Hot Toys Joker version 3??

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Is this a fight? I thought it was a discussion....:eek:

But still. I want to be surprised like I was with Ledger, and Eckhart.
Is this a fight? I thought it was a discussion....:eek:

But still. I want to be surprised like I was with Ledger, and Eckhart.

true, i can understand that. who would you want to see as harley?

and yes...this is sort of a fight...sort of...:rolleyes:
Nah. Its not.

And I dont one really. I dont want a Harley. Or any Joker centered characters.
Fight! Fight! Fight!

CelticP, your avatar keeps reminding me of the new Terminator.

Love the pic, gonna have to cstom/kitbash something similar now i think
I don't know how that relationship plays out in the comics, only ever caught it in the animated show, but I see Nolan's Joker as more of a rogue, not having any connections to anyone, and as psychotic as he is, I could see his relations with women being non-consentual.

That is true. I like her, The joke role as far as movies go is dead Who can do as well....I think hot toys should fill in the holes the villains not used in the films can still be made as figures. Like a fantacy batman line, Harly could still be used in a movie. I think it would do better without the joker she could be his sister and not his lover so she is just as crazy and her motive could be any thing. She would also would work well with other female villains like Ivy or catwomen.....Don't get me wrong I would love to see her with the joker but you need a joker and who going to fill those shoe's???

She was actually created for the animated series and then introduced into the comics because of her popularity. He works well with or without her. Without her though he seems more evil.

Yeah I only saw the show never read the comics, I grew up on the show every day after school. Did Mr. Freeze show up in the comics? and if do you think he may end up in a film????
In no way can they make Harley related to Joker in any way. It'd destroy the basis of the character. What I can see them doing is making her obsessed with the Joker, since he was the first real costumed villain to the point of adopting a persona like his, sort of what Heath did to get in the role of the Joker, she could get his files and study him, almost emercing herself in what it is to be the Joker in an attempt to understand him and then get lost within him, lost herself in this new persona, the Harley Quinn and have her own twisted take on the character. It'd make sense in Nolan's world since she was a psychologist before hand and it still keep a logical connection to the original character but still could exist without having the Joker really there.

That being said I hope she never sees a second of film and I'd rather they go with more established Rogues for the third film.
In no way can they make Harley related to Joker in any way. It'd destroy the basis of the character. What I can see them doing is making her obsessed with the Joker, since he was the first real costumed villain to the point of adopting a persona like his, sort of what Heath did to get in the role of the Joker, she could get his files and study him, almost emercing herself in what it is to be the Joker in an attempt to understand him and then get lost within him, lost herself in this new persona, the Harley Quinn and have her own twisted take on the character. It'd make sense in Nolan's world since she was a psychologist before hand and it still keep a logical connection to the original character but still could exist without having the Joker really there.

That being said I hope she never sees a second of film and I'd rather they go with more established Rogues for the third film.

Yeah well I was just trying to point out that they could use her in a film and you did better for me ..... To tell the you truth I could care less if they use her in a film or not.... what I do want to know is do people think she would make a good figure maybe even come with a back story comic......Iv herd Nolan most likly wont use villians like clayface or manbat and if thats the case, it would be nice if hot toys made them as if they were in a film so people could get there favorite villians....I know I would like a Mr. Freeze and Ivy that fit in with the dark knight line......For a 3rd batman movie I think they need a Villian that can give batman a good fight and a long one at that.......

I think mary poppins would be tuff she is bad ass with that umbrella Also good at B&E like santa :D
It'd make sense in Nolan's world since she was a psychologist before hand and it still keep a logical connection to the original character but still could exist without having the Joker really there.

But that's the beauty of Nolan's reinvention of the Batman world: she doesn't have to be a Psychologist. Like villainsfan42 pointed out, Nolan could make her a stripper like the comic book. Nolan could also simply make her a fellow Arkham Asylum patient. Nolan completely changed the Ras Al Ghul character/backstory so I don't think it would be a problem to switch up Harley's. But it's neither here nor there because with Heath deceased, I doubt Nolan (if another film is made) will recast the Joker.
But lets say that he was, I'd go with Dev's choice. Plummer is very out there. Thats the kind of actors I like.
I wouldnt. Not now, not ever.

