Bootleg Patient Zero on eBay!

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jlcmsu said:
So you're ok with plagiarism? As long as I change a few things in my paper that is no longer being written by the original author or pass it off as the original. It's the same dang thing man.

I said I was done, but (like Lonnie) I must chime in one more time.

Lets define plagiarism in the context of what this thread is about. As I'm sure you are well aware Josh, plagiarism is the act of copying someone else's work and trying to pass it off as your own. The fine customizer who was selling the PZ-X never made any pretenses toward passing the sculpt off as his own. The auction clearly stated that the head sculpt was a recast of the official PZ and he clearly put forth the entire recipe he used to create his kit bash. Lets at least get definitions straitened out before we post. :D

To imply anyone thinks plagiarism is OK is very manipulative and does not represent what this discussion is about or the view of anyone who has seriously posted in it. At all. There are those who would like to spin the issue to make the line between whats right and whats wrong more defined than it is.

Now, I swear, I am done.


No more from me.

Absolutely nothing.




That's fine Pix. IMO its no different than if I take a paper change a few things and tell what I changed. Still plagiarism.

As far trying to manipulate the discussion I was more being smart ass with the discussion on that part. I think the line on this though is pretty clear.
Josh, I agree with many of your points. Yes its plagiarism in a sense, yes its wrong. But I disagree that its harmful on this scale, provided he's not mass producing them.
I mean if we are going to condemn this practice we need to condemn a multitude of others. When we are putting on our political faces, we don't drink, we don't speed, we don't smoke and we don't use foul language. I wonder how many professional artists have purchased a recast, or bootleg of any type, musical, artistic, cinematic. Unless we are saints there is a certain level of hypocrisy we need to accept to make these arguments.

The only thing I really disagree with is the idea that someone could see a recast somewhere and dismiss SSC and the artist as a whole. I have never seen anyone introduced to Sideshow that hasn't examined them further and the RS board is a good example of that. Most members over there had no idea who or what they were until the SW license was acquired.
jlcmsu said:
That's fine Pix. IMO its no different than if I take a paper change a few things and tell what I changed. Still plagiarism.

that's because when you do that youre still passing the paper off as your own work. If you were to make reference that most of it is not your work, then it would not be plagarism.
jlcmsu said:
Well, I don't think you understood my point and IMO yours make very little sense overall. Though you have the right 2 be that way. :duff

Hmm ... this could be fun. In my best D-Dave voice "Let's dance Sideshow Boy."

No offense, but I had to do it :D

jlcmsu said:
Well, it does potentially harm the artist and the company. Why? Because If someone sees it or it gets advertised a certain way they could say something against the artist/company if the the buyer doesn't know.
As I said the buyer could think it's a SS product or a sculpt by lets say Andy B. If they think so both could potentially get bad names because of it. Especially if multiple sculpts are made.

Okay ... are we assuming the buyer of the Patient X figure is going to be illiterate, stupid, or both? Because the auction clearly stated that it was a personal creation recast/recreated from the original source. How the heck could anyone with a 5th grade or higher education confuse that and think Sideshow had anything to do with it? I would love to quote the original auction, but apparently it's gone :rolleyes:

jlcmsu said:
Well, from what I can tell the person took the original and recast the original and is selling for his own profit. So in that way he's taking away from the people who did the original. If he wanted to recast the figure and do different things for his own personal interest then that's another thing all together. Otherwise he doesn't need to be taking someone else's item and making more then selling them. That's wrong and is plagiarism.

You are an intelligent person Josh, I am confident of this. But, in the course of this reply, you neglected to explain the majority of your points. So, this person took the original head, recast it, repaint it - superior to SSC, I might add, then created / collected newer better fitting clothing. I could tell from the pics in the auction before it went down the difference. So, please explain to me how that's not a custom? He wasn't selling unpainted head casts by the truckload. He was selling one custom figure based on the original. You call it plagiarism if you like. The fact that he stated up front what he was doing ... I think I will call it an homage.

jlcmsu said:
Please don't tell me your serious. You defend this crap above then try to tell me I hurt Medicom. :lol

I'm sure they will. I plan on buying them too when they do.

