Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series! Beware Spoilers!

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Re: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

Nick Fury showed up. How awesome was that?!?!

It's campy, but I like it. I gave up wishing comic characters on TV or the big screen were more like comic book characters long ago. And from the sounds of it, many of you should too.
Re: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

Liked the episode tonight. Should be a fun series and loved the after credits bit.
Re: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

Can't believe anyone would expect this show to be like Breaking Bad or Sons of Anarchy, quite frankly. The Marvel movies haven't been anything like them in tone, either. :dunno

I'm comparing this to the "hook" aspect that shows like SOA and Breaking bad have. I'm not saying they are at all in the same league. At the moment I just have no incentive to care about the next episode.

Re: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

I agree, doesn't hold my interest at all to care what happens in the next episode. This is no where near SOA or breaking bad. Feels like it's more geared towards 12-15 year old range.
All I can say is I'm losing interest fast, I'll see what happens next week, if I'm totally bored again I'll take it off the PVR list.

Chris's a network, comic based tv show on in primetime. And you're comparing it to Breaking Bad and SOA?

Re: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

Nice episode tonight.

Still not sold on why Skye is needed on the show though. She seems to be the most useless and uninteresting member of the team.

Whedon seems to have a problem from time to time of secondary characters outshining the lead.
Re: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

I thought tonight's episode was a bit lackluster. I get what they are trying to do, but I just hope they don't drag the show out by just giving us a "taste" of things each week. If they are building up to some big wow moment, then move it along and get to it. Tell a story, don't tease us to death.
Re: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

It's like this. As a tv viewer I have a finite amount of time to watch. So I have to be picky in what I choose to watch. Yes I have a DVR but with two kids, two jobs, and everything else I simply can't sit on my *** all day and watch tv. So for me this show just doesn't seem to be worth my time at the moment when I compare it to other shows that I wouldn't miss for anything. Does that make sense in why I'm comparing them?

My current tv shows that I wouldn't miss:

Game of Thrones
Bates Motel
Shark Tank
Motor Week
The Walking Dead
American Horror Story

As you can see these are all very different. I think Parenthood is every bit as good as SOA, yet they are different.

No, no...I get why you wouldn't like the show, or why it's not worthy of your time. That's not the issue, but when you say It doesn't compare to SOA and BB it just makes me think..."well no ****..." It's like you're saying "I don't like Star Wars, it doesn't hold a candle to the Godfather."....Wat?!

Just to be clear, I'm not "confronting" you based on your opinion of the show...just what you said is weird to me...anyway, let's carry on :lol. Yes this show is not as good as Breaking Bad....:lecture

SO how about that cameo. :panic:
Re: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!'s a network, comic based tv show on in primetime. And you're comparing it to Breaking Bad and SOA?


I don't get the excuse? So it gets a pass in regards to acting, story, and production value? I would think that Marvel would have tons of money to throw into this show considering the massive profits they've obtained through their movie releases. :dunno
Re: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

I am enjoying the series for what it is. It doesn't take itself too seriously and is funny at times. I just don't think that kind of formula is conducive to a long run. I am hoping they develop a season long storyline as this object of the week stuff isn't hooking me in to watch week after week.

I thought using the rubber raft to plug the hole in the plane was incredibly stupid, but it is just an example of the show keeping it light and silly instead of being too serious.
Re: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

When Disney bought Lucasfilm a couple of projects ended up scrapped. There was 1313, the villain-oriented video game. And there was the Star Wars TV show, which would have followed smugglers and gangsters, and which had possibly multiple seasons worth of episodes already written. But that doesn't mean Star Wars will never make it to television, and last week the galaxy far, far away took a step closer to ending up on (probably) ABC.

Last week Marvel's Agents of SHIELD debuted to big numbers - the biggest drama debut numbers in years. It wasn't a great episode (it was super generic, in fact), but what's important is that people wanted to watch it. According to Blue Sky Disney the fact that so many people wanted to watch the show, possibly because it ties into the continuing Marvel movie franchises, made the folks at the Mouse House think that sort of enthusiasm could be generated for a Star Wars show... and they wouldn't even have to make it that good!

According to the site the show they're considering would not be the gangster show that was in development. They would want something lighter, although there's been no decision made on when it would be set. It could be set post-Jedi or be set pre-Phantom Menace, or sometime else completely. Basically they don't have a show right now, but Agents of SHIELD has convinced them they want to have one. And ABC has been hot for one all along.

They're brainstorming now, but it could all come together quite quickly, piggy-backing off 2015's great Star Wars fever. We'll wait and see.

Re: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

I don't get the excuse? So it gets a pass in regards to acting, story, and production value? I would think that Marvel would have tons of money to throw into this show considering the massive profits they've obtained through their movie releases. :dunno

I'm not giving excuses. It's network TV, it's not movies and they aren't going to be the same. Can you imagine the cost to do a weekly, 20+ episode tv show with the quality of, say, The Avengers or Thor?

I think many expected to see just that and they didn't get it. so they're disappointed.

I like the show. You didn't. I never watched one whole episode of SoA or Breaking Bad. Not my thing. And this obviously isn't your's. No biggie.
Re: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

I have the same opinion as the first episode, just ok. Coulson worked much better as a bit player and comic relief. As a series leading man, he's kinda dry.

One of the biggest surprises to me is the dialogue. I don't know if it's the writing itself, or the way the lines are being delivered, but the dialogue comes across shockingly flat for a Joss Whedon series.
Re: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

I'm not giving excuses. It's network TV, it's not movies and they aren't going to be the same. Can you imagine the cost to do a weekly, 20+ episode tv show with the quality of, say, The Avengers or Thor?

I think many expected to see just that and they didn't get it. so they're disappointed.

I like the show. You didn't. I never watched one whole episode of SoA or Breaking Bad. Not my thing. And this obviously isn't your's. No biggie.

I'm always embarrassed to tell people that i've never watched BB or SOA either. :rotfl

I saw 2 quick clips of SOA a week or so ago when some dude killed a hooker in a hotel room and later on a bunch of dudes killed some other dudes on a boat by slicing their throat.

That's it, nothing else

Looked like a fun show. :rotfl

The way I look at it is that I get enough real life brutality just by watching the news every day, real life brutality always more engaging than fake brutality. :rotfl

So I turn towards Josh Whedon, Marvel and Biojex for my entertaining needs.
Re: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

Saw first episode tonight .... And my last.