Episode VIII has just been pushed back 7 months to Dec. 15, 2017

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Sorry, my Star Wars enjoyment won't include TFA. I don't believe in supporting something that I feel is mediocre or poor.

Well, sorry to hear that then. I can't wait for the Blu-ray to release. I tried to watch Episode 3 a few months ago and man has that not aged well. The CGI looks so fake. I don't hate the prequels like most do, but I can't deny how crappy the CGI is.
Disney set out to make a retro movie... And they did that. Just because it has similarities doesn't mean it's the same film.. That is the problem I have with seeing people say that. It also doesn't make it a bad film to have all that. We are lucky to even be getting new Star Wars films, why complain over something so silly? Enjoy living in this time and being apart of the new Star Wars era!
Some people can't enjoy living. They want to make others miserable like them. Don't stoop to their level, that's what they want. Its kind of like debating politics. People are going to have their views and there's no amount of arguing that is going to sway either side so why waste your breath. I loved TFA and that's all I worry about. I go to movies to enjoy them for the entertainment value. That's kind of the point. Some don't know how to do that. And I'm not going to be a tool like some and say I feel sorry for them, that's just their choice. If people feel sorry for me for liking TFA, please save your pity. I have no use for it.

But on another note it looks like I'm going to be living at the theater in December of 2017 because I have been looking forward to Avatar 2 (and 3 and 4) since Jake opened his eyes at the end of Avatar back in '09. Can't wait! :D
The subpar Star Wars remake that everyone except internet fanboys loved.

LOL I feel bad for people who didn't enjoy TFA.

"LOL", I feel bad for people who enjoyed TFA. They probably also liked Transformers. /snark

I don't even know what a fan boy is but I don't think I would be one unless a fan boy is someone who appreciates good film making.

While TFA wasn't the huge disappointment Prometheus was, for example, it was certainly a disappointment. Yes, the film looked great. But looks aren't everything. It wasn't all out horrid, no, but it certainly didn't live up to the hype. It was clear it was created for one thing- to make money, to reboot a "franchise" that some soulless corporate entity is now custodian of, not make good film. Honestly, it was a remake of Star Wars but created by being filtered through the internet age's low expectations for fast paced editing, weak scripts, reliance on eye candy, and no ideas. For all the nerds who complain that Lucas "raped their childhood" with the awful prequels I wonder where the outrage is for TFA? I guess JJ is just better at appealing to those easily distracted by explosions and blinky lights than Lucas is.

People went to see it because it was so hyped and fans were hopeful it would be good. Hence the success of the film (but dollars earned doesn't mean a quality product- just look at the Popeil Pocket Fisherman). I'm looking forward to the next batch of Jeep and Taco Bell and Maybelline, etc, tie-in commercials for episode VIII because nothing proves a "quality movie" like advertising the *****k out of it so everyone goes to see it, fooling others into believing that profits equal quality. Justin Beiber must make great art by that definition.

Hopefully the next films will be better. But being that corporate Hollywood is in charge and people have such low expectations I have my doubts.

And for the record Jedi sucked too.

Now if you liked the film, GREAT! Like I said, it wasn't horrible. But flawed. (Deeply). All I did was say I hope the delay for the next film is to improve the script and make it better than the remake of Star Wars we just saw. Now if you can't tolerate that opinion and claim that an honest expression of a mild critique is trying to stop other people from enjoying their lives--- well that's pure insanity. Jesus! Talk about fan boys...

Some people can't enjoy living. They want to make others miserable like them. Don't stoop to their level, that's what they want. Its kind of like debating politics. People are going to have their views and there's no amount of arguing that is going to sway either side so why waste your breath. I loved TFA and that's all I worry about. I go to movies to enjoy them for the entertainment value. That's kind of the point. Some don't know how to do that. And I'm not going to be a tool like some and say I feel sorry for them, that's just their choice. If people feel sorry for me for liking TFA, please save your pity. I have no use for it.

But on another note it looks like I'm going to be living at the theater in December of 2017 because I have been looking forward to Avatar 2 (and 3 and 4) since Jake opened his eyes at the end of Avatar back in '09. Can't wait! :D

Some people will consume whatever is presented by the corporate giants and buy into the hype. Save your pity brother. I enjoy my life, being a fan of the good stuff and shirking the bad. The bad will only breed more bad until that thing that made something great in the beginning is now part of the walking dead being consumed by the masses... no new ideas, no better stories, no forward thinking... only more of the same.

If you liked TFA, then I'm happy for you. Disney will have you in their cross hairs for the next decade to come. Your kind won't be much of a challenge for them.
Some people will consume whatever is presented by the corporate giants and buy into the hype. Save your pity brother. I enjoy my life, being a fan of the good stuff and shirking the bad. The bad will only breed more bad until that thing that made something great in the beginning is now part of the walking dead being consumed by the masses... no new ideas, no better stories, no forward thinking... only more of the same.

If you liked TFA, then I'm happy for you. Disney will have you in their cross hairs for the next decade to come. Your kind won't be much of a challenge for them.
I never said I sent any pity your way. And the "bad" is from a certain point of view.
"LOL", I feel bad for people who enjoyed TFA. They probably also liked Transformers. /snark

I don't even know what a fan boy is but I don't think I would be one unless a fan boy is someone who appreciates good film making.