It hasn't cost medicom anything. Why? Cause when they do a 501st I plan on buying one. So not only do they get the money from the one I bought through SS they'll get more when I buy theirs too. Also lots of people on this board have seen my original Medicom figure with paint to look like a 501st and done the same. That's added more money to Medicom's pocket. Where as this bootleg figure could be taken as a SS figure and give them or the sculptor a bad name.

Fine. If you want to use that logic. What's to say the winner of the auction (if it had been allowed to finish it's run) hadn't A.) already bought an original from Sideshow or B.) wouldn't pick up the original at their first opportunity? I also am not sure why you took offense to the use of your 501st as an example. I stated up front I didn't think there was anything wrong with the act ... much like I don't think their is anything wrong with the recast job. I simply said I found it hypocritical to say, "Recasting is horrible, you should be ashamed .... oh, by the way, look at my wonderful Josh 501st clone." Josh took a figure that you paid for ... much like the auction seller took a body, accessories, etc. that he bought - not to mention spent money to recast the head ... and repainted it ... much like this person did with the recast ... then sold it to you at a profit ... much like the auction seller was planning to. It's the same basic concept. He took someone's previous work, added his own "personal" touches and both made a profit and gets credit for the work ... you keep referring to it as Josh's 501st figure, correct? I have no problem with him doing this, but it's the same action. I explained this in detail before, so I am not going to waste any more bandwidth. Re-read my previous post if need be.

So, who's to say you wouldn't have bought 2 medicom 501st figures if not for that repaint? And, what's not to say that some new expensive bauble hasn't caught your fancy by the time Medicom gets around to making the 501st. Right now, you could rightfully rationalize ... "Well, I do already have Josh's repaint, I will just put that money towards collectible X." You might not have been willing to do that without Josh's repaint. Yes, I fully realize that Medicom will sell all the 501st figures whether you buy one or not. But, by your previously stated logic, you potentially cost them money.

jlcmsu said:
You might wanna make sure you get your facts straight though before you go tossing this stuff out. I bought a figure and paid someone to paint it. I didn't cost Medicom anything nor tried to make profit off of my figure. This person took a SS figure and is trying to make profit off of their recast. Two totally different things.

So you're ok with plagiarism? As long as I change a few things in my paper that is no longer being written by the original author or pass it off as the original. It's the same dang thing man.

Actually, you might want to re-read what I read before you get offended and start throwing insults my way. I was very specific about not blaming you or Josh for the repaint job. I have no problem with that. I was pointing out how I felt it was slightly hypocritical to bash the recast Patient X when you participated in something that is identical in both spirit and procedure. You may have not bought the repaint to sell for a profit. However, Josh did the exact same thing as the auction artist: He took someone else work, modified it, and turned around and sold it for a profit. True, you already owned the figure ... but the auction seller also already owned all the parts. You paid Josh for the work he did modifying the figure - thereby rewarding him for modifying the original and making a profit off it. I don't see how you are missing the similarity of the two acts :confused:

And, you might not want to throw the term plagiarism around too much. Because it doesn't apply to this matter in the least:

Plagiarism (from Latin plagiare "to kidnap") is the practice of claiming, or implying, original authorship or incorporating material from someone else's written or creative work, in whole or in part, into ones own without adequate acknowledgment.

I have written enough college papers to know that I can copy another writer word for word as long as I acknowledge the original work in my bibliography. That's all I need to avoid plagiarism. The seller was very specific about the item in his post. He told the potential buyer that he recast the item from a Sideshow sculpt. That is "adequate acknowledgment" in my opinion. So, to answer your question, no, I do not support plagiarism. However, this was not plagiarism. Hmm .... you might have a case for calling it a forgery ... except that he acknowledged that it wasn't an original in the ad ... actually, no you would be wrong on that count too.
jlcmsu said:
That's fine Pix. IMO its no different than if I take a paper change a few things and tell what I changed. Still plagiarism.

As far trying to manipulate the discussion I was more being smart ass with the discussion on that part. I think the line on this though is pretty clear.

