Do you think of your collection as an investment?

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i think of them as both a hobby and investment. hobby because i love the characters i get to display. investment because i couldn't possibly display all the collectibles i've bought, so i may have to sell them one day and i'd like to at least get my money back.
No I don't see them as an investment... but I do keep track of my collection (and guesstimate values) so I know what I have. And like others have said if stuff gets bad I can always sell of pieces to stay afloat... but I really collect just to have them.
Well, depends on your definition of investment. I don't collect as an investment in my financial future, I'll never sell anything unless I'm strapped for the cash.

However, in this sense of the word, I most definitely consider my collection an investment.

a devoting, using, or giving of time, talent, emotional energy, etc., as for a purpose or to achieve something

I put a lot of work into acquiring pieces and caring for them and coming up with ways to display them, so I do invest myself in my collection.
With as much cash as I put into it...i wish it were...but sadly its not. I don't think I could part with any of it unless I really needed the moola.

Most things that I don't want anymore, I donate to Toys for Tots.
I think of mine as a hole in the floor i throw money into.

did i mention there is fire at the bottom of the hole?

Point is, i could care less if something goes up in value, i buy it becuase i like it, like the character, or it has a massive nostolgia feel to it.
I never have and never will,most pop culture collectibles are so mass produced that there's very few items that will gain any significant value and I think a lot of people that have jumped on the bandwagon,particularly those who have started hoarding vast amounts of Star Wars stuff away are gonna get something of a shock 20 or 30 years down the line when they discover their garage full of pristine stuff isn't worth anything more than they paid for it.
Not as an investment at all. But its kinda cool when you know your collectible is now worth much much more than you paid for.

Just think of beanie babies, what's the point.

It's a lurve thing!
It would be a very poor investment choice without a doubt. I collect because it's my release and hobby, I buy stuff that WOW's me. It would be nice if all the stuff I bought held value but the honest truth is most of the stuff does not.
Well off course its an investment for the future,but me personally have no plans on selling off my collection,i have 1 figure of each character,no duplicates.
I collect for fun and mostly just collect what I am into. There have been a few pieces outside of what I would normally collect, but those instances are for a great statue or sculpt. It does make me grimace if something I bought for retail goes into the toilet and can be had for peanuts though.

Just think of beanie babies, what's the point.

It's a lurve thing!

Yeah when I was young(er) and dumb(er) I bought a whole buncha beanie babies figuring I could use them to buy a car when I went to college. So I hunted them down and saved them for the big day. Then the value of them just got trashed. Oh well, it was well worth it because it was something my grandma and I did together and we had great fun doing it.
I concur with what has been said. I don't put money into this hobby to flip, or to speculate on the market. I get what I like, and know that most of it will never recoup my outlay. Some items go up, while most go down, in value. Even so, I consider it an investment. I invest my time and money to get items I think are cool, so I can look around and say, 'Crikey, this is so cool.' It makes me feel good, and gives me something to come home to. The extension of the hobby, via this forum, further increases my enjoyment of my investment into my well being.
I only collect to collect (although I wish they all kept value) I don't collect for a profit.
i don't collect for profit .if i buy something its because i really like it. and i like alot of stuff . i finally realized that i can't keep everything i like so ive sold alot of stuff here far less than i could have gotten elsewhere.
i guess it's a potential investment... i supposed it's possible that someday i may get bored with it, but for now i see it as pretty much just a collection... just a manifestation of giving up all the more common vices ;)
Investment? Heavens no; you don't go hungry just to grab an "investment!" I view them as personal treasures, nothing more. I'm in this hobby for the sheer joy of it, not for any potential monetary benefits.

This is one of the smartest things ever said on this forum. :clap