Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - SPOILER DISCUSSION

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Darklord Dave

Super Freak
Sep 3, 2005
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Not even a trace spoilery about book 7 should go in any other thread but this one.

Darklord Dave is very serious about spoilage for this book.
why does it always have to be a happy ending? wish that Harry had died.
plus JK Rowling, pretty much left room to write more books if she wants too with the next generation.
Shut myself up since I got the book on Saturday morning until I finished it this morning. Am still absorbing what I've read. But am hoping that for those wanting to spill the beans, they got more out of it than just who lived and who died. :monkey2

Like I said, am still absorbing the book. But, first impression is that it's really really really good. Explained many of the questions brought up in previous books and, whether I liked (or hoped for) personally in how the plot twisted and turned and the how characters were progressed (or not), it satisfied my need for closure. I'm still uncertain whether I cared for the last chapter or not. Will have to muse on it.
why does it always have to be a happy ending? wish that Harry had died.
plus JK Rowling, pretty much left room to write more books if she wants too with the next generation.

Why does it have to be a sad ending.. why can't good triumph over bad and still live once and a while.

And I think you answered your own question with that 2nd statement.
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Shut myself up since I got the book on Saturday morning until I finished it this morning. Am still absorbing what I've read. But am hoping that for those wanting to spill the beans, they got more out of it than just who lived and who died. :monkey2

Like I said, am still absorbing the book. But, first impression is that it's really really really good. Explained many of the questions brought up in previous books and, whether I liked (or hoped for) personally in how the plot twisted and turned and the how characters were progressed (or not), it satisfied my need for closure. I'm still uncertain whether I cared for the last chapter or not. Will have to muse on it.

I just wish the last chapter had been a little longer and told you what happened to some of the others.
I haven't read any post in this thread, but just thought I would let you all know that I am page 352 and loving this book!!!
Just finished and am still kinda in shock. A lot happened in those last few chapters and I think I'm gonna go read 5-7 again just to get a better understanding now that it's over.

I will say that I loved the last book and it grabbed me from the very first chapter. Some of my favorite characters did die (though not really any of the main characters which I was kinda hoping for, but not surprised) A few great twists in there that certainly came out of nowhere.

It will be interesting to see how this book is adapted to the screen. There is just way too much here for one 2.5 hour movie. Of all the books, this one NEEDS to be two movies.
I just finished reading this last harry potter book.

I don't know how to describe how I feel at the moment. These books do something to me in a way it was never possible...

I have a little smile on my face that I didn't have for a very very long time, and there is something hot, like a fire inside myself that I also didn't have for a very long time.

I maybe sounds stupid but... Joanne Kathleen Rowling. Thank you so very much for writing these books and make it magical.
Shut myself up since I got the book on Saturday morning until I finished it this morning. Am still absorbing what I've read. But am hoping that for those wanting to spill the beans, they got more out of it than just who lived and who died. :monkey2

Like I said, am still absorbing the book. But, first impression is that it's really really really good. Explained many of the questions brought up in previous books and, whether I liked (or hoped for) personally in how the plot twisted and turned and the how characters were progressed (or not), it satisfied my need for closure. I'm still uncertain whether I cared for the last chapter or not. Will have to muse on it.

Well, I just finished a few minutes ago; didn't get my book until about 3PM Saturday, so I had a late start.

I liked it alot, and really enjoyed the final chapter! I'm glad Harry, Ron, and Hermione all survived. I've had a feeling for a long time that Harry would survive! After all, he is "the boy that lived"; the first chapter in the first book foreshadows it I believe. It was nice to get a glimpse of the future and know for certain that Harry and Ginny, and Ron and Hermione get together just as we all hoped they would, and that an end was really put to LV. My only regret is that she felt the need to kill both Tonks and Lupin as well as Fred! What happened to the "two will die" hints? A lot more than two!
I just finished reading it and I LOVED IT. When Harry thought he was goint to die and was savoring every last minute of life I nearly cried and I believed along with Harry that he was really going to die.. I thought that it was a great twist that by letting Voldemort kill Harry he was placing a protective spell on everyone and having Harry's blood that was in Voldemort be the trick that saved Harry.. Just great. I also thought it was great the way Snape went out. I am VERY GLAD that Snape was on the good side after all and that girl's theory about him being in love with Lily was true and his motivation against Voldemort was to avenge Lily's death. I was slightly (very slightly) disappointed that Draco didn't quite get the redemption I was hoping for, but it awesome all the same.