I guess Pix beat me to the point because I was so long winded. But Josh ... what the heck are you talking about?!? We are both from an academic background. Educators and writers are constantly using other people's works within their own. It's the basis of academic work ... build upon what the previous person contributed and advance it. As long as they acknowledge where the original work came from, and how they changed it, it's not plagiarism, it's advancement of the concept. Without the ability to work from and advance the academic work of others, thought dies. Sure, that's not entirely related to this matter, but you brought it up, which makes it fair game.
Anzik Hayes said:
I mean if we are going to condemn this practice we need to condemn a multitude of others. When we are putting on our political faces, we don't drink, we don't speed, we don't smoke and we don't use foul language. I wonder how many professional artists have purchased a recast, or bootleg of any type, musical, artistic, cinematic. .

Exactly! When Adam Hughes showed off his custom slave Leia and commented on how he hoped someone would recast the Gentle Giant head so he could create a better figure, where was all this outrage? Not only was there no furor, many of you jumped on the bandwagon and called for the same thing. So, it's only okay when you really, really want something? Very Republican concept people ... and no, I am not talking about Rome.
I haven't read this whole thread - because I basically don't care. But the attitude that nothing is wrong with the auction is incomprehensible to me.

Say Nash or pixletin bids on it and wins it for $100. Then he turns around and sells it as a real, loose Patient Zero? Is anyone hurt then?

The FACT that recasting is evil is a given in almost any hobbiest group you go to. Check out theclubhouse or RPF and mention recasters and see what happens!

However I'd mitigate this by saying that if he'd recast the head and made a zombie fireman and sold it as a custom - I have no problem with that. In that scenario he's not trying to copy a rare valuable collectible, but making something unique. Same goes for casting a head off a bust and putting it on a 1/6 figure.
Darklord Dave said:
...Say Nash or pixletin bids on it and wins it for $100. Then he turns around and sells it as a real, loose Patient Zero? Is anyone hurt then? ....

What if this... what if that... what if I kill someone by accident in a car crash. Certainly the possibility exists. So is it wrong for me to drive?

My personal philosophy is to not let fear based actions dominate my thinking. If I were, I would be paralyzed socially.

My point is, why worry about what "may happen". If there is sufficient evidence to lead me to believe this guy is a scum bag making a killing on dishonest dealings, then thats one thing. But everyone is convicting this customizer of having ill-intent for which their is no proof.
Darklord Dave said:
I haven't read this whole thread - because I basically don't care. But the attitude that nothing is wrong with the auction is incomprehensible to me.

Say Nash or pixletin bids on it and wins it for $100. Then he turns around and sells it as a real, loose Patient Zero? Is anyone hurt then?

The FACT that recasting is evil is a given in almost any hobbiest group you go to. Check out theclubhouse or RPF and mention recasters and see what happens!

However I'd mitigate this by saying that if he'd recast the head and made a zombie fireman and sold it as a custom - I have no problem with that. In that scenario he's not trying to copy a rare valuable collectible, but making something unique. Same goes for casting a head off a bust and putting it on a 1/6 figure.

Okay, my problem with the first part - about someone buying it and then portraying it as an original - is that we are straying from the original point. We were arguing the connection between this seller fully acknowledging it was a recast and offering it for sale ... whether that was right, and whether it was similar to making a profit off re sculpting or repainting a figure. Sure, we can make assumptions about any variable in a situation. A merchant sells someone a non-functioning luger Han Solo custom. That person then proceeds to modify it into a working gun and kills someone. Is that original custom replica seller responsible for that action? In my opinion no. Yes, that was a very facetious example, but I think it highlights the point. If you are punishing a seller for something that might occur because of his auction ... well, there are 10 of thousands of auctions that should be ended right this moment.

As for the second part ... if someone recast the Leia statue head and then sells it for a profit, that's the same as recasting the Patient X and selling it for a profit. I have no problem with the selling, just the fact that we want to separate the acts.
Darklord Dave said:
I haven't read this whole thread - because I basically don't care. But the attitude that nothing is wrong with the auction is incomprehensible to me.

Say Nash or pixletin bids on it and wins it for $100. Then he turns around and sells it as a real, loose Patient Zero? Is anyone hurt then?

The FACT that recasting is evil is a given in almost any hobbiest group you go to. Check out theclubhouse or RPF and mention recasters and see what happens!

However I'd mitigate this by saying that if he'd recast the head and made a zombie fireman and sold it as a custom - I have no problem with that. In that scenario he's not trying to copy a rare valuable collectible, but making something unique. Same goes for casting a head off a bust and putting it on a 1/6 figure.

