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Banderas has done plenty of Action themed movies, IMO
Desperado, Once Upon a time in Mexico, Mask of Zorro, Legend of Zorro, Assassins and a few others... not sure if Sherk and Puss would count as action movies though :lol
Fassbender is in it, so i will probably watch it although judging by the trailer it doesn't look like he will have a big role:( and it's good to see Paxton too.
Banderas has done plenty of Action themed movies, IMO
Desperado, Once Upon a time in Mexico, Mask of Zorro, Legend of Zorro, Assassins and a few others... not sure if Sherk and Puss would count as action movies though :lol

But do you consider him a meathead action star?
Saw this today, and very much enjoyed. Curious What a Soderbergh action film would be like, and it didnt disappointed.

Loved Gina Carano in American Gladiators, and dug her here.......now, that's my kind of woman!
This might contain spoilers.

I'm gonna have to Disagree with Matt whole heartedly.

This film is GARBAGE.

The acting is horrible. Fassbender and Michael Douglas are the only ones who give a worthy performance. Gina Carano makes Channing Tatam look like Brad Pitt (acting wise)

The script is horrible. Half the dialogue is a statement followed by a question then another statement, followed by a question. When it comes to dialouge this could possibly be the worst film ever. It goes like this:

Gina speaks a line which is usually under 8 words. LONG PAUSE. Other actor speaks a line. EVEN LONGER PAUSE. Gina speaks again, usually under 8 words. LONG PAUSE. Rinse and repeat.

And if anyone knows what's happening in this movie before the last fifteen minutes you deserve a cookie. There is no story what so ever. If you can't pull off an out of sequence movie like Nolan did with Memento, you shouldn't even try.

The music is horri--- oh, wait there is none except the one jazz ballot played for half the movie which is usually when she's running. Yes she is running for half of the movie (listen to the credits of Homeland for similarity).

Which brings me to the Fight Scenes. Watching these fights are like watching the WWE, you can see the choreography in every move. If there is something glass in the room, you bettcha someone is going through or into it.

And the editing during them, HOLY _____. In an action sequence you are not supposed to see the editing. You see every cut during the fights. It's so distracting.

And where is the music during the fights, you know something up tempo so you can loose yourself in it???? No thats right if you close your eyes during a fight sequence you could think your at a tennis match (smash,grunt,smash, grunt, grunt, smash grunt)

That is all.
I think the point of the fight scenes was to make them realistic.

I thought the opening one on that clip was on of the best one's i've seen in a while.

Easily better then anything Bourne related. Which I quailify as the worst. Quantum of Solace too. That action director sucks ass.

If it's not like Bourn, or QoS...I might enjoy the action.
I think the point of the fight scenes was to make them realistic.

I thought the opening one on that clip was on of the best one's i've seen in a while.

Easily better then anything Bourne related. Which I quailify as the worst. Quantum of Solace too. That action director sucks ass.

If it's not like Bourn, or QoS...I might enjoy the action.

Yeah the first one with Tatam is cool, but you and still see the choreography to much and the edits to much.

Its pretty sad when you know what's going to happen in a fight before it happens. You can see the course in the action.
Damn. I've heard nothing good about this. And listening to that soundtrack...I lost all intrest. Thank you for saving me money! :D
Man, and here I liked the film....! I mean, its not my fav of all time, but I dug it - its typical Soderberg (sp?) type movie -deliberately paced.

I haven't seen any of his films except this and Oceans, so I have to ask, he deliberately makes his movies slow and boring? :rotfl
I'm looking forward to seeing Haywire. I saw the fight in the diner that was posted online, it looks like they keep her dialogue to a minimum. I'm not looking for her to recite Shakespeare, I was to see her kick ass.

They should write her into Spartacus as a new character. She does action scenes well and would look hot in all the sexy time scenes.
Just back from seeing this. I rather enjoyed this one and could see her (with some acting classes) pulling off the role of Wonder Woman.