Iron Man 2 Discussion Thread

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If they're replacing Terrence Howard, I think Tyrese Gibson would be a good candidate.
Well one, they've replaced Howard already with Cheadle. Someone claimed that they originally wanted Cheadle for the first one but I haven't found anything solid to back that. As for Marvel Studios many people even within Marvel themselves have admitted that Avi Arad's interference with Spider-Man 3 pushing Raimi to include Venom singlehandedly changed the entire original script. While Kevin Feige is the President of Production and doing a lot of the press about the upcoming films Avad is still on almost every film as producer and is really high standing. While Marvel wants their own vision on their characters they have a really hard time allowing the artists prove their visions are coinciding.
Samuel L. Jackson Updates his Nick Fury Role in Iron Man 2
Clearly, Samuel L. Jackson has been in some of the most fun genre movies of our time. Over the weekend, he updated one of his up and coming roles as the head agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.
At a press junket on Sunday, Jackson replied that...

"As a matter of fact, IRON MAN director Jon Favreau spoke to me at the Scream Awards last night, and told me that Nick Fury would have a much more prominent role in the second one (Iron Man II)."

Jackson also went on to say that he is looking forward to working with Don Cheadle who will be playing Jim Rhodes (and possibly War Machine) in the sequel
Here is another trade talking about the replacement but this one is fairly funny:

Remember last week, when the trade papers reported Don Cheadle had replaced Terrence Howard in Iron Man 2? Whup, it turns out that's when Terrence Howard found out too! Here's how Howard described it in an interview with NPR:

It was the surprise of a lifetime. There was no explanation. [The contract] just...up and vanished. I read something in the trades implicating that it was about money or something, but apparently the contracts that we write and sign aren't worth the paper that they're printed on, sometimes. Promises aren't kept, and good faith negotiations aren't always held up.
Come on, Marvel. That's the Hollywood equivalent of breaking up with someone by changing your relationship status on Facebook and hoping they get the hint. And then to immediately switch to "is now in a relationship with Don Cheadle"? Why not post a note on his wall that you'll be over tomorrow to pick up your military uniform and that Coldplay album he borrowed? You are ice cold, Marvel.

Of course, there's always the chance he's skewing the facts to make himself seem innocent, but I have to believe we'd get straight talk from any man so strangely frank about his need for a woman to clean herself with baby wipes.
"That's the Hollywood equivalent of breaking up with someone by changing your relationship status on Facebook and hoping they get the hint. And then to immediately switch to "is now in a relationship with Don Cheadle"

Re: Iron Man 2

Guys i don`t know if this pic has been posted anywhere else but maybe Mike can help us out !!! Mike is this pic real mate ??? If it is i can`t wait to see the sequel...

Re: Iron Man 2

Yes, that is the original conceptual design for War Machine as the first couple of drafts had him in the first film. Later it was scrapped for an origin angle which ultimately worked out well, the first couple of drafts had the origin being told in flashback. Favreau has said that he is keeping the Saunder's origin in mind when designing War Machine but that it'll be a resigning taking a lot from Adi Granov's recent resign of War Machine in the comics. That pic is in the "Terrence Howard replaced thread".
I also posted this in the Avengers thread but since it also concerns IM2 here you go!

Great news!

Jon Favreau officially Directing IRON MAN & Producing THE AVENGERS - & Don Cheadle is stepping in for Terrence Howard!

Hey folks, Harry here - The other day I was reading the New York Times - and came across a paragraph that gave me pause. They were talking about Obama's closing speech in Ohio - that he gave yesterday, and how Obama's chief speechwriter Jon Favreau was hard at work crafting it. Now, I realize there's probably many different Jon Favreau's of the world, but then I thought - well Orson Welles worked with FDR... It is possible. But I wrote Jon to see if he was moonlighting as the best speech writer in politics today - and he confirmed that he was in Bora Bora - and absolutely not the same Jon Favreau writing Obama's speeches.

Well - damn - I think everyone in America that wants to have a better year, should evidently change their name to Jon Favreau - cuz the geek Jon, knocked IRON MAN out of the park, just got his deal for IRON MAN 2 and is Executive Producing THE AVENGERS. And the Obama Jon - well, he's been speechifying real damn good at a word processor.