Dave if you don't care than why post. :monkey3
BadMoon said:
Dave if you don't care than why post. :monkey3

Not to put words into Dave's mouth, but I think he was trying to say, "I don't care about the auction, but I do want to share my opinion on what's been said here."

And, I can understand that. It is a volatile subject ... to say the least.
DouglasMcc said:
Hmm ... this could be fun. In my best D-Dave voice "Let's dance Sideshow Boy."

No offense, but I had to do it :D

No Offense taken. :)

DouglasMcc said:
Okay ... are we assuming the buyer of the Patient X figure is going to be illiterate, stupid, or both? Because the auction clearly stated that it was a personal creation recast/recreated from the original source. How the heck could anyone with a 5th grade or higher education confuse that and think Sideshow had anything to do with it? I would love to quote the original auction, but apparently it's gone :rolleyes:

Well, they might be. :lol You'd be suprised at the people out there.

DouglasMcc said:
You are an intelligent person Josh, I am confident of this. But, in the course of this reply, you neglected to explain the majority of your points. So, this person took the original head, recast it, repaint it - superior to SSC, I might add, then created / collected newer better fitting clothing. I could tell from the pics in the auction before it went down the difference. So, please explain to me how that's not a custom? He wasn't selling unpainted head casts by the truckload. He was selling one custom figure based on the original. You call it plagiarism if you like. The fact that he stated up front what he was doing ... I think I will call it an homage.

Thanks I'd like to think I'm a little smarter than the average bear. :rotfl The fact he is selling a cast of the head is wrong in and of itself. If he was just doing it for his own personal collection no biggie but when you start selling them that's where it crosses the line. As far as it being plagiarism there's not enough dramatic differences between the two.

DouglasMcc said:
I also am not sure why you took offense to the use of your 501st as an example. I stated up front I didn't think there was anything wrong with the act ... much like I don't think their is anything wrong with the recast job.

I didn't take offense I was just simply saying it's not the same. Since it would not be costing Medicom any money and probably made them a little. Don't believe me just go check Josh's custom thread for the 4 he's working on plus his own shock.

DouglasMcc said:
I simply said I found it hypocritical to say, "Recasting is horrible, you should be ashamed .... oh, by the way, look at my wonderful Josh 501st clone."

They're different. Not even that close really. Recasting and having something painted.

DouglasMcc said:
Josh took a figure that you paid for ... much like the auction seller took a body, accessories, etc. that he bought - not to mention spent money to recast the head ... and repainted it ... much like this person did with the recast ... then sold it to you at a profit ... much like the auction seller was planning to.

What? Josh didn't sell me my figure at a profit. I paid retail for the figure. I paid him a painting fee. He didn't charge me again for my figure. What this other person did was buy a figure, make copies and sell them. Not the same sorry.

DouglasMcc said:
It's the same basic concept.

No, no it's not.

DouglasMcc said:
So, who's to say you wouldn't have bought 2 medicom 501st figures if not for that repaint?

Um the fact they'd cost like $130 bucks each. :lol There's only been one SS 1:6th figure I've bought two of and that's Asajj. So I can display both heads. I don't plan on buying more than one trooper from SS or Medicom.

DouglasMcc said:
And, what's not to say that some new expensive bauble hasn't caught your fancy by the time Medicom gets around to making the 501st.

Well, we can play what ifs all day till the cows come home. However, when/if Medicom and SS does a 501st figure I'll be buying come hell or high water.

DouglasMcc said:
But, by your previously stated logic, you potentially cost them money.

As I said Josh and I have probably made them a little bit of change because of all the clones he's working on.

DouglasMcc said:
Actually, you might want to re-read what I read before you get offended and start throwing insults my way.

I didn't toss one insult your way. I asked if you where serious and a couple things like that. However, I didn't toss out one insult.

DouglasMcc said:
I have no problem with that. I was pointing out how I felt it was slightly hypocritical to bash the recast Patient X when you participated in something that is identical in both spirit and procedure.

Well, I'm telling ya you're way off base and they're not close in anyway. The only thing that was changed on my trooper was it got painted.

