Halloween (spoilers)

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Ok. just got back from the theater...

Halloween (the original) is my favorite film of all time, just an inch past Raiders in my mind. So I was not going to go in and watch this with the thought that it could possibly go beyond that, just hoping for anything better than parts 4-whatever. And for that purpose, this film succeeded rather well. It had it's flaws, but to be expected I guess...

First off, the beginning gave me chills at times... My upbringing and childhood wasn't all the different. Minus the animal murder and toning down the violence a bit. So that hit close to home for me... My Mom (before she died) was kind of a nutcase, on drugs and such.... her and Dad used to fight all the time, very violently and it scarred me a bit. Once they split she was very loose about town and I heard much more than I wanted. I was pretty troubled, spent a lot of time drawing gory pictures in class and not paying attention to anything... SO for me, Michael was a dark shadow of who I could have become had I given in to evil tendencies.

So I have to say Rob had my attention immediately. :lol

From there, the Smith's Grove scenes were very interesting... And just goes to show that while Michael's "good" side was trying to hide the dark within him, the darkness would not be sated. And when you are trapped anywhere like that, it's even harder to fight it. So it was cool to see him slowly slip into silence and darkness. Loomis was great in every way, Malcolm really tapped into that character and did a fantastic job. Every time he was on screen you were riveted. Really great work on his part.

Now come the issues I had.... Once Michael becomes the Michael we all know and love... You don't get much buildup. The girls are just there and their scenes are short. So you don't get to care all that much about them. The dialog, as much as people seem to be having a problem with... was right. Girls that age DO talk like that nowadays. I know MY sister does.

The film did get pretty intense once Annie got attacked, and it most certainly had my heart racing. The Strode murder got me too, was NOT expecting that. But the biggest thing missing from the film during the "Adult Michael" scenes was suspense. Due mainly in part to not having a lot of time to play with at that point. So very little stalking.... :monkey2

That's what I missed the most, the impending doom you feel from Michael's stalking them about town.... waiting for the perfect moment to strike. This time it just felt too fast. If it would have had more of this it would have been a million times better to me, and maybe would have taken H2 off my list at my #2 favorite Halloween film. But for now it rests squarely at number 3. Better than any sequel past part 2 but not better than the original or the sequel.

Still, any self respecting Halloween fan would be an idiot to miss it. Even despite all the bashing.
DA, that just makes your awesome Michael Myers costume even creepier! :eek:

You know what would really be creepy? If some guy really did dress up like Michael Myers and went around killing people on Halloween night. People would probably think it was just a Halloween prank until it was too late. Now that would be creepy! :google Really puts things in perspective when you think about them realistically.
Frankly I never care. I always root for the slasher :eek:

I'm going to see this on Saturday. Not liking the reactions so far. At least the Myers outfit and Mask look cool.

Did you hear Jeff Vice's review of it on X96 yesterday morning? He totally trashed it.
No, I don't listen to the radio much anymore. At least he DID review it. The Tribune NEVER reviews Horror movies. They reviewed a film today that is only playing at the Broadway (one theater!) and NOT Halloween, which is arguabley the biggest film this weekend (theater #s showing it at least). Sadly, Horror movies never seem to get a fair shake at things.

One a somewhat related note, I am taking a Sci-Fi/Horror class and in the middle of October we switch over from Sci-Fi to Horror. I'm really interested to see what 'scholars' have to say about Horror films in general. Unfortunately we aren't covering Halloween or any other 'slasher' movies. The newest Horror film we see is from the 60's, but yet the slasher sub-genre is the only genre we seem to be skipping from horror. I mean they aren't the best Horror has to offer, but surely the original Halloween and Texas Chainsaw Massacure are good enough to study. :confused:
alright, i just got back from seeing the theatrical version myself. ok, the changes that have been made definitely made the movie better, but i do think some things from the leaked version were better. i really HATE the different ending, mainly because he killed dr loomis. i would've preferred it if zombie had the final scene with dr loomis and laurie in the squad car and after loomis says yes he believes michael is the boogie man they go back the pool to show michael gone, then have the credits roll.
DA, that just makes your awesome Michael Myers costume even creepier! :eek:

You know what would really be creepy? If some guy really did dress up like Michael Myers and went around killing people on Halloween night. People would probably think it was just a Halloween prank until it was too late. Now that would be creepy! :google Really puts things in perspective when you think about them realistically.

Yeah, now that I have seen the new film.... It does make me feel even creepier for the stuff I did in that costume. :lol

I know that a part of me really enjoyed stalking around the party I went to, creeping everyone out and pretending to attack them. A sick part inside me was having a blast.

Good point too, if there was someone out there doing that... People would never suspect it until his "master plan" was successful. The guy would go pretty far before it was taken seriously. Especially on Halloween.
Yeah, now that I have seen the new film.... It does make me feel even creepier for the stuff I did in that costume. :lol

I know that a part of me really enjoyed stalking around the party I went to, creeping everyone out and pretending to attack them. A sick part inside me was having a blast.

Good point too, if there was someone out there doing that... People would never suspect it until his "master plan" was successful. The guy would go pretty far before it was taken seriously. Especially on Halloween.

There is just something about that pale, expressionless face and no talking that really creeps people out. Jason not so much because of the lack of a 'face.' I've dressed up as Michael a few times during Halloween and not say a word and it creeps out my family even :lol By far one of the creepiest character looks ever created.
All right, finally back from the theater and before reading the rest of the posts about it I'll post my two pennies and then go back and read.


