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@Star What?
**Sneaking Mando in here. Non-film but I enjoy it so much.
TROS = 💩

I liked this post in spite of you sneaking ROTS above ROTJ, RO and Solo! :lol

But then ROTS had a powerful ending. Even more so in the novelisation.

If I sneaked Mando in it would be hard to place it, being a serial and all. It would be above or below Solo, because for me Solo was the closest thing to bringing Brian Daley's books to life.
If I sneaked Mando in it would be hard to place it, being a serial and all. It would be above or below Solo, because for me Solo was the closest thing to bringing Brian Daley's books to life.
Yes, good point. I think I will come to some conclusion when the series ends. Don't know if I would treat each season like a movie or wait to see the whole story. Great point also about Daley's book, or any others for that matter and how it affects our thinking where movies are concerned

I still think Hot Toys General Obi is next.
Yes, good point. I think I will come to some conclusion when the series ends. Don't know if I would treat each season like a movie or wait to see the whole story. Great point also about Daley's book, or any others for that matter and how it affects our thinking where movies are concerned

I still think Hot Toys General Obi is next.

Han was my favourite character as a kid, and I liked to dream of exploring the galaxy with Chewie in the Falcon. lol

It seemed more fun than being Luke.

So the Daley novels were great for expanding on Han's previous adventures. The next best thing was the L. Neil Smith Lando trilogy.
God that ROTS novelisation was something else. So good.

The ending to the novelisation was chilling. A similar kind of power to the final episode of The Clone Wars.

It's that ominous moment at the birth of the Empire.

That was also what got me hooked on The Bad Batch, after really struggling with their TCW episodes.
I liked this post in spite of you sneaking ROTS above ROTJ, RO and Solo! :lol

But then ROTS had a powerful ending. Even more so in the novelisation.

If I sneaked Mando in it would be hard to place it, being a serial and all. It would be above or below Solo, because for me Solo was the closest thing to bringing Brian Daley's books to life.
ROTS was very much an event movie for me. I was 18 at the time and saw it with my then very good group of friends. Nostalgia like that is priceless.
ROTS was very much an event movie for me. I was 18 at the time and saw it with my then very good group of friends. Nostalgia like that is priceless.

For me the most nostalgic film is ROTJ, and I really love Jabba's palace as a location. I'm always tempted to place the film first, but ESB pips it.

ESB also had one the biggest Flash Gordon (1936) references with the Hawkmen's sky city:

Solo is utter crap. I don’t know how anyone can like it. It might as well be a ST movie. Not one redeeming thing from it, even Maul’s involvement was dumb. You are deluding yourself if you think that was Solo, awful performance.

Rogue One gets worse and worse each time I watch it. Bland boring forgettable characters. Last time I watched it I didn’t even finish it.

1. Revenge of the Sith
2. The Clone Wars/The Mandalorian
3. The Phantom Menace
4. Empire Strikes Back
5. Rebels
6. Attack of the Clones
7. Return of the Jedi
8. A New Hope
Solo is utter crap. I don’t know how anyone can like it. It might as well be a ST movie. Not one redeeming thing from it, even Maul’s involvement was dumb. You are deluding yourself if you think that was Solo, awful performance.

Rogue One gets worse and worse each time I watch it. Bland boring forgettable characters. Last time I watched it I didn’t even finish it.

1. Revenge of the Sith
2. The Clone Wars/The Mandalorian
3. The Phantom Menace
4. Empire Strikes Back
5. Rebels
6. Attack of the Clones
7. Return of the Jedi
8. A New Hope
Almost like people are entitled to their own opinions...

Why did those guys who grew with PT love it more than OT? Because they watched OT first or because they watched PT first?
ROTS was the first movie (and Star Wars movie) I can cognitively remember watching in theatres. When the DVD came out I spent hours upon hours skipping to the 'cool' scenes knowing it would eventually land me on the Mustafar fight which I would try replicate with my Lego's, often imitating the stunts with my minifigures as closely I could by freeze-framing what was on-screen (guess I was destined for this hobby).

But this was before I knew of an existence of an OT or the other prequels so that opened up the franchise to me. My first impression of the OT was how crappy and old everything looked compared to the ostensibly slickness of the PT. However even back then I knew something was odd about TPM and AOTC which eventually fell wayside with ROTS when I stated fully embracing the OT as I found a certain charm where there was only campiness before. Luke just stood out to me as such a more interesting protagonist than Anakin ever was.

I don't think I ever fully returned to the prequels ever beyond an appreciation in a strictly nostalgic capacity. I still can't finish a viewing of AOTC meanwhile I've still got a copy of digitally mastered Empire DVD which I never bothered returning to Blockbuster.