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Has any MCU character ever carried the 'exact' same look across two entire movies?... Black Widow would come close, but I'm not that much of an MCU buff to notice how much her costume changes each movie..

Im pretty sure the Vision had an identical costume for Ultron and Civil War.
Has any MCU character ever carried the 'exact' same look across two entire movies?... Black Widow would come close, but I'm not that much of an MCU buff to notice how much her costume changes each movie..

Thor from Dark world to AoU. I think the metal color in the chest may have been a bit different. But same outfit
Of the figures I have (ignoring the sculpts) Thor is the closest of two different movie representations. Colouring is silver in AoU, gold in TDW.. He was both sleeved and sleeveless in both movies. From my memory the regular Hot Toy figures are pretty good reflection of the sleeve ratio in the two movies too..

I suppose at the end of the day I'm just thinking that although some of the costume looks don't change much between movies (Cap in AoU and Civil War is another example), they change just enough that you can guarantee Spidey will be at least a tiny bit different in every movie appearance..
Has any MCU character ever carried the 'exact' same look across two entire movies?... Black Widow would come close, but I'm not that much of an MCU buff to notice how much her costume changes each movie..

Well I guess you are not counting IM mk6 because while in both IM2 and The Avengers, it is not featured in either movie the whole time.

Dark World Thor is almost exactly the same as AOU Thor except for the metal details on AOU being silver instead of bronze/gold. Also AOU was sleeveless longer (he only had the armor on his sleeves for like 30 seconds in AOU), bot both movies showed both options.

I don't see any difference between Falcon in Ant-Man and Civil War

Vision also looks the same (exactly?) between AOU and CW
Iron Man is cancelled out by the fact he wore a second suit in that film. They've never settled for having Tony wear one suit for two entire movies. They are always looking for an opportunity to push a new Iron Man look out. Even in Age of Ultron they could have written it so the 43 was still in good condition for the final battle. The change to the VII did make some narrative sense in the first Avengers (along with being a cool scene)

Thor and Vision.. have done that one. Very similar but still very, very minor differences.

Falcon.. Good point. I'd clean forgotten about his small role in Ant-Man. Chances are there is probably a small (Thor/Vision) difference between the two.
Clearer pic:

Has any MCU character ever carried the 'exact' same look across two entire movies?... Black Widow would come close, but I'm not that much of an MCU buff to notice how much her costume changes each movie..
No they haven't. Its actually in Marvel Studios contract with toy companies that they have to change the costumes for every movie. Captalism influencing art at its finest.
Occasionally the changes are very subtle like in the previously mentioned Black Widow, Vision, and Thor.
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That Iron Man suit looks ****ing awful.

*Reads post*
*Looks at signature*

Oh okay then :lol

I didn't really like ultimates so the throwback to that design doesn't really do anything for me, but overall doesn't seem that bad. Just looks a little unfinished.

Would have preferred something that mimics the marvel now suit, but I guess python already kinda did that.
This Iron Man does look unfinished like you wrote. Red, yellow, black are colors in nature together mean a dangerous animal like a coral snake.