Commander Praji - Sideshow Exclusive 12"

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nice kitbash fodder,will look nice in a stormy /imperial set up......i know it no vader, but i feel sideshow will 'test the water' with a diferent armored figure first before they do a vader
nice kitbash fodder,will look nice in a stormy /imperial set up......i know it no vader, but i feel sideshow will 'test the water' with a diferent armored figure first before they do a vader

Didn't they already do that with the Endor soldiers (to a small degree) and Boushh (to a much greater degree)??
I have to say I'm a tad annoyed that the first I knew of it was that it was mentioned as sold out in todays newsletter......

That sucks as far as I'm concerned.

I was about to post the exact same thing. The simple fact that it was almost a game to get this guy makes me not even want to bother with the Wait List. I just love collecting these figures, but I shouldn't have to be glued to my computer 24/7 to find some random announcement. My first year wedding anniversary was far more important than "Spooktacular". SS loses my money on this one.
See I can't really be TOO sympathetic for those that missed because even in the days leading up to the preorder we were getting hints that SOMETHING from Star Wars was comming. I couldn't be around when it went up, I knew that, so I had an awesome person help me out. Same over at RS, people saying SS screwed their customers when RS even had an announcement the night before on the main page about a pending preorder.
See I can't really be TOO sympathetic for those that missed because even in the days leading up to the preorder we were getting hints that SOMETHING from Star Wars was comming. I couldn't be around when it went up, I knew that, so I had an awesome person help me out. Same over at RS, people saying SS screwed their customers when RS even had an announcement the night before on the main page about a pending preorder.

Well then, you're just a no-good, fanboy-hatin', rat b*st*rd!!!

See I can't really be TOO sympathetic for those that missed because even in the days leading up to the preorder we were getting hints that SOMETHING from Star Wars was comming. I couldn't be around when it went up, I knew that, so I had an awesome person help me out. Same over at RS, people saying SS screwed their customers when RS even had an announcement the night before on the main page about a pending preorder.

Like I said SW fans suck for the most part and they're all about "them".
Present company excluded, yes?? :D

The rat bastard part is not true. I can't say anything about the rest. :lol

Hey Memnoch, I think Josh is insinuating that you're a rat B*TCH instead...

Just kidding, of course. It'd be too easy for you to come over and kick my rear end in person. :)
Like I said SW fans suck for the most part and they're all about "them".

"I don't care how, I WANT IT NOW!!!!!"


I would just like to say this has been one of the most entertaining Spooktaculars ever! If the last few posts don't show that, well then I dunno what will. :lol God bless our lil SW lovin hearts, and the sense of humor some of us have left. :eek:
I would just like to say this has been one of the most entertaining Spooktaculars ever! If the last few posts don't show that, well then I dunno what will. :lol God bless our lil SW lovin hearts, and the sense of humor some of us have left. :eek:

yup, just have fun folks. it makes this a lot more fun (if that makes sense) :D
This is a nice figure, too bad they are sold out already. Also I guess the $60 price point is here to stay huh....
I'm not freaking out about the $60 price point, but it is strange when a figure like Bespin Luke comes along at $55.
Did he even wear gloves? I know many did in ESB and they only went to the wrist. They weren't like Mauls. ROTJ may have.
The more I look the more I like it, though I can't think of any good action poses to put it in... a couple of Death squad or troopers would look great with it.

I think it's a definate to get considering I'm a big imperial fan :)