PS3 preorders tomorrow

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Rhodes said:
I don't see why anyone would keep a PS3 if they're one of the first to get their hands on it. My friend got a X BOX360 and sold it right away for two grand. It's just so easy to turn.

yup and sony was already reportedly gonna have shortages on their quota due to problems getting the chips produced.
No luck here. My wife was the fourth person in line when the store opened and the manager came out and told everybody that they only had three to sell. My wife asked how that could be since out of the eight, only two were allowed to be sold to employees, leaving six for the customers. The manager said, "Yeah... Ummm.... Well.... We, uh..... We only have three available..."

The other store in town made everybody stand in line and wait while they made special phone calls to "special friends of EB Games" who showed up and were put in a special second line. The preorders went to those people instead of the ones who were there early waiting in line.

So, no PS3 for me.
If I get a PS3 it will be when the price drops. I would like to have one but I am not going to pay that much money for a system and games.
$600 is just too much for a video game system. It's not a bad price for a Blue-Ray player, but it's so early in the new DVD era that we don't know which movies are going to be coming out on which player.

I can say that you won't hear from me for a week when I get my hands on my Wii (pun intended). Only $250, better games, an incredible new way to play games. I can live with the minor step forward in graphics, game play is the most important thing for any game or console. Bring on Twilight Princess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
congerking said:
I hate to break this to people that are going to buy a PS3 and then scalp it. It's not going to work. The reason it worked with the Xbox 360 was that Microsoft Limited the release numbers and the stores just didn't have enough. Sony is very smart, they saw the error of Microsoft's ways and are going to fix it.

You obviously have no idea what you're talking about. I saw probably 25 people get turned away from buying a PS3 this morning. I'll make $500 (probably more) on this without breaking a sweat.

There are WAAAY less PS3's than 360's launch last year. I've seen numerous articles stating this fact.

My EB sold out of all their 16 PS3's in 9 minutes.

An internal Gamestop email expressed concern over how many PS3s their chain (which is the largest videogame retailer and includes Ebgames as well) would have available. A local store that received between 50 and 100 Xbox 360s at launch is expecting to get no more than 20 PS3s.

Hastings, a major retailer in the northwest, and based out of Texas, has opted not to reserve PS3s at all. Out of fairness, it should be noted that this is not merely a response to the rumored PS3 shortages. It is, in a big way, a reaction to Microsoft's launch of the Xbox 360. For many retailers who realize they will sell out of these new systems on launch day regardless of whether or not they'v taken preorders, refusing to reserve systems is an obvious time and headache saver that eliminates the need for such concerted launch-day planning. (Many retail outlets implement special launch-day schedules, policies and procedures to deal with the massive paperwork and demand of launch-day preorders.)
Sony has scaled back the planned November global launch of the PlayStation 3. The console's European and Australian launch date has been pushed back to March 2007. The PS3 will still be available in Japan and North America in mid-November 2006, but the number of consoles available at launch in each territory has been cut to 100,000 and 400,000, respectively, with another 1.5 million units said to be available by the end of the year. It's unclear how that latter number will be divided between Japan and the United States, and how many of the PS3s will be the $500 entry-level version or the $600 deluxe version.

At E3 2006, Sony had touted its worldwide launch strategy and plans to sell a total of 4 million units across Japan, North America, Europe, and Australia before the end of 2006. The company--and eager PlayStation fans around the world--will now have to settle for half that. The culprit for the shortfall is manufacturing problems with a key Blu-ray component, which more or less confirms rumors that had picked up in the past few weeks.

The bottom line is that the PS3 is going to be just as hard to obtain this holiday season as the Xbox 360 was last year (assuming, that is, that Sony can still make the November deadline). That's music to the ears of Microsoft and Nintendo, and more bitter medicine to swallow for eager PS3 fan-boys--including those who are just looking for a more affordable Blu-ray player.

congerking said:
I read an article where there are going to be 400,000 units of PS3 released the first day. There hasn't even been that many Xbox 360s in the year it's been out.