While TFA wasn't the huge disappointment Prometheus was, for example, it was certainly a disappointment. Yes, the film looked great. But looks aren't everything. It wasn't all out horrid, no, but it certainly didn't live up to the hype. It was clear it was created for one thing- to make money, to reboot a "franchise" that some soulless corporate entity is now custodian of, not make good film. Honestly, it was a remake of Star Wars but created by being filtered through the internet age's low expectations for fast paced editing, weak scripts, reliance on eye candy, and no ideas. For all the nerds who complain that Lucas "raped their childhood" with the awful prequels I wonder where the outrage is for TFA? I guess JJ is just better at appealing to those easily distracted by explosions and blinky lights than Lucas is.

People went to see it because it was so hyped and fans were hopeful it would be good. Hence the success of the film (but dollars earned doesn't mean a quality product- just look at the Popeil Pocket Fisherman). I'm looking forward to the next batch of Jeep and Taco Bell and Maybelline, etc, tie-in commercials for episode VIII because nothing proves a "quality movie" like advertising the *****k out of it so everyone goes to see it, fooling others into believing that profits equal quality. Justin Beiber must make great art by that definition.

Hopefully the next films will be better. But being that corporate Hollywood is in charge and people have such low expectations I have my doubts.

And for the record Jedi sucked too.

Now if you liked the film, GREAT! Like I said, it wasn't horrible. But flawed. (Deeply). All I did was say I hope the delay for the next film is to improve the script and make it better than the remake of Star Wars we just saw. Now if you can't tolerate that opinion and claim that an honest expression of a mild critique is trying to stop other people from enjoying their lives--- well that's pure insanity. Jesus! Talk about fan boys...



I couldn't have said it better myself.
Second viewing proved to be significantly more enjoyable, as the similarities were overlooked and the film was enjoyed more for what it simply was.

Agreed. The movie does have it's issues, but for me the stuff it gets right-- the characters, the tone, the sense of fun-- more than overshadows the few problem areas like the overly familiar storyline.

I still don't think I'll be able to consider it a great Star Wars movie like ANH or ESB, but it is a very good Star Wars movie with lots of great moments in it, which is good enough for me.
imagine if they pulled a Lucas and annouced THREE YEARS between films...?

Not sure the new generation could handle it. There would be suicides, I'm certain of it. A few from this very site.
I just want to add something. The Force Awakens could have gone in any possible direction and there would still be haters. If it had fully pleased the people that hate it, then there would be an entirely different group that would be bashing. What I'm saying is that those who hated it were and inevitability just as those who loved it (myself included) were an inevitability. So let's all agree to disagree:)
Loved TFA at first viewing and enjoyed it more and more each time i returned. No need to deny similarities with ANH to justify our appreciation of the movie. I'm perfectly aware that the main plot is heavily relying of the original Star Wars script. Yet, the new protagonists and the way their trajectories progress on that déjà vu scenario give a whole new meaning to both the OT and PT by showing the hero(s) path(s) from yet another angle following Anakin/Obi-Wan/Padmé and Luke/Leia/Han journeys. At the end of the day, i'm kind of sad to hear quite a few fans weren't able to get over that TFA is ANH controversy thus being unable to look further and find the many treasures that TFA has to offer.
Loved TFA at first viewing and enjoyed it more and more each time i returned. No need to deny similarities with ANH to justify our appreciation of the movie. I'm perfectly aware that the main plot is heavily relying of the original Star Wars script. Yet, the new protagonists and the way their trajectories progress on that déjà vu scenario give a whole new meaning to both the OT and PT by showing the hero(s) path(s) from yet another angle following Anakin/Obi-Wan/Padmé and Luke/Leia/Han journeys. At the end of the day, i'm kind of sad to hear quite a few fans weren't able to get over that TFA is ANH controversy thus being unable to look further and find the many treasures that TFA has to offer.


Recently saw it a 4th time. Was not disappointed!
Loved TFA at first viewing and enjoyed it more and more each time i returned. No need to deny similarities with ANH to justify our appreciation of the movie. I'm perfectly aware that the main plot is heavily relying of the original Star Wars script. Yet, the new protagonists and the way their trajectories progress on that déjà vu scenario give a whole new meaning to both the OT and PT by showing the hero(s) path(s) from yet another angle following Anakin/Obi-Wan/Padmé and Luke/Leia/Han journeys. At the end of the day, i'm kind of sad to hear quite a few fans weren't able to get over that TFA is ANH controversy thus being unable to look further and find the many treasures that TFA has to offer.
Very well said. Yes the similarities are undeniable but there is so much more (well, that I see) beneath that familiar surface. Also recently went to my 4th viewing, and this time in IMAX. It was epic. Love the saber fight.
TFA had wonderful new characters in it who were more interesting than the veterans from the OT. Who could have predicted that? Rey was compelling from the beginning. The story was so-so but the characters drove the movie.

My one real disappointment was the settings on Maz's planet, everything about it looked warmed-over from Naboo/ the Cantina. And yes, the new Yoda running a sleazy bar didn't quite make sense (I found her closer to Dexter Jester than Yoda). But everything else held together in a rickety sort of way - much like the Millennium Falcon. The final duel was brilliant. No martial arts, back flips, yawning metal pits... just a sword fight in a forest. It had a stripped down Skyfall vibe to it and it worked brilliantly.
Going to TFA and bi***ing about it being like ANH is like going to a Rocky movie and bi***ing about there being another fight. There is a certain level of formula involved in sequels. It's not an evil thing. And everyone hating on JJ and Disney for making a film that they know will be popular is asinine. Yes, I'd rather have more money in the bank than less money and a useless trophy or title. Call me a sheep. I'm so glad Star Wars came out in 1977 so I could watch it with an open mind and some imagination and no internet pseudo-critics telling me how awful it it because it was sort of like something else.