Hot Toys Joker version 3??

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Man Ray Park . :lol

I thought you were talking about a new theme park for the surrealist photographer!

Two Face is a corpse.

Which is a shame. I would have liked to see him come back. Nolan did confirm that he is dead, but that could always change I suppose. Directors like to throw the fans off, so that the movie can be a surprise. If he had said that Two-Face "might" be dead then we would all automatically assume that he is not and that he'll be back. Oh well, its just wishful thinking. :D
GOT to say this, Jack Napier was ONLY joker's backstory ibn the burton film, not the official story. To learn more about Comic book jokers OFFICIAL story, go pick up The Killing Joke. Great GREAT book.

Officialy,( As far as i know Anyways) Joker has no Real name on the books. an alias He has used when He tried to go strait Was Joseph Kerr However, considering that that name contains

Joseph Kerr

I'm fairly certian that's an alias too.

Also, i agree Chrispin glover is WAAAAAAAAAY out there, but That, i think is the reason he's perfect for the role. I think his on brand of insanity could pick up where Heath Left off, and continue to carry the role further.

i thought that his name was jack napier...oh well. but i have killing joke, which is a great novel, and there is really no name mentioned. but did you notice that in that book, the joker had an uncanny resemblance to stan laurel?
i thought that his name was jack napier...oh well. but i have killing joke, which is a great novel, and there is really no name mentioned. but did you notice that in that book, the joker had an uncanny resemblance to stan laurel?

Jack Napier was a made up name that team Burton thought up off when developing the script for batman 89

No! The Nolan Joker died with Heath....

Unless you ment other Jokers.

Not necessarily. In a recent interview regarding Ledger/Joker, Charles Roven said that Nolan and team "seperate the actor from the role."
No! The Nolan Joker died with Heath....

But isn't that like saying no-one else should play Superman because Christopher Reeve was so beloved.

At the end of the day Heath Ledger wasn't the first Joker (although possibly the best IMHO) and i know he won't be the last.

If the story benefits from having the Joker in it, then i'm all for a re-cast of the role.

But i seem to have strayed off topic somewhat, so i'll shut up now:lol
But isn't that like saying no-one else should play Superman because Christopher Reeve was so beloved.

At the end of the day Heath Ledger wasn't the first Joker (although possibly the best IMHO) and i know he won't be the last.

If the story benefits from having the Joker in it, then i'm all for a re-cast of the role.

But i seem to have strayed off topic somewhat, so i'll shut up now:lol

i do agree with you but I believe that team Nolan can come up with a great enough story without the Joker. And I am not against another joker but would say not right away don't let someone else try to do imitate heaths joker or even bring their own interpretation to the screen because i feel it would just ruin the continuity of the films
But isn't that like saying no-one else should play Superman because Christopher Reeve was so beloved.

At the end of the day Heath Ledger wasn't the first Joker (although possibly the best IMHO) and i know he won't be the last.

If the story benefits from having the Joker in it, then i'm all for a re-cast of the role.

But i seem to have strayed off topic somewhat, so i'll shut up now:lol

Well of course there should be another Joker when a new director and cast take on a new series of the franchise. For the Nolan series there should be no new Joker though.
As far as I'm concerned Ledger did an amazing job with the character under Nolans direction... the important thing here is 'under Nolans direction!'
He's a character, if Nolan needs to use the character in the next movie he will, he'll re-cast him and he'll re-cast him well. It's his vision, let him get on with it, then buy the popcorn, sit down and enjoy the movie.

People who say 'he can't re-cast the character' are doing both Ledger and Nolan a huge diservice. We all gripe about how heavy handed studios wreck films as they won't let the directors vision come through, yet here we have people saying Nolan shouldn't be able to finish his trilofgy the way he sees fit.
No one will play the joker the same way as Ledger but I believe through interpretation there are plenty of actors who can play it as well.
As far as I'm concerned Ledger did an amazing job with the character under Nolans direction... the important thing here is 'under Nolans direction!'
He's a character, if Nolan needs to use the character in the next movie he will, he'll re-cast him and he'll re-cast him well. It's his vision, let him get on with it, then buy the popcorn, sit down and enjoy the movie.

People who say 'he can't re-cast the character' are doing both Ledger and Nolan a huge diservice. We all gripe about how heavy handed studios wreck films as they won't let the directors vision come through, yet here we have people saying Nolan shouldn't be able to finish his trilofgy the way he sees fit.
No one will play the joker the same way as Ledger but I believe through interpretation there are plenty of actors who can play it as well.
Yep. Actors will be lining up to do an impression of The Joker! Woo.

