Commander Praji - Sideshow Exclusive 12"

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I have to say I'm a tad annoyed that the first I knew of it was that it was mentioned as sold out in todays newsletter......

That sucks as far as I'm concerned.
I have to say I'm a tad annoyed that the first I knew of it was that it was mentioned as sold out in todays newsletter......

That sucks as far as I'm concerned.

Just get on the Wait List (if you're not already). You're all but guaranteed to get one.
My annoyance isn't that I'll miss out. Its the fact that unless you happened to log into the website every day the first notice you get as a Sideshow Customer was that it was sold out.

IMHO that truly sucks. Especially considering the newsletters tend to have sfa in them.
Thursday was the only day I didn't have computer access and wouldn't you know it they're supposedly all gone.

Glad to hear some people got multiples to chop up and butcher though. :rolleyes:


Anyway, one thought on why SW fans are considered so whiney: there are so many of us. In order for our thoughts to be heard we have to be extreme.

I'm sure in the Buffy thread you can speak with as much emotion as Ben Stein and be heard, but in SW you need to make more racket. The inverse is true too, I guess thats why Josh always sounds like he just slept with the sculptor or SSC president.

Just a thought.
The inverse is true too, I guess thats why Josh always sounds like he just slept with the sculptor or SSC president.

Just a thought.

A bit uncalled for don't you think?:rolleyes:

I bleed SS. Just ask Matt Falls.

On a more serious note. I don't get all pissy and whiney about the choices like you and others Prog. I relax and enjoy my collecting. What tends to annoy me is people who get all pissy when the choice isn't what they want or the figure isn't exactly what they want. Then they go on and on and on about it to the point its like enough already. As I've said before and I'll say it again I have no problems with how I feel or act about SS. If it bothers others thats their issue. Not Mine.
I don't get why it's so difficult for many fans to accept that, just because they don't personally want something that there aren't a lot of other people that do.

Honestly, why would Sideshow want to delay selling as many of these figures as they possibly could as quickly as they could? Apply Occum's Razor here....

Because most SW fans can't pull their heads out of their ass long enough to think without just firing off the first thought that hits them. Star Wars fans are the Kobe Bryant of collecting. Its all about "ME" and not about "WE". Praji doesn't set my world on fire but he looks cool and I'll get him. Then when the next announcement hits that I REALLY want I'll be even happier. Patience and happiness is something I've learned a lot about in the time I've been collecting.

Sith wasn't his ES announced right when he went up? So there would be no cutting it off just to create a buzz.
Well thank you all for not ripping me to shreds, first of all. I appreciate that. :)

Personally, I like the way the figure looks. It'd be an off-beat, cool addition to the collection. But I just can't justify spending so much for a bare-bones figures (compared against the rest of the line). The costuming isn't very intricate, and I highly doubt likeness rights cost a fortune why the $60 price tag??? If anything, Sideshow could've made this one $50 or even $40 in all honesty. At a lower price, army builders (the rich SOBs that they are...LOL) would stock up on them. Or make this a pair or trio of different officers and sell them for $100-120.

Basically, my personal issue with Commander Praji is simply the price. I'm just not getting the kind of bang I'd like to see for my buck.

You have to remember it has nothing to do with the actor for the rights cost it's Lucas so all of them will have a similar rights cost. I think that the early lower cost was to get the line going and now that its established they are trying to get a better profit margin now.

If you guys dont like it dont buy but do you really have to save OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER that you don't like it. We get it, no we really do get it.
If you guys dont like it dont buy but do you really have to save OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER that you don't like it. We get it, no we really do get it.

Right! Thats what wears on me. I get it you don't like it. Let those of us that do talk about why we do over and over. Thats why we're here.
to whine or not to whine, that is the question.

whether it is noble to complain like a schoolgirl, or suck up yet another odd and unpopular choice in the sw 12" line.

the debate rages....but there can be only one!!!

where's chewie, c3po, r2d2, and the emporer / palpatine??? oh.... ss did listen to the whining.

the whining system works!!!

actually the sw whiners are just doing their best skywalker imitation. they should be commended!

A bit uncalled for don't you think?:rolleyes:

I bleed SS. Just ask Matt Falls.

On a more serious note. I don't get all pissy and whiney about the choices like you and others Prog. I relax and enjoy my collecting. What tends to annoy me is people who get all pissy when the choice isn't what they want or the figure isn't exactly what they want. Then they go on and on and on about it to the point its like enough already. As I've said before and I'll say it again I have no problems with how I feel or act about SS. If it bothers others thats their issue. Not Mine.

Not pissy over the choice. I just wish I had a better opportunity to pick him up instead of some people grabbing multiples to rip apart. Sour grapes, I suppose.
All I'm gonna say is that I saw this announcement yesterday and didn't realize until this thread that it was a SW announcement. Easily the biggest head scratcher of a choice to date. I'm thinking about just bailing on the SW 12" altogether.
I'm thinking about just bailing on the SW 12" altogether.

Why? Get the ones you want and pass on the rest. That is unless you where wanting to get them all which means you have to get the ones that might not be your cup of tea (obviously).
Well I must say that this is the worst looking Vader ever. No mask, chestplate, nothing except a black outfit.
Amazing resemblance to Hayden Christensen though.
I must admit I was a bit hard on this guy yesterday. He is a great looking figure. I love the military side that sideshow is doing. I just have to draw the line somewhere with all the stuff I buy. I definitely would pick up a different Imperial officer that wasn't a web exclusive. I get a little tired of all the armored figure talk. Stormtroopers have been made by Hasbro, Medicom and Marmit. If you wanted Stromtroopers you should have got a Marmit. But I guess those people would rather wait 10 years to save what 30 dollars.