Captain America Civil War: Figure Discussion

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I personally want Sam to be Cap for selfish reasons. I am tired of POC only getting sidekick/support roles in all these comic properties. And other than Black Panther there is no other main black lead character. 1 black male and absolutely no women of color. I want Sam to take over as Cap because I want someone on screen that looks like me to be the hero. I want someone my son can look at and get giddy about seeing. 12 movies in and it won't be until 2018 that a POC is given the forefront of one of these films. That sucks!

I love Evans, and wish he would stay. But I understand he wants to pursue other things. I loved his work in Snowpiercer so if he is going to do more stuff like that, I will be there. And he will always be my Captain America. But if the mantle must be passed, as much as I like Bucky(I would rather they take him and Widow on Bourne like adventures for SHIELD) I would prefer Sam to follow Steve.

I hear you, but damn if the black Panther isn't going to be one of the best movies to come out of Marvel. It has so much potential. It's my most anticipated movie out side of Avengers infinity war

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Yeah, I've read that he does. But I can't help but wonder if they only did that in case Evans doesn't resign (to be able to go in the Bucky Cap direction) and if Evans decides to keep going, do they have other plans for Bucky? Will they still utilize the character? I would think that they wouldn't be so foolish kill the character considering they barely scratched the surface with him, but :dunno

I think Evans will do 6 films and call it quits...I think he was reluctant to do Cap to begin with. Marvel wanted him to do 9 films originally and he didn't want to do 9, so they settled for 6.
:exactly: Someone please summarize it in GIF form :rotfl

I think he may have changed his mind. I think he'd continue if Marvel wanted him to.

Chris Evans Isn't Ready To Give Up Captain America's Shield Just Yet - CINEMABLEND

Yeah, you'd think with the fame and money he'd keep cranking these films out but who knows. Maybe he signed on for 6 instead of 9 purposefully so he could negotiate the last 3 down the road for much more coin.
Should have an Asian Marvel hero that's for sure. How many comic book readers are Asian? Must be a huge percentage and we all know how popular the films are in those countries.

Make Captain Marvel an Asian, black or Latina woman. They should have made Sue in FF black like they did Johnny. Would have been an easy change.

I don't think it's easy to just create new comic heroes that are minorities because it would be difficult to come up with something original that wouldn't just be a copy if another character. Many of the most popular heroes were created years ago and they're the ones with the most success on film.

The MCU has changed many things that happened in the comics, including the entire origin of Ultron by omitting Hank, so I don't think it's a problem to change the race of characters.
Should have an Asian Marvel hero that's for sure. How many comic book readers are Asian? Must be a huge percentage and we all know how popular the films are in those countries.

Make Captain Marvel an Asian, black or Latina woman. They should have made Sue in FF black like they did Johnny. Would have been an easy change.

I don't think it's easy to just create new comic heroes that are minorities because it would be difficult to come up with something original that wouldn't just be a copy if another character. Many of the most popular heroes were created years ago and they're the ones with the most success on film.

The MCU has changed many things that happened in the comics, including the entire origin of Ultron by omitting Hank, so I don't think it's a problem to change the race of characters.

I say, **** that. **** that right in the ear. XD

Hell, I'm Asian and I'd HATE if they made Carol, Asian.
Should have an Asian Marvel hero that's for sure. How many comic book readers are Asian? Must be a huge percentage and we all know how popular the films are in those countries.

Make Captain Marvel an Asian, black or Latina woman. They should have made Sue in FF black like they did Johnny. Would have been an easy change.

I don't think it's easy to just create new comic heroes that are minorities because it would be difficult to come up with something original that wouldn't just be a copy if another character. Many of the most popular heroes were created years ago and they're the ones with the most success on film.

The MCU has changed many things that happened in the comics, including the entire origin of Ultron by omitting Hank, so I don't think it's a problem to change the race of characters.
I disagree,What about mark millar?he does a lot of new characters,some of which(kick ass,wanted,kingsman)were made into successful movies.theres also invincible by Robert kirkman,that's a superman type but different enough I wouldn't say a direct copy.i think changing the race of characters is stupid,why not make a movie about babe Ruth and cast Wesley snipes .i wouldn't mind captain America passing off his shield to the falcon like he did recently in the comics but to make a character that's been a white guy for 40-60 years black doesn't make sense to me..whats next they gonna change the ghostbusters to a female casts?
If you haven't heard of the characters I named, then I question if you even read comics. And taking and actor or actress of color and putting her in green, blue, orange makeup does not count. POC are always labelled as the other in fiction. It is no where the same as having Kamala, Monica, or Ava.

And you can GTFOH with that apologizing for studios prejudice. They can't find room for a young Muslim her like Kamala but I bet when they need a terrorist attack to happen on film they can find plenty of brown people. Same way they keep putting black men into support roles. But never the main hero! They gave Luke Cage's less famous wife a show before he got any love! But if they need to do some bs like Empire or need some generic hood thugs they can always find black actors. Regardless of how you may feel representation matters. And it ends up matter a hell of a lot more when you don't get any.

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