Screw that. Heath is the only person to play Heath's Joker. Nolan knows this, and the cast know this.
Agree on all counts as well! Heath's Joker is ONLY Joker for the Nolan Series!
Yep. Actors will be lining up to do an impression of The Joker! Woo.

Screw that. Heath is the only person to play Heath's Joker. Nolan knows this, and the cast know this.

You're giving no credit to Nolan, and more importantly the character of The Joker. Of course Heath's Joker dies with Heath. Nolan would never recast The Joker and tell the actor; "Okay, try to recreate Heath's version, give me your best impression!":lol

What he could do, is recast The Joker, but recast the character too. Bring another take to the table. You're completely obsessed with Heath Ledgers performance and close minded to think another take on The Joker couldn't work in Nolans universe. The Joker is even insane enough for me to believe he'd have a different, possibly more insane personality coming out of arkham, having learned that batman is his anti-ego, they are destined to do battle, ect if they went that way.
I agree. Heath's Joker died with him and he was fantastic. But people are gonna be looking for Heath's performance if they do recast the Joker and when the actor playing him doesn't do things the way Heath did or would people will say he sucks and that's crap. He doesn't need to impersonate Heath to play a good joker.
Two Face is a corpse.

Which is a shame. I would have liked to see him come back. Nolan did confirm that he is dead, but that could always change I suppose. Directors like to throw the fans off, so that the movie can be a surprise. If he had said that Two-Face "might" be dead then we would all automatically assume that he is not and that he'll be back. Oh well, its just wishful thinking. :D

Yeah thats how I fell 2 :Wizard........:lol

Man Ray Park is always some damn ninja. :lol

That was more or less a joke :eek:.....He is not all ways a ninja he was a frog thing in X-men or maybe he was a frog-ninja :horror.....Batman is on the run so I look forward to another cop chases and a new car..........:D
As far as I'm concerned Ledger did an amazing job with the character under Nolans direction... the important thing here is 'under Nolans direction!'
He's a character, if Nolan needs to use the character in the next movie he will, he'll re-cast him and he'll re-cast him well. It's his vision, let him get on with it, then buy the popcorn, sit down and enjoy the movie.

People who say 'he can't re-cast the character' are doing both Ledger and Nolan a huge diservice. We all gripe about how heavy handed studios wreck films as they won't let the directors vision come through, yet here we have people saying Nolan shouldn't be able to finish his trilofgy the way he sees fit.
No one will play the joker the same way as Ledger but I believe through interpretation there are plenty of actors who can play it as well.

Did you see Nolan at the awards accepting them for Heath? He clearly has the utmost respect for him as an actor, so much so that I am fairly certain he will not recast Ledger's Joker, whether it is his vision or not. Ledger's Joker is the end of the Joker in Nolan's films. If another director and another story comes along, then they can do another Joker. In this case, I really believe Nolan's personal heartache that he has and felt since Heath's untimely death, as well has his respect for him as a friend and actor override any sort of vision he may or may not have had for the third film. He will not do something he sees as disrespectful (even if it may not be) to an actor (or his family, friends, and fans) who has seemingly touched his heart in such a profound way.
Joker morphed throughout the comics. I'd say that after leaving arkham he's got potential to come back with an entirely different personality. crazy homes do that to people. the "that's so disrespectful to heath if he recasts" is crap. Was Heath an egotistical megolomaniac who would get pissed off? He really did not strike me as the type. Recasting the character is not defileing some shrine to his memory. IT. IS. A. CHARACTER. He played it, and he played it very very good, ( not to even mention under Nolans direction) I'd think that Heath Would WANT the story to continue to grow and evolve, and wold WANT the character to be recast.

think of it in these terms. You're married, and your spouse dies. do you really think your spouse would want you moping about forever, never moving on? Or would they want you to get on with Living, and find new happiness.

The Performance he gave in The Dark knight will live on forever, it's digital now, and nothing digital can ever treuly die.

Having said that, i also don't thin the world as a whole is ready for him to be replaced yet. to get a joker "feel" in the next film, they could go with harley, and at the very end of the film, have Harley break him out of arkham. end the movie with the camera panning up from the floor over someone in a orange jumpsuit, stopping at the mouth, letting us see the scars, and then have the mouth smile.. the screen fades to black as he starts to laugh like a lunatic.

This gives them PLENTY of time to find the RIGHt joker. becuase that's what it is going to come down to, finding someone who can do the role in a way that fits. Take inspiration from Heath, but also bring his own cards to the table.
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