HBO's Game of Thrones

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Geez, this should be a new record for number of named (and one unnamed) characters dying in a single episode, I think this might be my favourite series finale yet.

I doubt Stannis is alive, and if he is, what the hell is he supposed to do now? He has no army, no family and basically no supporters, will he tag along with Brienne and Pod? Maybe I'll be proven wrong though, and he'll get some kind of redemption arc.
Melisandre did say she saw Stannis on the ramparts, I don't think she was lying about that.

I think Stannis is done for. Of course, you shouldn't take anything for granted in GOT, but Brienne doesn't seem like the type to stop in the middle of an action like that, in order to make a more calculated move. She wanted vengeance for Renly as badly as she wanted anything else, and keeping him alive would only increase the chance that he might escape justice at some point. I'm not sure why she would string him along for any other purpose, anyway. Why would the Boltons care much about a live Stannis?

When thinking about Stannis and Jon's 'deaths', I was reminded that on this show, most permanent deaths happen in regular episodes - not the finale. But I might just be forgetting someone - is there a character that died in the finale and was really dead? When did Khal Drogo die, episode 9 or 10?
Tywin comes to mind.
Yeah a-dev, of all the things to have spoiled, the last episode of the season? :lol Maybe you've been too strongly influenced by Terminator, and the horrible decision by the producers to leak every detail of the new movie in trailers.
Dang, bad episode to spoil yourself with but I'm sure you'll still find it enjoyable, a-dev. Will be re-watching tonight, for sure. Think I'll re-watch the entire series starting in October/November to make sure I've caught everything and pass some time until season 6 starts. Thinking about pacing myself so that I'll be done season 5 again just as season 6 starts. :lol
I slowly started rewatching season one a few weeks back, and there is so much great stuff in there that I didn't remember very well. I look forward to rewatching everything, as well. By the time I get through, it will probably be a year!
Jon's not dead - too obvious with Melisandre being brought back to Castle Black just in time. They've dropped every hint possible that he's a Targaryan, and his place will be as King of the North once Dany takes over. Bolton's flags will burn, but it will be at the hands of Sansa/Jon. I am interested to see what happens though with the prophecy that Dany received from those dudes who tried to take her dragons and she burned them up - remember, they said there was three heads to the dragon. If it does turn out that Jon is her...nephew, right?...then there should be a third, but there hasn't been the slightest inkling...

The prevailing theory is that it's Tyrion.
He really wasn't Tywins son.
Theirs more detail and deeper insights that go along with it but that's the main thrust.
Have the reaction compiliations starting yet?? LOVE those. If I knew what was going to go down I'd have recorded my wifes reaction. She's in the '**** THIS SHOW, I'M DONE' camp right now.
Have the reaction compiliations starting yet?? LOVE those. If I knew what was going to go down I'd have recorded my wifes reaction. She's in the '**** THIS SHOW, I'M DONE' camp right now.
LOL Funny that there were three distinct points this season where a chunk of viewers made that decision.
lol she's was almost out at the Red Wedding. But she said from that point that if Snow ever bit it she was out. Her rant was epic last night. lol

edit -

...and it starts...

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The prevailing theory is that it's Tyrion.
He really wasn't Tywins son.
Theirs more detail and deeper insights that go along with it but that's the main thrust.

I've heard that before man. If this Theory eventually turns to be real how could we possibly know? It's not like the R+L= J theory which has its ways of eventually knowing the (possible) truth but this one seems too far fetched for me to take seriously. I know it has some basis to it but my point lies with the reveal of it: just how could we know this for sure?.
Aw man...haven't been this gutted about a death since they killed off soap in call of duty modern warfare! :lol

Any articles I've read seem to suggest he is 100% dead. Kit talking about when they wrapped his final scene, for example.

Seems such a waste to build him up so much. Honestly the red wedding is one thing, but this feels like too much, like they're doing it for just shock value, alright we get it, you kill off whoever you want. But this is just one too far I feel. It doesn't have the same shock, it just feels like 'wtf did they do that for'