Hot Toys MMS 434 - Grand Moff Tarkin and Darth Vader Figure Set

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So I know I'll get Tarkin, and I know that getting the set is actually a better deal, but I do think of they had a display base to accomodate both of these together, and a lit wall backdrop from the death star, I would get it. If this is just 2 figures in a big box I'll pass or wait for it to be discounted.
Man I can't decide if I should sell my ANH Vader and order this or just get Tarkin now and wait for the inevitable ESB or ROTJ Vader?
This is challenging.
Man I can't decide if I should sell my ANH Vader and order this or just get Tarkin now and wait for the inevitable ESB or ROTJ Vader?
This is challenging.

I do kind of want this vader but don't really want tarkin so think I will pass. Plus I would rather have an esb or rotj vader anyways. I have my sideshow rotj vader currently that I got super cheap and have the unmasked head from the sideshow rotj deluxe vader to use with my figure so will make due with that until hot toys releases a esb or rotj vader.
Going for the set despite already having the R1 Vader. If I can have multiple Luke's and Leia's, I can have multiple Vader's!
Does anyone still believe this Vader is going be anything more than simply a kitbash of existing ANH Vader and R1 Vader parts?
Does anyone still believe this Vader is going be anything more than simply a kitbash of existing ANH Vader and R1 Vader parts?

I count on it. Already sold my ANH and looking forward to better version without stupid sound feature and silly gloves.
I count on it. Already sold my ANH and looking forward to better version without stupid sound feature and silly gloves.

My guess?

- R1 body
- R1 cape
- R1 gloves
- R1 belt and boxes
- R1 flight suit
- R1 boots
- ANH tunic
- ANH chest box
- ANH sculpt (possibly repainted R1 sculpt)
- ANH chest armor (repainted)

Maybe not exactly that, but more less.
My guess?

- R1 body
- R1 cape
- R1 gloves
- R1 belt and boxes
- R1 flight suit
- R1 boots
- ANH tunic
- ANH chest box
- ANH sculpt (possibly repainted R1 sculpt)
- ANH chest armor (repainted)

Maybe not exactly that, but more less.

What is that formula? What you think makes the best Vader?

ANH "flight" suit is better
ANH body is better sized -- unless you like giant comic book Vader
I really wish they'd resculpt some of the pieces for this release. They did it for the new ROTJ stormie - new helmet AND armor - so why not ANH Vader? This will be the third use of the same Vader helmet sculpt.

Would love to see HT's v.2 of the Vader helmet - little stuff like the transistor radio speaker pattern behind the teeth (instead of actual diamond mesh) subtly throw the current one off for me. And the paint on both the ANH or RO versions didn't come close to looking like onscreen ANH Vader.

Even stuff like the chestbox needs another redo. The ANH chestbox is too small and the details a little off/soft, and the RO one - while correctly sized and sharply detailed - has noticeable inaccuracies (coin slots too thin, toggle switches too thin etc.)

We've had SO many Vaders now, it'd be great if a company just really did the work to totally nail all the various parts/finishes of Vader rather than adding another couple parts to get for your Franken-Vader. Having any Vader - ANH, ESB or ROTJ - that was pretty much nailed out-of-box except for futzing would be a dream come true - and save people $$$ and lots of time trying to rectify the faults.
My guess?

- R1 body
- R1 cape
- R1 gloves
- R1 belt and boxes
- R1 flight suit
- R1 boots
- ANH tunic
- ANH chest box
- ANH sculpt (possibly repainted R1 sculpt)
- ANH chest armor (repainted)

Maybe not exactly that, but more less.

The cape looks like ANH in the promo pics to me... Since I own both the only thing I need is the light up arm with the R1 gloves... If I had a redo I would take this ANH and keep my R1.
I think I'll wait to pick up the BEST ANH Vader when HT announces their ESB Vader and everyone here who sweated out the perfect ANH Vader dumps theirs on ebay.
I think I'll wait to pick up the BEST ANH Vader when HT announces their ESB Vader and everyone here who sweated out the perfect ANH Vader dumps theirs on ebay.

Na I'll get that one too and then ROTJ after that....when will this madness end!
What is that formula? What you think makes the best Vader?

ANH "flight" suit is better
ANH body is better sized -- unless you like giant comic book Vader

Nah, not my personal preferences. Just mere guesses.

The ANH body didn't seem to be a very big hit with the sound features so I presume they'll probably just reuse the R1 body that doesn't have it, and I don't think the ANH "flight" (what do you call it?) suit fits the R1 body being that the R1 body is larger. Does it?

In other words, I think they'll essentially just rerelease R1 Vader and recycle as much of his parts as possible, but merely swap in the ANH parts that are definite R1 to ANH inaccuracies. Helmet/mask, chest armor, tunic, chest box. :lol

Their Vader efforts I think will be more focused on either ESB or RotJ Vader.
Na I'll get that one too and then ROTJ after that....when will this madness end!

I had to dig a little bit to find this thread, but I put an order in and it's now my second most anticipated release behind ROTS Anakin. I couldn't pass up getting 2/3 of my Empire 3 headed monster in one shot. And doing the math, where else can you get the best Vader to date (with light up saber) with the interrogation droid for $230?

I saw there was a secret base picture posted, but does anyone have a better quality version? It's really pixelated when you zoom in.

Now I'm patiently waiting for the Emperor.