DouglasMcc said:
You may have not bought the repaint to sell for a profit. However, Josh did the exact same thing as the auction artist: He took someone else work, modified it, and turned around and sold it for a profit.

It's not the same. Yes, the both modified it but tossing some paint on or recasting someone elses work and selling it as your own. Josh didn't go selling my clone as his medicom clone.

DouglasMcc said:
True, you already owned the figure ... but the auction seller also already owned all the parts. You paid Josh for the work he did modifying the figure - thereby rewarding him for modifying the original and making a profit off it. I don't see how you are missing the similarity of the two acts :confused:

Now he's making more parts though and selling them or could potentially sell them for a profit. Tossing a bit of paint on just isn't the same. It's still a medicom clone if I took all the paint off. You take all the stuff of it still looks like a SS Dead Figure.
jlcmsu said:
Well, I'm telling ya you're way off base and they're not close in anyway. The only thing that was changed on my trooper was it got painted.

It's not the same. Yes, the both modified it but tossing some paint on or recasting someone elses work and selling it as your own. Josh didn't go selling my clone as his medicom clone.

Sorry Josh, but you just revealed the fundamental problem with me trying to discuss this with you. I gave my "opinion" and stressed that was "how I felt". You are "telling me" you are right. That's not a debate, that's a lecture. I've got better things to do than be lectured. I would like to take the time to point out that I believe this very issue is why people here tend to be polarized one way or the other towards you when discussing matters on these forums.. You make up your mind, then lecture us. We want to have a discussion here. I can honestly say, if your opinion had shown me a defect in my personal beliefs, I would have have been willing to change my opinion. I honestly don't think that's the case on your side. I don't support the insults and harrassment D-Dave has thrown your way in the past. But, I think I finally understand where his anger/ contempt (my words, not his) were coming from. There is a fundamental difference from being strong-willed and closed-minded. I think you cross that line sometimes.

So, while I don't necessarily agree with you, I will respect your right to feel that way. I would only ask that you try to be a little more open minded in the future.
DouglasMcc said:
Sorry Josh, but you just revealed the fundamental problem with me trying to discuss this with you. I gave my "opinion" and stressed that was "how I felt". You are "telling me" you are right.

You can take it that way all you want. It wasn't meant how it came across . I guess I should have said I felt you're way off base so I didn't hurt your feelings. Everything I say here is IMO as I've been told not a lecture. If people want to take things that way then that's not on me. Honestly, I think some folks here need to get thicker skin when it comes 2 me. When I say something like I'm tellin ya your off base I mean from my POV you're off base and then I try to explain why like I did.

You're more than welcome 2 feel like I'm closed minded but if I feel you're wrong I'm gonna tell ya. I'm not gonna sugar coat it cause nobody seems to really want 2 do that with me.

Having said that I'm done on this issue and done being lectured myself. :)
Nice to see you in posting form again Josh :duff

This does seem to be the debate that will not die, but I think the length of some of the recent posts could cause terminal boredom :lol

It seems like the moral is that since recasting is considered a poo-poo activity by eBay it really doesn't matter much what anyone else thinks. As soon as someone complains, its gone.

We still don't know the intentions of the seller, maybe this was just a one-off project he did to see if it could be done and then later decided to sell it. Or maybe this was just the tip of the iceberg and he had plans to have a PZ-X in every bitter collectors hands by X-mas. Who knows, my guess is he's probably somewhere in the middle. What will be fun is since Cosmo snagged the figure maybe we can find out if it really looks that good of if he's been duped, then we may all indeed applaud Lonnie :lol
The reason for bringing up the hypothetical case is just an attempt to illustrate WHY the vast majority of the hobbyists out there see this kind of thing as immoral.

Granted, that this auction is not a great example, as the auctioner isn't trying to mislead. But by creating a duplicate of a collectible item it raises the question. Master Replicas isn't allowed to make a replica of a Star Wars prop without plainly labeling it "property of Lucasfilm". If they made it exactly like the original, the problem would arise of their customers perhaps trying to pass them off as original.

And it seems obvious that copying a part of an original work and making something wholely different isn't the same thing as copying the original exactly.
Ah, I see MOTMQ* has arrived, the debate is pointless now. Move along now.

* Master Of The Multi-Quote