ANYWAY - here's the latest news from MARVEL. My opinion on the Cheadle/Howard switch? Well - I love both actors, but I wish continuity would have solidified. Don will be fantastic, as he always is, I just wish the switch wasn't an apparent necessity.



As part of his four picture deal with Marvel Studios, Robert Downey Jr. is appearing as Tony Stark in THE AVENGERS motion picture, as well as reprising his starring role as the larger-than-life leading character in IRON MAN 2. Jon Favreau will return to direct the sequel to the blockbuster IRON MAN, which to date has grossed over $578 million worldwide, as well as executive produce THE AVENGERS.

Academy Award® nominee Downey was most recently seen in the summer comedy blockbuster TROPIC THUNDER starring opposite Ben Stiller and Jack Black. Before Iron Man, he was best known for his film roles in KISS KISS BANG BANG, WONDER BOYS and CHAPLIN, the film for which he was nominated for an Oscar®.

In addition to directing the first IRON MAN, Favreau has previously directed ELF, ZATHURA: A SPACE ADVENTURE and MADE. He is also well known for writing and starring in SWINGERS. He will next be seen acting in FOUR CHRISTMASES, I LOVE YOU MAN and COUPLES RETREAT.


Marvel Studios is pleased today to confirm that an agreement has been finalized with award-winning actor Don Cheadle to take on the role of Colonel James "Rhodey" Rhodes in Marvel's IRON MAN 2 due in theaters on May 7, 2010. In casting Cheadle, Marvel replaces Terrence Howard who appeared in the role of Rhodey in IRON MAN.
Cheadle is also signed on to perform the same role in THE AVENGERS and subsequent installments of the IRON MAN franchise.

"We are very excited about working with the extraordinarily talented Don Cheadle as we expand the role of Rhodey in Iron Man 2. It has already become apparent as we prep the movie for production, that the dynamic between Robert and Don will take Iron Man 2 to new heights," said Kevin Feige, President of Marvel Studios.

Cheadle is best known for his Oscar® nominated lead performance in HOTEL RWANDA as well as his role as Basher Tarr in the OCEAN'S franchise, CRASH and SWORDFISH.

Based on Marvel's iconic Super Hero, IRON MAN 2 continues the story of this summer's box office blockbuster IRON MAN, the first feature film produced independently by Marvel Studios. IRON MAN 2 will be produced by Marvel Studios' President, Kevin Feige, and executive produced by Louis D'Esposito, Jon Favreau, Stan Lee, David Maisel and Denis Stewart.

In a movie event, THE AVENGERS will bring together the super hero team of Marvel Comics characters for the first time ever, including Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, the Hulk and more, as they are forced to band together to battle the biggest foe they've ever faced.

The highly anticipated sequel to IRON MAN will be released in theatres on May 7, 2010 and THE AVENGERS will be released July 15, 2011. Both films will be distributed by Paramount Pictures.

Cheadle is represented by UTA. Downey and Favreau are represented by CAA.
yeah i just heard one the radio, driving home that RDJ signed a 3 picture deal, fro two more im's and the avengers. looks like they're pumping all they can out.:banana
Why Did Marvel Recast Rhodes in Iron Man 2?
Source:Entertainment Weekly November 1, 2008

Why did Marvel Studios recast Col. Jim Rhodes in Iron Man 2? The surprise announcement that Don Cheadle was taking over the role from Terrence Howard in the sequel (and now The Avengers) left many fans wondering what happened. Entertainment Weekly has an article possibly explaining how this came to be:

Hollywood insiders believe the exit stems from Terrence Howard's difficult behavior on the set of Iron Man. But those with intimate knowledge of the situation suggest a far more dramatic backstory: Howard was the first actor signed to the film and, on top of that, was the highest-paid. That's right: more than Gwyneth Paltrow. More than Jeff Bridges. More than Robert Downey Jr. And once the project fully came together, it was too late to renegotiate his deal. It didn't help that, according to one source, Favreau and his producers were ultimately unhappy with Howard's performance, and spent a lot of time cutting and reshooting his scenes. (Favreau could not be reached for comment, while Howard's publicist says: ''Terrence had a tremendous experience working on Iron Man.'')
You can read the full article here.
Entertainment Weekly has another update to the ongoing debate on why Terrence Howard was cut out of Iron Man 2 (he wouldn't take a pay cut and wasn't that good at acting, apparently):

