Amoktime releasing their own horror figures

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This must be even more annoying for dealers who pre-order these items in bulk. They really need to stick to a deadline.
At this point, I'm almost considering bashing a Bub and canceling my preorder. "Undetermined" is lame and I know bashing one wouldn't be helping the situation but if the worst happens, and he get's the axe (which looks to be what will happen anyway), at least I'll have a Bub.
God, someone really needs to release that 2001 A Space Odyssey Kier Dullea and his space pod. Awesome.

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from Executive Replicas Inc.:

New pictures from the NYCC 2010 have been posted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rock :bow :D!/album.php?aid=245280&id=153260645107

The prices of these things are going to have to go up before they are released after the unionizing, strikes, etc. in China are over and their wages improve.

At what point do we wash our hands with foreign factories,open the factories in the USA, bring jobs back home, and the price be about the same. I mean--the whole point of having all this stuff done overseas was to keep prices down.

But now that China is unionizing, its soon not going to be cost effective to do them there and pay to have them shipped here. Figures that used to cost $20-40 are now getting $150-250. Cant we do them here and offer them for the same price plus put people to work? Besides, I believe I would rather pay $25 extra for a product made in America that could be released at least within a year of its projected release date.

Screw China.:monkey3
Hourly wages and shipping really have little to do with it. Unfortunately the U.S.'s lame sue happy mentality and the gag-inspiring cost of insurance will ensure China's longevity for many years to come.
Its funny... kind of like they were just showing off a lot of custom work; some really cool stuff. But so obscure that I really doubt the majority of it will ever get made.

I mean if Bub doesn't see the light of day, how likely will we see an Agent 13?
Hourly wages and shipping really have little to do with it. Unfortunately the U.S.'s lame sue happy mentality and the gag-inspiring cost of insurance will ensure China's longevity for many years to come.

Well, now that the country will be experiencing the joys of Obamacare shortly--wouldnt that kind of squash all that?:wink1:
I desperately want all of those Karloff figures as well as the Chaney Sr. Too bad it'll probably be a long wait.
I always felt the first Fraser Mummy was as much a horror film as it was an adventure or comedy. IMO, any movie with a decomposing, flesh-stealing undead monster that is a semi-serious remake of a classic horror film, belongs in this section.

Hell, I'd argue the 1999 MUMMY is more of a horror-flick than ARMY OF DARKNESS, yet nobody has a problem with that film belonging in this section.
:lecture Much like the Mummy starring Brendan Fraser, politics have no place in the horror section. :lecture

Unless you are sitting in China with a paintbrush in your hand awaiting Amok Time's figures to come rolling down the assembly line--I do not see how my views on just making the darn things here could be considered offensive or be construed as "political". :dunno

Unless you are talking about mentioning our president's healthcare plan name by its name as its called on the news media in a sentence. If we are gonna go that far overboard consider this: The Prez's been on dozens of comics this year... does that mean they cannot mention the issues he's in in the Marvel thread? I wasn't about to start campaigning or bashing for pete's sake.:lecture

I am not stumping for anyone. (Unless they start promising to get the figures here faster--then I would think about giving them my vote. If they promised to make IT--Terror from Beyond Space happen they could buy my vote for sure, and possibly one of my kidneys. I wouldnt care who they were.):monkey3
I always felt the first Fraser Mummy was as much a horror film as it was an adventure or comedy. IMO, any movie with a decomposing, flesh-stealing undead monster that is a semi-serious remake of a classic horror film, belongs in this section.

Hell, I'd argue the 1999 MUMMY is more of a horror-flick than ARMY OF DARKNESS, yet nobody has a problem with that film belonging in this section.

After a while the lines start to blur. All of these fantastic genre characters and genres are only separated by the thinnest line to begin with. Take Tomb of Dracula...would you display a T.O.D. statue with your comic collectibles or your horror collectibles? What about Cthulhu and the Lovecraft mythos? It fits into Science Fiction, Cosmic Horror, Fantasy---and even Aquaman figts him once a year according to J.M.S.:panic:
Wow dudes, way to get your panties in a bunch over an off the cuff joke.

Here, have a girl riding a cyclops:

I always felt the first Fraser Mummy was as much a horror film as it was an adventure or comedy. IMO, any movie with a decomposing, flesh-stealing undead monster that is a semi-serious remake of a classic horror film, belongs in this section.

Hell, I'd argue the 1999 MUMMY is more of a horror-flick than ARMY OF DARKNESS, yet nobody has a problem with that film belonging in this section.

Army of Darkness > Sommers' The Mummy. I agree that AoD was more comedy/horror, but it still had some horror aspects in it whereas Sommers' Mummy was a watered down adventure/romance for toddlers. It has more in common with Romancing the Stone than the film it was pillaged from. :monkey1