Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *SPOILERS*

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Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16)

This film looks like it's gonna be great. I just don't like how the EU which is not recognized as cannon is being cherry picked for ideas.
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16)






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Oh man..... why.

I mean, what the hell is the black armor troopers? Looks like something from Fallout slapped with some Halloween Costume Armor in an attempt to recreate the Baywatch slow run. Maybe The Hoff can be in the background too.

The old guy impersonating an imperial with a super hero cape seems like he is auditioning for the most interesting man in the world.
"I don't always dress like an Imperial, but when I do, I make sure to bring my Batman Gloves and Cape."

Are those real men wearing Stormtrooper armor? It can't be. If so, it honestly looks terrible. Like they took screenshots from Battlefront and slapped them in water. If it is real men... I guess they stood in a kiddie pool.

Actually, everything from this movie isn't Star Wars. The people making this should honestly feel ashamed.
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16)

And here's the damage control:

BY LUCY O'BRIEN Rogue One: A Star Wars Story producer Kathleen Kennedy and director Gareth Edwards have addressed the reshoots that recently sent Star Wars fans into a frenzy of speculation.

A number of disparate rumors sprung up over the four weeks worth of reshoots, first reported in May. The original report claimed Disney was "not satisfied" and "in a panic over" Edwards' first cut, while later rumors claimed that the reshoots were to "lighten up" the tone of the film to match J.J. Abrams' Star Wars: Episode VII.
Speaking to EW, both Kennedy and Edwards set out to quash these rumors.

“I mean it was always part of the plan to do reshoots", said Edwards. "We always knew we were coming back somewhere to do stuff. We just didn’t know what it would be until we started sculpting the film in the edit."

As for what was actually being reshot, Edwards and Kennedy played down the drama, claiming the story was not being changed in any way.

“There’s lots of little things that we have to get, but it’s all little things within the preexisting footage,” Edwards said.
“Obviously, you’ve got to work around everyone’s schedule, and everyone’s on different films all over the world, and so it’s a bit of a logistical nightmare. That’s why I think it’s been blown out of proportion a little bit.”

“There’s nothing about the story that’s changing, with a few things that we’re picking up in additional photography,” added Kennedy. “I think that’s the most important thing, to reassure fans that it’s the movie we intended to make.”

As for the tone, Edwards said that Rogue One: A Star Wars Story will be "dark" as he always intended.
“I’d definitely describe it as: It’s got dark tone,” he said. “The studio has been very supportive of that. I mean, the sort of tone we were going for when we started was the tone you have in films like The Empire Strikes Back. And that’s not in any way been compromised.”

Kennedy added that Edwards' signature "handscrabble" style will be very present in the movie.

“He does a lot of handheld, intimate, close-up work. That’s not something you’ve necessarily seen in a Star Wars movie before,” she said. “And we brought in [cinematographer] Greig Fraser, to shoot it, who had done Zero Dark Thirty. So a combination of Greig and Gareth has been, I think, fantastic, and it just gives it a really unique style.”
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Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16)

Not really any different from what they've already said. JUst a matter of if you want to believe the Faracheese or the Evil Studio. Or take both with a grain of salt and wait for the movie.
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16)

Oh man..... why.

I mean, what the hell is the black armor troopers? Looks like something from Fallout slapped with some Halloween Costume Armor in an attempt to recreate the Baywatch slow run. Maybe The Hoff can be in the background too.

The old guy impersonating an imperial with a super hero cape seems like he is auditioning for the most interesting man in the world.
"I don't always dress like an Imperial, but when I do, I make sure to bring my Batman Gloves and Cape."

Are those real men wearing Stormtrooper armor? It can't be. If so, it honestly looks terrible. Like they took screenshots from Battlefront and slapped them in water. If it is real men... I guess they stood in a kiddie pool.

Actually, everything from this movie isn't Star Wars. The people making this should honestly feel ashamed.


I'd love to see these super cool pics in Hi-Res!
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16)

EW pics normally suck balls. Weirdly photoshopped and composited get togethers.
These are no different but I personally think some of the imagery is potentially very cool.
It does still feel like a fan film though. I'm cool with that.
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16)

Not really any different from what they've already said. JUst a matter of if you want to believe the Faracheese or the Evil Studio. Or take both with a grain of salt and wait for the movie.

I guess some people just find it more fun to create drama, there's a word for those people, It's on the tip of my tongue...
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16)

Its funny people who say the PT wasn't Star Wars and how CGI ruined it.... yet throw some cheap looking Stormtroopers in a kiddie pool, add some terrible fan made footage, completely restructure the design of high ranking imperials, add in some kung fu bamboo sword fights, "death troopers," CGI AT-ATs and pretty much everything else.....

and it is totally "Star Wars."

Absolutely amazing.
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16)

Its funny people who say the PT wasn't Star Wars and how CGI ruined it.... yet throw some cheap looking Stormtroopers in a kiddie pool, add some terrible fan made footage, completely restructure the design of high ranking imperials, add in some kung fu bamboo sword fights, "death troopers," CGI AT-ATs and pretty much everything else.....

and it is totally "Star Wars."

Absolutely amazing.

But the PT are garbage not because of the design choices.

They're garbage because of horrible writing, directing, acting and yes, an over reliance on cgi environments.

TFA is a masterpiece in those departments when compared to the PT
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Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16)

But the PT are garbage not because of the design choices.

They're garbage because of horrible writing, directing, acting and yes, an over reliance on cgi environments.

TFA is a masterpiece in those departments when compared to the PT

Welp, with the re-shoots and CGI, it is clear Rogue One has 3 out of 4 going for it.... and it doesn't even look like Star Wars aside from the Stormtroopers :lol
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16)

Welp, with the re-shoots and CGI, it is clear Rogue One has 3 out of 4 going for it.... and it doesn't even look like Star Wars aside from the Stormtroopers :lol

I would think you, of all people, would have set an extremely low bar for anything Star Wars.

Nothing i saw in the trailer looked bad, I have faith in it until proven otherwise.
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16)

Its funny people who say the PT wasn't Star Wars and how CGI ruined it.... yet throw some cheap looking Stormtroopers in a kiddie pool, add some terrible fan made footage, completely restructure the design of high ranking imperials, add in some kung fu bamboo sword fights, "death troopers," CGI AT-ATs and pretty much everything else.....

and it is totally "Star Wars."

Absolutely amazing.

You should read this post.

EW pics normally suck balls. Weirdly photoshopped and composited get togethers.

If you're complaining about these EW pics then be aware that they have a **** track record when it comes to these things. Their photos are always weird looking.
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16)

I didn't know there was a reshoot controversy. Don't most movies nowadays do that? And it's usually because, well, somebody isn't happy with the first cut? Isn't that the reason to do reshoots always? :lol

And yeah those designs on first pic kinda look like from Fallout :lol I don't mind though, Fallout is one of the few games that doesn't have completely ****** designs.
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16)


Is this a movie or a comic con convention cosplay documentary?

Looks like the 501st costumers are at the beach or a hotel waiting for SDCC or something.