I will admit that its a departure from the original and there is a definite lack of suspense but Tyler Mane was the best Michael Myers I've ever seen. The size of him really gave him an larger than life feel and explained the bouts of superhuman strength a bit more belivability. I like the idea of the mask fascination and liked the asylum scenes a lot, it gave an eerie chill to the character. I didn't see the accusations of gore or slasher because if you think about the ways people are killed Zombie could have really gone over the top. Also the Laurie character while not Jamie Lee Curtis I felt was true enough to the character to make her relatable to Laurie from the first film. Her friends were nicely handled and updated as well although I miss the stalking really.

I loved all of the explanations about how he got the mask and the suit but will admit that the scene at the truck stop where the trucker is looking at Skank magazine or the strip scene with his wife was unnecessary but not distracting from the film itself. I loved the kill count, it really gave the "There is a slaughter coming" lines from the first one more firm especially since the first one had a low kill count respectively. I also liked the little things that were unchanged from the original that really made me smile visualizing how the old one went.

The ending was shocking, I didn't think it'd end that way and I like how the relation between Laurie and Michael was never explained to her even with Loomis there but the audience was aware. When he unmasked I was praying that he wouldn't talk and ruin it and was glad he didn't. My wife jumped plenty of times which since she likes this genre proved that some of the scare factor was there. I also really liked McDowell as Loomis.

It doesn't replace the original for me mostly for nostaglic purposes, but its definitely number 2 and I will definitely be owning some merchandising from this......

Went in with no expectations and no preconceived notions just wanting some good Michael Myers action, while no stalking was a letdown especially because Mane did do a terrific job, this Myers was more violent and feral than his 1978 counterpart and I left smiling.
i would've preferred it if zombie had the final scene with dr loomis and laurie in the squad car and after loomis says yes he believes michael is the boogie man they go back the pool to show michael gone, then have the credits roll.

I would have preferred this ending as well although the smashing through the window to get Laurie did make me jump even though I knew it was coming. It did give a fierce edge to Michael to kill Loomis after all of that with his bare hands.
O.K. guys, I just got back from seeing this film and I must say this film was fantastic, yes, fantastic, I am eating my words as of right now. Originally I judged this film purly based on the one deleted scene and went to town on how much I really don't like Rob Zombie. Its not to say that I like the guy now but that I was VERY pleased with how he pieced this film together.

Halloween 1978 is still my favorite and yes even part II more than the Zombie version, mainly because I first saw Halloween II when I was like 8 or 9 years old and it stands out as a very scary moment in cinema history for me. In all honesty you can't compare Carpenters version to this new Zombie version, that just wouldn't make any sense nor would you have anything to compare the two too.

This film was both written and directed very well (IMHO) Tyler Mane was phenominal as Myers and really blew the character to newer levels of Horror icons. His movements and well I guess style is the best I have ever seen of any Horror villan in any movie, he simply towered over everyone and truly looked like a demented killing machine.

I was trruly shocked at how decent this movie was and is probably the best horror film I have seen since Halloween II. Maybe I am still high from just seeing this but this would be my opinion tommorrow, a week from now, a month from now or even years from now. Yes, there wasn't much suspence, hell maybe hardly any at all but the presentation of Myers grown up and the cosmetics of the mask truly made up for the lack of.

Dr. Loomis was played VERY well, NO comparison to Donald Pleasance in any way shape or form but the role was dead on. I didn't care for the way the "Girls" spoke but I guess it is fitting for the time it takes place in............now.

I believe it was Maulfan that said to forget who made this film and simply treat it as a sequel and you will enjoy it, well my friend you were dead on right because I still love Carpenters version more but really loved this film too!

Very well made, the music was good and original, Myers hadn't changed much and it was interesting to see a different side to how Michael came about. I am a bigger fan of the "Unexplained" but this film really just did it for me.

To narrow down my top 3 I would say:

Halloween I
Haloween II
Rob Zombie's halloween
Saw it last night..and


so glad I ignored all the naysayers. I enjoyed the film very much. It was more like The Devil's Rejects then Halloween but thats fine. Yes its not like a Halloween movie. Great. Who cares? Why do you want to see the same thing twice? This Zombie's version of Halloween, it's different. If you didn't like his style before you wont like it now. Personally I'm happy he didn't do the style of the original, because I saw the Original, now I wanted to see something new, and I did. Thanks Rob!
I'm glad to see everyone seems to have enjoyed it. As I said on the first page of this thread. It was not the original nor was it intended to be so. But, it was a very good horror flick. As for Rob's other movies being crap... House of 1000 corpses was so-so. It was his first movie. Not everyone who comes out with the first movie hits a grand slam. But, it was enjoyable IMO. Devils Rejects however kicked major a$$.

Capt Spaulding > you
I'm glad to see everyone seems to have enjoyed it. As I said on the first page of this thread. It was not the original nor was it intended to be so. But, it was a very good horror flick. As for Rob's other movies being crap... House of 1000 corpses was so-so. It was his first movie. Not everyone who comes out with the first movie hits a grand slam. But, it was enjoyable IMO. Devils Rejects however kicked major a$$.

Capt Spaulding > you

I agree 100%. I hope Rob Zombie graces us with many more horror movies. I hope he does something thats not a remake next, but if he has to do a remake I think his version of Children of the Corn would be really cool.
I hope Someone kidnap's Zombie and gives him the Eli Roth Hostel treatment for this abortion. I'd love to see him direct something he didn't write. As for now he's a download only director.
I'm interested to see whether or not the bad press will affect ticket sales......it certainly hasn't here...
The bad press will affect ticket sales, without a doubt. The only question is, "To what degree?" And that's pretty difficult to determine.

I hope the film does well at the box office because, even though I think the film is mediocre, I'd still like to see a follow-up (that does not take place in a hospital). As I said before, I did enjoy the second half of the film. The key to a strong follow-up, in my mind, is BETTER PACING. By the way, I know that Zombie said that he has no plans whatsoever for a sequel. That could easily change though.
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