Great book. Best of all of them.

You know what's really sad? After all that wait, we are finishing the book in a day or two! :lol

Oh well, time to read them all again I guess...
Lonnie, I'm just glad I don't have to worry about anyone spoiling it for me anymore. :rock

You know what's really sad? After all that wait, we are finishing the book in a day or two! :lol

Oh well, time to read them all again I guess...
So after buying a 2nd copy because my first was mess up...

Seemed to be a lot more action in this one, at least 3 big action sequences before the humungo multi-battle at the end. And I really believed that Harry just might die. Like everyone, I was thinking that Harry was the last horcrux, but I was wondering how Voldie could die and Harry could live.

I did enjoy it, but hated also that so many favorites had to die. But it does set up Teddy to carry on - might be an interesting character in that he's part werewolf and a metamorphmagus, plus has a tragic start.

I wish there was more Snape in it too - it seemed that they just needed to wrap up his story and it was kind of rushed and awkwardly placed as it came between 2 big battles.

It was also funny, I just saw Phoenix again today (in 3D) and the only shot were you see Aberforth a goat is running out of the bar. Didn't notice that the first time.

Overall I enjoyed the book and felt it was a fitting conclusion. I kind of wish the epilogue had left it a little more open, or gave us more information. Of all the main characters the only one whose career we find out is Neville.
I just finished it and, Wow! I too almost cried when Harry accepted his fate and then saw his family again.

I felt that the saddest death was actually Hediwg. That totally caught be off guard because I always just figured she would be there. Dobby's was surprisingly sad as well. I always placed him down in the same dark, unmentionably annoying character level as Jar-Jar. Didn't excpect him to get me teary.

I knew that Snape was good. I had a feeling that was his Doe since he was really the only one that had access to the real sword.

I was surprised Harry "died" and then came back. BTW, what the heck was that baby thing crying? Was it supposed to be Voldemort? :confused: I never got a sastifactory answer out of that.
You guys are reading witchcraft ya know..And will pay for it eternally. :D

Seriously, picked up the book for my woman and she hasn't read it yet but is itchin to.I just watch the movies, i plan to read them all after i watch all 7 movies kinda weird eh?But it's a different approach.
You guys are reading witchcraft ya know..And will pay for it eternally. :D

Seriously, picked up the book for my woman and she hasn't read it yet but is itchin to.I just watch the movies, i plan to read them all after i watch all 7 movies kinda weird eh?But it's a different approach.

It;s indeed different, but good from a certain point of view. If you only see the movies you won't miss what they don't mention but is in the book. Was a huge problem for me after I saw the Order of the Phoenix. Damm they pulled a lot of stuff out of it.
Never expected Harry to die.....the whole series is basically being told from his point of view. Expected many of the OotP to go down fighting as well; was hoping that they were mostly those we hadn't gotten to know so well. Lupin's death was a bit jolting. Really thought Hagrid was going to snuff it so I was expecting the worst when the real Harry was teamed up with him during the escape. But Hedwig? Got a bit misty. Then Dobby dying made me a bit more misty, especially in the manual grave-digging scene. And all the nasty thoughts about Dobby I've had was wiped out by his saving them from Malfoy's Manor. Have always believed that Dumbledore's trust in Snape was well-founded. Expected Snape to die but not quite the way he did.

As others have, suspected Harry was a horcrux long ago but couldn't begin to figure out how he could be destroyed and still survive. Very nice twist that Rowling put together on that. For a bit, I thought perhaps that the tiara borrowed and worn by Fleur at her wedding was the lost diadem. Nice red herring there.

The entire seige/battle at Hogwarts was just absolutely great! Eyes became a faucet, especially when Hagrid picks up Harry's "lifeless" body and carries it to the forest's edge, crying all the while and chastising the centaurs for their inaction. Then the very first "NO!!!" is from McGonagall. Neville was great. Expected that he would have some fairly major role to play in the last act, but I was thrilled that he had assumed leadership of the DA beforehand.

Absolutely loved the Draco wand twist at the end.

Would have also liked a little more in the epilogue about the other characters and how the wizard world picked up the pieces. but.."Snape was the bravest man I know" was really a great testiment.