But if you're asking about a new non Nolan Joker....i'd pick the obvious...this guy.

But that's the beauty of Nolan's reinvention of the Batman world: she doesn't have to be a Psychologist. Like villainsfan42 pointed out, Nolan could make her a stripper like the comic book. Nolan could also simply make her a fellow Arkham Asylum patient. Nolan completely changed the Ras Al Ghul character/backstory so I don't think it would be a problem to switch up Harley's. But it's neither here nor there because with Heath deceased, I doubt Nolan (if another film is made) will recast the Joker.
yea. they could re-create characters. just because one guy made the character one way for a cartoon show for kids, doesn't mean someone else couldn't change her for a different audience. Also, along with ras al ghul, joker and two face's backstories were completely changed. Joker has none, and wears makeup, instead of being Jack Napier who fell into a vat of acid and went crazy, trying to pull pranks on batman. Two-face was originally splashed with acid to his face, and sewed two suits together, so his character was also changed. Depending on who the writer/director is, characters are very flexible.
I wouldnt. Not now, not ever.

But if you're asking about a new non Nolan Joker....i'd pick the obvious...this guy.


crisping glover would be a great joker for or not for nolan's world...he's just a bit too out there.:D
yea. they could re-create characters. just because one guy made the character one way for a cartoon show for kids, doesn't mean someone else couldn't change her for a different audience. Also, along with ras al ghul, joker and two face's backstories were completely changed. Joker has none, and wears makeup, instead of being Jack Napier who fell into a vat of acid and went crazy, trying to pull pranks on batman. Two-face was originally splashed with acid to his face, and sewed two suits together, so his character was also changed. Depending on who the writer/director is, characters are very flexible.

crisping glover would be a great joker for or not for nolan's world...he's just a bit too out there.:D

GOT to say this, Jack Napier was ONLY joker's backstory ibn the burton film, not the official story. To learn more about Comic book jokers OFFICIAL story, go pick up The Killing Joke. Great GREAT book.

Officialy,( As far as i know Anyways) Joker has no Real name on the books. an alias He has used when He tried to go strait Was Joseph Kerr However, considering that that name contains

Joseph Kerr

I'm fairly certian that's an alias too.

Also, i agree Chrispin glover is WAAAAAAAAAY out there, but That, i think is the reason he's perfect for the role. I think his on brand of insanity could pick up where Heath Left off, and continue to carry the role further.
I think Mark Hammil would make a great live action Joker if they did a Dark Knight Returns flick based on Frank Miller's work. He's that older age now, like Joker in that novel and we know from the animated series he can do Joker.

Not Nolan however, it'd have to be a seperate movie from that series.
Also, along with ras al ghul, joker and two face's backstories were completely changed. Joker has none, and wears makeup, instead of being Jack Napier who fell into a vat of acid and went crazy, trying to pull pranks on batman.

Nerd police! Joker has no backstory in the comics. The Killing Joke gave a POSSIBLE backstory to him, but brilliantly put at the end of the book, Joker says to Batman "Sometimes I see it one way, sometimes another. If I'm to have a past, I prefer multiple choice!". That way, if you like the past Alan Moore gave him, you can except it. But if you don't, you can say he's crazy and probably can't even remember what happened to him.
What about using two face in the 3rd film????? and some one he could fight like bane or some ninja played by ray park celticp ok maybe not him :lol.....For real tho Two Face and bane could work.....In any case what would the joker do to top the first round set gotham on fire??? and kill alot of people......teaming up with scarecrow would not be bad they both like making people crazy.....
I wouldnt. Not now, not ever.

But if you're asking about a new non Nolan Joker....i'd pick the obvious...this guy.


I actually thought he'd make a great Riddler the other day.
What about using two face in the 3rd film????? and some one he could fight like bane or some ninja played by ray park celticp ok maybe not him :lol.....For real tho Two Face and bane could work.....In any case what would the joker do to top the first round set gotham on fire??? and kill alot of people......teaming up with scarecrow would not be bad they both like making people crazy.....

Two Face is a corpse.
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