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also... so...

Mcgann is 8
Hurt is 9?!
Eccelson is 10
Tennant is 11, and
Smith is now 12?

or do i misunderstand?

Apparently, the explanation is that Hurt is a Doctor, but not The Doctor if you get my meaning, so everyone keeps their respective numbers. Think of him along the lines of The Valeyard.
McGann is 8 (8th incarnation)
Hurt is the War Doctor (9th incarnation)
Eccleston is 9 (10th incarnation)
Tennant is 10 (11th incarnation)
Tennant is 10.5 (12th "Metacrisis" incarnation)
Smith is 11 (13th incarnation)

Capaldi is 12 (1st incarnation of a new cycle of regenerations)
Apparently, the explanation is that Hurt is a Doctor, but not The Doctor if you get my meaning, so everyone keeps their respective numbers. Think of him along the lines of The Valeyard.

McGann is 8 (8th incarnation)
Hurt is the War Doctor (9th incarnation)
Eccleston is 9 (10th incarnation)
Tennant is 10 (11th incarnation)
Tennant is 10.5 (12th "Metacrisis" incarnation)
Smith is 11 (13th incarnation)

Capaldi is 12 (1st incarnation of a new cycle of regenerations)

Ok, got it.
Apparently, the explanation is that Hurt is a Doctor, but not The Doctor if you get my meaning, so everyone keeps their respective numbers.

He counts in terms of regenerative lives. A Timelord gets 13 lives (until the writers figure out a cheat). The Doctor is going to need a loophole soon.

McGann is 8 (8th incarnation)
Hurt is the War Doctor (9th incarnation)
Eccleston is 9 (10th incarnation)
Tennant is 10 (11th incarnation)
Tennant is 10.5 (12th "Metacrisis" incarnation)
Smith is 11 (13th incarnation)

Capaldi is 12 (1st incarnation of a new cycle of regenerations)

Interesting point, I forgot about the mini-regen where he tapped into the severed hand for it's energy. I don't think Moffit will count it as part of the big picture though.

At the end of Capaldi's run they will need to create an workaround to give the Doctor a new cycle.
Moffat has already stated he does count it. It was a full regeneration. This point is central to next month's Christmas Special as a time lord can only regenerate 12 times.
Apparently they're more cannon than the '96 tv movie :lecture

Where does this put Colin Baker's statement that neither Davison, McCoy, McGann or himself were participating? If rumours are true Peter Davison will appear as well as Tom Baker and Elisabeth Sladen, so could this mean that they will appear thanks to some clever editing and CG work?

I will probably end up being wrong but I think Colin's statement is a flat out lie. And that lie got outed today, at least for one person on that list. We'll see.
When was he asked about it? It's entirely possible he was telling the truth at the time he was asked. This definitely doesn't feel to me like something that was planned out for a while. It feels more like something that was put together as a treat for the fans who were disappointed when they found out the Time War Doctor in the special wasn't going to be McGann.
It's still the plan. You'll see in a month. I am sure there are lots of surprises in store. McGanns scene was filmed in May and as recently as last week he was adamantly denying any involvement on his twitter account. Colin has denied it at least once a week on his twitter account since January. :lol
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When was he asked about it? It's entirely possible he was telling the truth at the time he was asked. This definitely doesn't feel to me like something that was planned out for a while. It feels more like something that was put together as a treat for the fans who were disappointed when they found out the Time War Doctor in the special wasn't going to be McGann.

I think the past Doctor's denials (and their little protest) has all been a ruse to try to give fans a surprise. That's my thought, any way. I'm sure they will be very small parts/voice parts in any case. But we'll see sooooon!
McGann is 8 (8th incarnation)
Hurt is the War Doctor (9th incarnation)
Eccleston is 9 (10th incarnation)
Tennant is 10 (11th incarnation)
Tennant is 10.5 (12th "Metacrisis" incarnation)
Smith is 11 (13th incarnation)

Capaldi is 12 (1st incarnation of a new cycle of regenerations)

He won't If the rumors doing the rounds turn out to be true. :wink1:
If i understand it right it should go something like this :-

* #1 - Hartnell/Hurndell
* #2 - Troughton
* #3 - Pertwee
* #4 - T. Baker
* #4.1 The Watcher
* #5 - Davison
* #6 - C. Baker
* #7 - McCoy
* #8 - McGann
* #8.1 Hurt (War Doctor)
* #9 - Eccleston
*#10 - Tennant
*#10.1 Tennant (Metacrisis Doctor)
*#11 - Smith
*#12 - Capaldi
*#12.1 Jayston (The Valeyard)
*#13 - Benedict Cumberbatch :rotfl :horror
Well as I said If Moffats 'hints' turn out to be this rumour thats doing the rounds, well lets say the verse will never be the same again. And that will effect his 'lives' etc.
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Quite how that will all work If true is anybodys guess. But Moffats been on record saying he's written something that will change the verse and the Doctor forever.
I'm pretty sure the Metacrisis doesn't count as a regen in any case.

You can bank that it does.

Regeneration is a finite amount of energy given to a timelord - enough for 12 full regenerations.

Hartnell used the First.
Troughton used the second.
Pertwee, T Baker, Davison, C Baker, and McCoy all used the 3rd dose through the 7th dose.

Eight used 8th dose after dying with directional kick start by the elixir from the Sisterhood of Karn to become the War Doctor.

The War Doctor used the 9th dose to become Nine.
Nine used the 10th dose.
Ten used up the 11th eleventh dose. Part was used to heal his heart, the remaining energy was funneled into the severed hand which later became the Meta-crisis Doctor. He didn't stop the energy. It didn't magically reabsorb into his body. He funneled it out into the hand. He spent it. It's gone. Buh-bye.

The tenth doctor then used the 12th and final dose to regenerate into the Eleventh Doctor.

The fact that he is out of regeneration is a major plot point of next months Christmas special.

Capaldi is the first of a new regeneration cycle. Believe it or not. It's gonna happen.

Tee hee. :D

As for sueworld's spoiler, that doesn't contradict what I have heard, but I haven't heard that anywhere else until reading it here.

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Well as I said If Moffats 'hints' turn out to be this rumour thats doing the rounds, well lets say the verse will never be the same again. And that will effect his 'lives' etc.

When you says "verse" I don't have a clue what you are talking about.