Hollywood insiders believe the exit stems from Terrence Howard's difficult behavior on the set of Iron Man. But those with intimate knowledge of the situation suggest a far more dramatic backstory: Howard was the first actor signed to the film and, on top of that, was the highest-paid. That's right: more than Gwyneth Paltrow. More than Jeff Bridges. More than Robert Downey Jr. And once the project fully came together, it was too late to renegotiate his deal. It didn't help that, according to one source, Favreau and his producers were ultimately unhappy with Howard's performance, and spent a lot of time cutting and reshooting his scenes. (Favreau could not be reached for comment, while Howard's publicist says: ''Terrence had a tremendous experience working on Iron Man.'')
As such, when Favreau and screenwriter Justin Theroux went to map out the sequel they found themselves minimizing Howard's story line. Once Marvel learned that Favreau was thinking of curtailing the role, the studio went to the actor's agents with a new and drastically reduced offer — a number that's similar to what supporting cast members were paid for the first movie. The agents, according to sources, were so taken aback by this new figure — estimated at somewhere between a 50 and 80 percent pay cut — that they questioned it. Why did they blanch? Multiple sources say that Marvel execs never told Howard's reps that they had issues with the star's on-set conduct. (Marvel would not comment for this story.)

So much drama. Who's at fault here? Should Terrence Howard have taken less pay and done a better job acting? Should Marvel have at least told him before they recast his role? If I'm having a party, should I invite them both and risk them getting into an awkward argument when Marvel shows up with Don Cheadle? Is it possible Marvel found out that Terrence Howard is a skeleton wearing a magical flesh suit to blend in with the general population until he can ready his skeleton army? These are the questions we must answer before Iron Man 2 comes out.
Robert Downey Jr. on Cheadle/Howard Switch
Following up on the Terrence Howard / Don Cheadle switcharoo for the upcoming Iron Man 2 film, MTV was able to sit down with Tony Starks, Robert Downey Jr., himself to discuss his feelings on the topic.

When asked if he had anything to do with the Howard/Cheadle switch, Downey immediately responded, “I had nothing to do with that decision. I love Terrence very very much. That’s all I’ll say because I haven’t talked to him yet.”

Furthermore, the “Iron Man” star makes it clear that he will not play favorites between the two equally talented actors, so if you’re looking for a juicy “good riddance” quote from Downey (who’s definitely not shy when it comes to speaking his mind), you won’t find it here.

“I’ve always admired Don [Cheadle],” said Downey. “It’s one of those situations where I still don’t quite know what happened or why. Here’s what happens too: things happen and you wind up commenting on them before you’ve actually talked to the people and it’s in poor taste.”

Sounds like Robert isn't going to take sides, and is interested in protecting his burgeoning franchise. He adds…

“I think the important thing with the ‘Iron Man’ franchise is to not do too much too soon and to make sure we don’t piss off the public that put us in the position we’re in,” said Downey. “We’ve just got to keep rolling up our sleeves higher and further up the elbow. If we show up and we’re in the right head space and our heart’s in the right spot and we really think about the audience at every turn and we don’t try to stamp our hipness onto anything. It’s very interactive.”
I guess I'm the only one who found Terrence Howard's performance in the first film a bit lackluster and isn't at all ticked off by the change?

Frankly I thought his portrayal of Rhodey was flat and he came off mainly as Tony Stark's nagging pseudo-wife most of the time, rather than as his concerned friend.

For myself, I'm excited to see if Cheadle can maybe refocus the character a little.
I could not care less who plays Rhodes, or Pepper, or Tony Stark or any of the other charcters. As long as they do a great job, I can easily make the transition from one actor to another.
RDJ basically embodies Tony Stark to me now, I really can't see somebody else in the role. The others I could get used to a recast.