**Beware SPOILERS** Obi-Wan Kenobi Series on Disney+ **Beware SPOILERS**

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Okay, cool. When I have an OT interpretation that aligns with yours, I know that I can stop second-guessing it. :duff
But although I see what you're saying about TCW getting away with undermining a strongly implied bit of context from the PT, I don't put animation on the same level as live action. And I certainly don't put the PT anywhere near the same level as the OT. They really need to stop messing with the originals. I don't care that Lucas himself started it with the SE 25 years ago, it just needs to stop.
Yes, George got away with recontextualizing SW with ESB's iconic twist but then as early as ROTJ the recontextualizations (sister Leia) wore out their welcome. If they want to do a twist within a self-contained story ("the Pykes were the real killers, not the Niktos!") then fine but yes no more "surprise" reveals (aka retcons) about the OT please.

Hopefully this rumored rematch between Obi-Wan and Vader will just be some sort of vision or test like Luke in the cave and not a real pre-ANH encounter between the two of them.
“He just shot Bib Fortuna in cold blood!”
“… Respectfully.”

I have no idea what to expect from the Obi-Wan show. I’m open to being pleasantly surprised.
Think there's a reasonable chance of something decent to pretty good. Obi-Wan probably didn't spend years smoking Tusken lizards and talking to a phantom Qui-Gon, then stumbling over to check on baby Luke only to have Owen Lars threaten to shoot him if he ever showed up on his property again.

Although even threatening Obi-Wan off would be reasonable, assuming the Empire is grinding its boots into planets all over. Populations would be scared. Maybe we'll even see Mandalore's Great Purge and other planets being taken over.

So aside from building his hut and fending off Tuskens, I could see Obi-Wan quietly helping some villagers and then for whatever reason traveling off world, time to time. Maybe some Inquisitors are stalking him - I'd luv to see a live action Grand Inquisitor. Jason Isaac's voice work in Rebels as the Grand Inquisitor was stellar.
Star Wars' Live-Action Grand Inquisitor Actor Reportedly Revealed

They could also have Obi-Wan help a guilt-ridden ex Temple guard. SW Rebels had multiple arcs for multiple characters around the same time frame; they should be able to do some good stories for Obi-Wan.

Yes, George got away with recontextualizing SW with ESB's iconic twist but then as early as ROTJ the recontextualizations (sister Leia) wore out their welcome. If they want to do a twist within a self-contained story ("the Pykes were the real killers, not the Niktos!") then fine but yes no more "surprise" reveals (aka retcons) about the OT please.

Hopefully this rumored rematch between Obi-Wan and Vader will just be some sort of vision or test like Luke in the cave and not a real pre-ANH encounter between the two of them.
When it comes to the rumored rematch, I think you'll be better off to go into it *not * expecting a vision or test. Without getting into the leaks, I'll just say that it'll probably be best to start gearing yourself for accepting an encounter that is more real.

Yes, George got away with recontextualizing SW with ESB's iconic twist but then as early as ROTJ the recontextualizations (sister Leia) wore out their welcome. If they want to do a twist within a self-contained story ("the Pykes were the real killers, not the Niktos!") then fine but yes no more "surprise" reveals (aka retcons) about the OT please.

Hopefully this rumored rematch between Obi-Wan and Vader will just be some sort of vision or test like Luke in the cave and not a real pre-ANH encounter between the two of them.
Whew we lucked out…
When it comes to the rumored rematch, I think you'll be better off to go into it *not * expecting a vision or test. Without getting into the leaks, I'll just say that it'll probably be best to start gearing yourself for accepting an encounter that is more real.
They literally had Ewan in an interview laughing about how Vader and Obi Wan would likely 'want to have another go at each other' like it was a good, exciting thing which is why I LOL when people think his involvement is some kind of quality indicator.

When it comes to the rumored rematch, I think you'll be better off to go into it *not * expecting a vision or test. Without getting into the leaks, I'll just say that it'll probably be best to start gearing yourself for accepting an encounter that is more real.
I see. Well luckily for me I don't have a single canon that I live and die by so if it fits with established continuity then great if not then oh well yet another timeline is created, lol.