Hot Toys - THE EXPENDABLES - Coming

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Do you really see Arnold or Willis figures happening? i mean, Willis' role may be bigger than Arnold's but anyway, i'm pretty sure he doesn't appear more than a few minutes. Regarding Arnold, i'm really afraid he will be just in the scene seen in the trailers with the other two (Stallone and Willis) . Do you think that is worth making a figure? i mean, we all know the actors really are, but their characters...i only see Stallone/Statham/Li happening, maybe some bad guy like Austin/Lundgren

Arnold figures are doubtful but ya never know.

Regarding Arnold, i'm really afraid he will be just in the scene seen in the trailers with the other two (Stallone and Willis) . Do you think that is worth making a figure?

What a silly question :D
I am buying any figure from this line. Even an Arnold and Willis who come complete with zimmerframes and wheelchair bases.

Seriously, awesome licence announcement for me, can't wait for the Statham figure especially. Hopefully, one day, i'll have the whole team on the shelf!
I'm looking forward to the movie, but the figures thing could end up being disappointing like The Watchmen, we'll get one or two of the characters and possibly miss out on other favourites. Hopefully this won't be the case.
The Sly headsculpt will look bad-ass!

sly.jpg well as the body, since the tattoos look bad-ass!


Thanks man! :)

Actually, I know Enterbay did this already to their Michael Scofield attempt:




So it is possible! :) The question is.. Will the tattoo "disappear" in time/storage, since muscular bodies are rubber? This will be the first time (if they will do muscular rubber bodies) for 1:6 figures to get the tattoo treatment on a rubber body (if I'm not mistaken)!
It may not be a rubber body, it might be like the more recent T-800 and wolverine/comedian bodies. Tatoos might work on those! I'm sure HT will find a way, if they haven't already. I can't see HT going back to rubber bodies personally. what does everyone else think?
I only like the rubber muscle bodies because they look great when displayed (which is what your figure will be doing 70-80% of the time while you have them).. I hate those joints on the new bodies:

*Look Ma.. No joints! :)

*Look Ma.. No scar from Blade's katana chop!

I trust Hot Toys will "improve" on the T800/Wolverine body, and probably conceal the joints a little more without losing articulation.
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Personally I think the wolvie bod mixes a good amount of aesthetics and articulation, I think they're ace!
I just hope so, man! Been waiting for a good Sly sculpt since the last one came out (I think it was the First Blood M65 Jacket Version), so I can bash a PMC Rambo! :duff
I just hope so, man! Been waiting for a good Sly sculpt since the last one came out (I think it was the First Blood M65 Jacket Version), so I can bash a PMC Rambo! :duff

Yeah, sadly I missed out on all the HT rambo and rocky figures cause I didn't really know about HT at the time, so I'm really wanting a good Sly figure in my collection. For their time those early sculpts are darn good so I can't wait to see what they can do with him now.
I just hope so, man! Been waiting for a good Sly sculpt since the last one came out (I think it was the First Blood M65 Jacket Version), so I can bash a PMC Rambo! :duff

I think alot of us are hoping to do this. We all know the first character HT's will release will be Stallones. This should be interesting. A Rambo 4 is like years overdue.
I wish I can get on a Hot Tub Time Machine, and go back to the days when Hot Toys was still selling these babies for US$70-80!!! :gah: They keep releasing great figures (with the exception of a few 'fails')
And yeah.. Like previously mentioned in the thread, Hot Toys MAY/MIGHT consider a Rambo 4 license.. They have to cap it off, for God's sake!!!!!!!!!!! :gah: And they spend hundreds/thousands of dollars on R&D developing a Perseus and The Spirit figures?!?! :dunno