Umm... no. Please don't make up numbers. 360 sold 600,000 units in 2006 alone- only in the U.S. Microsoft expects 10 million 360's worldwide by the end of 2006. A far cry from your 300,000.

Xbox 360 Stats:

325,902 Xbox 360s were sold in the United States in November (Core:premium ratio unknown).

556,221 Xboxs were sold in the United States in the same number of days following launch.
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Darth Loki said:
$600 is just too much for a video game system. It's not a bad price for a Blue-Ray player, but it's so early in the new DVD era that we don't know which movies are going to be coming out on which player.

I can say that you won't hear from me for a week when I get my hands on my Wii (pun intended). Only $250, better games, an incredible new way to play games. I can live with the minor step forward in graphics, game play is the most important thing for any game or console. Bring on Twilight Princess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

me too!!!:chew
DannieDarKo said:
I got my ps3 preorder in!!! :rock

Thanks Bannister for the heads up.
Yeah, me and Danny both got one. At the eb games we were at, the guy in front of us had three people with him who he was paying $100.00 each to preorder one for him. A reporter also showed up and talked to the guy and he said that he was going to be getting nine total to resell.
I got mine in, number 11. They opened a EB games not to far where my aunt lives, so no one really knows about it.

Each store should be getting in 16, or at least that is the maximum reserve amount...if they told you other wise, they're letting their friends in on the dibs or keeping the PS3s for themselves. ebay anyone?

Bannister said:
Yeah, me and Danny both got one. At the eb games we were at, the guy in front of us had three people with him who he was paying $100.00 each to preorder one for him. A reporter also showed up and talked to the guy and he said that he was going to be getting nine total to resell.

I seen some bozo do the same, he brought his sister and mother. None of them play games, you could tell. The sister was talking about that elmo everyone wants, typical scalpers.
The store we were at had 14 available. I assume they had 16 total, but two probably went to employees.
I will be passing on the PS3 untill the price drops to a decent price. Plus, if I want to keep on collecting stuff there is no way I can afford a PS3. A PS3 is an easy pass for me. Many bugs will need to be worked out, anyways. I'm not missing out on anything as far as I am concerned.
Well, I missed it, but November 17th is my birthday and I can't think of anything I'd rather do than play Ultimate Alliance on a PS3. So do I have any chance of getting one on the launch day now? I haven't been following this all that well, so I'm not really sure what my options are, so if someone could fill me in that's be great.
If the game store employees hoard the systems that should be sold to customers, like they did today, then I don't think we have much of a chance on release day, other than buying one on eBay for $2000 from the uncle of the manager of your local EB Games.
tomandshell said:
If the game store employees hoard the systems that should be sold to customers, like they did today, then I don't think we have much of a chance on release day, other than buying one on eBay for $2000 from the uncle of the manager of your local EB Games.

great...happy birthday to me. What's the sale liek at best buy, circuit city, toys r us, ect.? Any chance there?
Tom, at a minimum, you should get the 800 number for customer service off of EB's site. Tell them your story. There could be a legit story behind it, but if they question him/her, they better have a good story to tell, or it's their job.

Also, for those of you that were behind multiple people from the same residence, and know it for sure, the rule was that it was 1 system per HOUSEHOLD (address). They were supposed to check your driver's license. Go back and raise hell til they give you one!

Anyway, sorry to those that missed out.
Funny thing is--paying $100 today didn't actually guarantee you a PS3 on launch day, and the small print said so. With only 400,000 of them to go around to every store in every chain in North America, there's no way to know for sure how many each store will get until the truck pulls up and unloads them.

And as much as I would like to complain about their handling of the preorder at my local stores today, I think that I will just complain with my wallet and take my business elsewhere. I certainly don't want to give them my $600, that's for sure. Their brothers and uncles and cousins and friends who will be selling the consoles on eBay next month won't keep their store in business after all of the customers who were pooped on today decide to take their money elsewhere...