Devil May Cry Reboot?

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Maybe it's just a kid who thinks he's Dante? He could just be insane.

I kinda like that angle. If the reveal of DmC has done anything, it's made me ravenous for more details.
I didn't see the post on Facebook? Where bouts is it?

Here is my conversation

Dino Last : Capcom, What in the hell have you done to Dante in the Reboot of Devil May Cry?
He looks awful, I can honestly say this will be the first DMC I will not buy. I will quote one of my friends who said Dante without white hair is like Wolverine without his claws. Major Fail

CAPCOM :Would Wolverine still be wolverine if he covered his claws up to hide them? I mean dying ones hair to hide, is quite sensible wouldn't you say?!

Dino Last : Now you have said that, I can see white roots.

CAPCOM : Yep Dino... more will be revealed in good time.

And Plasmid, as major fan of the series, it's my prerogative to air my disappointment. If it helps make Capcom go back to the proper look next time, then me "crying about it" has achieved something
Maybe it's just a kid who thinks he's Dante? He could just be insane.
I kinda like that angle. If the reveal of DmC has done anything, it's made me ravenous for more details.

That storyline would suck. If it's just a Dante impersonator, and not the man himself, then I'm definitely not going to get this game.
It's like Nero all over again. People will get over it. We don't know what's going on at the moment... just wait and see.
It's like Nero all over again. People will get over it. We don't know what's going on at the moment... just wait and see.

But Nero was not replacing Dante. This Skinny Emo IS replacing one of the coolest game icon's in console history. And when you see it looks just like the director it annoys me more, as it's quite clearly a vanity project at the expense of one my favourite game characters
But Nero was not replacing Dante. This Skinny Emo IS replacing one of the coolest game icon's in console history. And when you see it looks just like the director it annoys me more, as it's quite clearly a vanity project at the expense of one my favourite game characters

Thx a lot, skinny emo is just the word for it.
2 guys, same thought.
Don't like Dante's new look, or his new attitude for that matter. Instead of the cool, swave, gothic gunslinger that we all know and love, the new "Dante" just looks psycho. From what I'm seeing, the reboot definitely doesn't do the character any justice. True DMC fans should be outraged by this.

This is weird, looks aside, I thought his attitude is exactly like in DMC3.

I am glad Capcom is injecting something new into the franchise. The last game really just killed whatever passion I have for DMC.
We didn't know Nero wasn't replacing Dante at the beginning. In fact, the first teaser showed us Nero who everyone thought was Dante and people complained about how they changed Dante's look. And when news hit that the character wasn't Dante and was a new guy named Nero, everyone went berserk.

I'm just saying, there's still not enough information for us to write this one off.
Huh...I'm gonna have to look around, I'm curious now.

People were thinking so by this:


but it sounds like the director put his hair like that to look like Dante rather than the opposite way around. This is a better shoe of the director who looks nothing like new Dante:


I just hope in-game Dante starts to look more like that pic of him in jail since his face there looks more like original Dante's.
People were thinking so by this:


but it sounds like the director put his hair like that to look like Dante rather than the opposite way around. This is a better shoe of the director who looks nothing like new Dante:


I just hope in-game Dante starts to look more like that pic of him in jail since his face there looks more like original Dante's.

hmm...Maybe people were a little quick to point the finger just cause they were so mad...
People were thinking so by this:


but it sounds like the director put his hair like that to look like Dante rather than the opposite way around. This is a better shoe of the director who looks nothing like new Dante:


I just hope in-game Dante starts to look more like that pic of him in jail since his face there looks more like original Dante's.

Now I see that, he looks more like Ezio than Dante :lol
For everyone who are fuming over Dante's redesign and are quick to point fingers, READ THIS:

it could have been worse.

That article reveals in-detail what was going on with Capcom and Ninja Theory during the development of new Dante. In short: Capcom U.S.A is crazy. They practically wanted fans to get mad.

The final result is a Dante who is meant to have, like the game, a bit of a punk ethic. Jones promises that Dante's new look isn't arbitrary. There is reasoning, a story behind why the young Dante looks so different than his older self.

See this right here, is why I'm not so mad at the changes. If they have a story behind it, that's all well and fine. I'm looking forward to how they develop this Dante.

"Look at the (Christopher Nolan's) Dark Knight," he said. "That went from the Gothic fun house of the earlier Batman movies, to a fairly dark look at Chicago crime today.

"We want to update and mature the tone of Devil May Cry."

:lol why does everyone have to compare everything to "The Dark Knight" these days