FMLes Fully repainted HT AVP-R WOLF

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Les Walker

Digging my way out!
Jun 16, 2006
Reaction score
Waycross, Georgia
Here is my totally repainted HT Wolf Predator.
Thanks to several enthusiastic Pred fans here, like LoneWolf for his clever redo of the shoulder gun mounts for the figure (EVERYONE should do this minor tweak!), and to all of you guys that have already taken such brilliant photos of your Wolf figures, like those ones with the eggs and all, amazing shots! These are mostly display oriented, with the Wolf safely on his stand.

Anyway, here are my Wolf and AVP-R Alien as they are now...




And just The Wolf


I prefer him with Mask on, so those are how I have mine displayed. Also, love that whip, so mine will have that out most always, as it is his signature weapon in my eyes.

Quick notes, I lightened up the mask considerably, using layers of silvers and then used a [B]Krylon silver leafing paint pen[/B]. Thing makes anything look like real metal. But use it VERY SPARINGLY! It flows like mercury over a surface, and dries looking like it, or like soldering metal when melted, so be careful and use it only on high spots and scratches.
I then washed over all that with steel mixed with burnt umber, so it would be dirty again. Then painted all the letters and cracks with flat black. Repainted all the armor bits to match, but left the mask as the brightest, as it seems to be in most photos. It's more reflective anyway.


De-tanned that shoulder armor piece too. Not sure what that is all about. HT made some odd color choices here and there, as they sometimes do.

Some mask off shots


Also repainted the guns, as they needed to be more metallic (what's with the plain grey plastic look!?!?!) and painted the forward and upper parts copperish gold as they are supposed to be. Helps his color somehow to get those correct.


Noted that his skin colors as factory painted were way too green, or too much yellow over black plastic, so I went back to the book, in this case, the AVP-R ADI book and note that he is pretty much the standard light cream and umber browns and black dots of most all the other preds, so I went that route. Lightened up his whole body and face quite a bit doing that. Added in some dot striping on his flanks and sides that sort of blend in with his armor placement.

To be honest, the factory job is not bad at all. I got him, originally thinking I didn't need to do much. But then, in hand, you all know me, I get started and paint flows, and changes happen. Turns out, his helmet is the hardest thing to repaint. Complex shades of metals and light and darks. Face was not too hard. Just repainted all that in the colors and tried to bring out all the features better.
Semi-Glossed the whole thing afterwards, armor and all, so he has that wet look he had all movie long.
Also tied down some belts and bits so they hung better. Lots of futzing with this guy. Where's the Futzmeister-General Wor-Gar when you need him? :D

Otherwise, that's it.

I have a part two video, where I show this finished figure off, on YouTube, but I am still having trouble with my cheap camera getting nice focus on closeups of details in my videos. There will be a part three video where I will try to do that successfully. Until then, enjoy!

<object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value=""> </param> <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"> </embed> </object>

And as I always say, get one of these!!! This figure is amazing! 'Cept for the skinny legs and no cleaner kit! Other than that, super figure!
Omg dude, that is just beautifull. Most impressive :D. You should get paid for doing something like this.
WoW! I'm kinda frustrated now knowing that my Wolf Pred won't look as cool as that when it finally arrives! :lol

Looks awesome Les.

Were his legs that skinny in the movie? I don't remember.
Amazing Les. You take an already awesome figure and make him 1000x cooler looking. Great job!
Great job Les, I love how your Predators go from looking like a collectible to something organic and living! Just spectacular :rock
GREAT JOB LES!!:chew:chew:chew:chew:chew

I love how you have repainted the biohelmet! It looks like real metal!! (as it should be)

I also have done some custom repaint on my wolf:
painted the helmet 3 red laser dots and some spots with silver paint but the result is,nt as good as yours:monkey2 ( i have done the same with all my AVP preds)
have painted the copper parts of the guns that suppossed to be painted by hottoys... :mad:

Hey Les...I just happen an idea!...If you need an extra right hand you can repaint one of the AVP bendable hands:rotfl
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Very cool work, as always, Les. I really appreciated the video too. I've really been on the fence about Wolf, but your video let me see him more and I like him. Also nice to hear your voice!
I know his dreads come tied. Is it possible to untie them if I want to let them hang like a normal Predator, or are they sculpted tied?

Great work again, man!