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Hmm, thinking about the allusions to Jon's true origins in the show, I wonder if this can't be seen in light of Aemon Targaryen's words to Jon to "Kill the boy." I.e., the boy, Commander of the Night's Watch, dies, and the future king arises next season when resurrected by Melissandre. As good a commander as he was, he still wasn't able to make the kind of decisions he needs to in order to prepare Westeros for the White Walkers. He needs a larger canvass than that and dying as a Night's Watchman will release him of his vow. I'm more confident than ever that he's coming back! :yess:
I'm with you Invictus Sol. Jon's death will release him of lesser things. I am apprehensive about what it means to bring him and Melisendre together though.
Yep, I'm sure it won't come without certain horrible strings attached. Like Dondarrion said, every time he comes back he's a little less than he was before.
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..and more powerful than the Lord of Light is the magic of a contract saying he's been signed for 2 more years.
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I haven't read the books but I knew about what happens to Jon. Though I thought it wasn't made clear in the books whether he was dead or not, when in the show he was clearly fatally wounded and dying...dead...

I think the CGI on Drogon was the best it's been in the entire series.

Glad to see Theon sort of return to form. I'm interested to see what becomes of him and Sansa after that insane jump.

I hate how the dire wolves are only used for small scenes here and there, but are never around when they really should be. Where the **** was Ghost during this? What's going to happen to him in Jon's absence? I bet they won't even address it. :slap

At some point people wash their hands of this kind of crap. Like I said **** this show. I'll probably see what they do next season just to see how things go when they don't have a book but I don't feel like GoT is a must watch.
You posted the same thing last season, and after the Red Wedding in season 3 if I recall correctly.
Whoa, that was intense... so these are the ones who died in this episode... correct? There's so many i'm not sure I got them all :lol
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Other thoughts
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Jon Snow will marry Danerys and fight off the white walkers and rule the seven kingdoms to end this show. Quote me three years from now, its leading to this.
I just take solace in the fact that the White Walkers won't discriminate, and that little ****head will get his face ate by Zombie Bath Salt Jon Snow.
Wow, I was pissed until I read all of the comments and theories. Now I think there is more to it all. I felt so annoyed that the Starks/Sow cant catch a freakin break! I do enjoy the no one is safe vibe but now I feel like Im starting to root for Cersei....
Epic season finale!
I think that there are a lot of things so enticing to this series, from the many plot twists to major character deaths.
Nothing is untouchable.
The fact that I have never read the books and have been spoiler free, this season's ending I could never see coming but I thought it weird with the mention of Uncle Benjen.
Definitely a slow start to the season but it did hit its stride the ladt few eps.
Great episode. I fully expect Melisandre to resurrect Jon, so I'm not taking his death as bad as I would have. I also figure Briene didn't kill Stannis due to the cut scene. Danni was taken to Middle Earth it appears. Cersie is going to open a huge can of revenge with her Death knight...especially once she finds out her daughter's dead.

'**** this show! It's just not all that. It sucks!.....I'll tune in next year like I have since the beginning.'

Anyway, to me Jon's death never felt serious. The scene in the book and the show was very tense and moving but there's just no way they're killing Snow off. There's things left unsaid about his past, they've been building his character over 5 books and he's too woven into the story, moreso than other characters.

When she first appeared at Castle Black, I wanted to see Davos kill her in a fit of rage. Now, of course, I'm glad she showed up with the hope that she'll be instrumental in bringing Jon back somehow. She has shown a strong interest in him in the past, and it seemed very odd for her to just leave Stannis's troops and head to Castle Black that way, as pointed out here.

I'm wondering what motivated her to leave Stannis to begin with? Was she just seeing the writing on the wall, or was the Lord of Light talking to her or something?

So did I. Bad. Just for a split second I thought he was going to punch her or something.b As far as why she left I think it might have been a little bit of both? But she knew the game was up. Ramsay already raided his camp and decimated food and horse, then half his army leaves taking the rest of the horses. Yeah, the writing was on the wall, I'd say. You saw her face. Stannis knew they'd be crushed too, I think. When he saw that army with heavy cavalry coming to meet him with his army walking up all cold looking like a bunch of jackasses he just said '**** it'. I had a feeling either that scene was going to cut off or something would happen in that scene with Brienne. I think Stannis is still alive but I don't know what the hell he's going to do now. :lol This was it. After you become a daughter burner you won't be inspiring any loyalty or love from then on. :lol
Well, we are all now in uncharted territory.

As a reader of the books, I've known that Jon's death, Cersi's walk, and Arya's blindness was all on the horizon. The show did these events justice. And with the new material that was shown with Stannis, Brienne, and Jamie it all serves the overall story remarkably. As far as next season goes, I'm sticking with my gut and saying Jon is dead and will not be coming back. I don't think resurrection is in the cards here, nor do I think Stannis will still be alive. Brienne and Pod may or may not run into Sansa and Theon. Once again, my gut says what happens there ain't going to be easy. Dany finally hooked up with
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and they'll be more of a factor in season six but how that plays out will be all new. As far as Cersi and Jamie, both have now survived the crucible, Cersi especially, and once she learns of Myrcella's death, she's going to be even more galvanized to use the Champion to stamp out her enemies. The High Sparrow and the Faith Militant are going to rue the day they ever ****ed with Cersi Lannister. But beyond the obvious targets who are going to be destroyed by her wrath I think Cersi is going to further evolve as a character, just like Jamie has. And I think that's going to be so far from what we're thinking we all will be surprised by the outcome.

Winter is undoubtedly here...
Jon's not dead - too obvious with Melisandre being brought back to Castle Black just in time. They've dropped every hint possible that he's a Targaryan, and his place will be as King of the North once Dany takes over. Bolton's flags will burn, but it will be at the hands of Sansa/Jon. I am interested to see what happens though with the prophecy that Dany received from those dudes who tried to take her dragons and she burned them up - remember, they said there was three heads to the dragon. If it does turn out that Jon is her...nephew, right?...then there should be a third, but there hasn't been the slightest inkling...

Those were obviously Dothraki surrounding her - will they be on her side, or will they be a real issue for her? Remember, there were a number of Dothraki that weren't all too pleased with her...

Sam going off with Gilly is an odd one to me, because it really takes him out of the story. It's not like there's anything particularly interesting about him, Gillly or the baby that would keep them in a regular story line. It will be interesting to see how they take this, and whether we see them ever again, and if we do, under what circumstances. I really like Sam, but unlike Brienne, I don't think he's interesting enough to carry his own story line.

When thinking about Stannis and Jon's 'deaths', I was reminded that on this show, most permanent deaths happen in regular episodes - not the finale. But I might just be forgetting someone - is there a character that died in the finale and was really dead? When did Khal Drogo die, episode 9 or 10?
Sam going off with Gilly is an odd one to me, because it really takes him out of the story. It's not like there's anything particularly interesting about him, Gillly or the baby that would keep them in a regular story line. It will be interesting to see how they take this, and whether we see them ever again, and if we do, under what circumstances. I really like Sam, but unlike Brienne, I don't think he's interesting enough to carry his own story line.

I was watching this with a bunch of friends last night and everybody was so baffled as to how useless Sam is but I get the feeling that Sam's purpose is for something greater. I'm assuming he's going to learn very important things regarding the White Walkers.

If not, he'll go down as the most useless recurring character, from a tv show, of all time:lol