. You know I can't miss out on a single post. I'm calling it a night. My eyes feel fried and I still have jetlag.
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I will try to scan and post the BLAM stuff if I can remember--or take closeup shots with my camera. Tomorrow is the first day of school (Ashton's first day in kindergarten! I hope I don't shed tears).

It's going to be crazy.
Oy fudge!!! I just realized there are now only 8 weekends until Halloween. I promised my two gorillas their costumes by then. I wonder if Ethan has decided what he will be? I hope nothing fancy and something I can kitbash.

Forget upgrading my fleather to leather then on my Zira outfit. No time for that. That will have to wait for Wondercon. Here is my crazy idea, guys. For Halloween I'm going to take the day off and be in full ape regalia. I'm going to head over to my boy's elementary school and videotape the children and their reaction to my costume. After all, my two gorillas will also be in ape regalia. Crazy? Yeah. I thought so. I'm also curious to see what would happen. Wouldn't you think it fun to see Zira shooting (or trying) some hoops? FUN FUN FUN. I want to do something cool and fun. Thinking about putting my ape on is getting me so excited!!

So much to do, so little time! UGH!!!

I still have four or five heads waiting to be painted. (Mego scale). sigh. I need to get those off my plate and finished so I can concentrate on costumes, my other passion.
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I was also thinking about Chewbacca. I guess because he's furry. Anyway, I think he can be done with the same type of hair that Hot Toys used for their apes. For his face, I would have to send it to someone to fuzz up. Some guy in England can fuzz hair on GI Joe...and I have seen him create a nap on it. If someone were really seriously considering Chewbacca, this would be the way to go. I saw that in another thread, but goodness knows where that thread be. I was just thinking about it and the idea flashed in my head and wanted to post it out there in case anyone wants to run with it. Seriously, Chewbacca's face wouldn't be that hard to sculpt. I can dig some more for the UK contact if anybody wants me to, to see if it was possible. I don't know if the machine that he uses for hairing up requires the article to be haired up to be made of plastic.
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How come no one else has displayed their Armondo here? The head size is perfect and the likeness is great! Very well done Angel!:angelsmil
I have mine half painted on my desk. I am struggling with fleshtones and can't get them where I want them. I also have to find the proper figure for him. while the head size seems in scale with the other 1:6 sculpts, his neck is shorter, at least on mine. I don't want him looking like he has no neck once suited up.
I hope you guys were not offended that I took apart my Hot Toys Captain. I really wanted to see how he was put together. I did not destroy him in the process. He's as good as gold once I glue his face back on. I just love to see how things are put together so I can improve on my own customs, that's all.

Gee, I still have so much reading to catch up on. You know I can't miss out on a single post. I'm calling it a night. My eyes feel fried and I still have jetlag.

Offended? Hell, no! That was the only time I was glad someone else got their's first. Now I know a few ideas I'm considering just might work. And i didn't have to take a HT apart to decide. :lol

I am so envious of you guys who got to go to SDCC. I've been to the New York Toy Fair once and the NYCC a few times, but as good as that was everyone says SDCC is THE one to attend. And this year seems to emphasize that with all the POTA stuff I missed out on. :banghead