If you could pick 1 previous SS figure to remake . . .

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Jedi Luke. :monkey1

I was going to say the same. I think that Jedi Luke and Anakin would both benefit from new heads. Jedi Luke with fixed arms and I really love Anakins costume but he would really benefit from a new Hayden likeness. Trevor Grove Anakin and Jedi Luke please!!!!!
Fox Mulder. Does anyone know if a repaint would salvage this figure?
at first i thought this thread was new. *sigh*. The Craw fell for the ol' necroposted thread trick. damn. that's the second time this month. curse you The Monster. anyway ill play along and agree with this guy. both of SS's fox mulders didnt do anything for me.
Nazi Kroenen...

He screams for a new body, and I want one that won't cost me $600..

A HT body works wonders.



Nice update on your Kroenen :) and nice action poses

Did you alter his bots for better posing, or just because you like the leatherlike material better? (I find the original shiny boots the better ones)
I HATED the other boots. I much prefer the leather looking boots. The boots he came with were horrible, imo, oddly shaped, and bulges in certain areas, just didnt look right to me.

ROTS Anakin/ ROTS Obi-wan tie for me. Both just do not hold up to today's standards.

I actually like ROTJ Luke. Its the body that truly sucks on that figure and maybe the oversized head.
I HATED the other boots. I much prefer the leather looking boots. The boots he came with were horrible, imo, oddly shaped, and bulges in certain areas, just didnt look right to me.


Well, believe it or not I still prefer the original ones (foot doesn't look like a Frankenstein sole and they are higher and shinier)
I even bought an extra regular Kroenen just for using his boots :)
Bespin Han Solo. Fix the jacket and put him on the new body, but the most important thing is fix the big old head :monkey2
Aayla Secura. What a complete turd :monkey4

Body design sucked and has loose joints, oversized head, oversized lightsaber, poorly fitting and inaccurate pattern & color outfit. My only real dissapointing purchase aside from Army of Darkness Ash (which was an early figure, to be fair).
Without a doubt, Michael Myers! That figure just sucks all around! Wrong hair, terrible face sculpt, just bad.

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