Commander Praji - Sideshow Exclusive 12"

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If people paid attention to the news about these releases they could have known it would not be Vader. I think the earliest any predictions for amored characters has been 2008. And the hint they gave pointed towards an officer (I think the clue even said officer) not a Lord or Vader.

Just because someone expects it doesn't make it the fault of Sideshow. Sideshow never said we'd see Vader, it was wishful thinking on the part of some fans... and sadly real whiney ones :lol I'm actually surprised we got a SW announcement being this is more of a halloween themed event.

Don't kid youself, Sideshow knew that a lot of people would think Vader was coming. I'm sure that was part of the fun of the whole thing. But when the announcement was an army builder instead of a mainstream character people were going to be dissappointed. If say Tarkin was announced, there would be a lot less complaining.
Don't kid youself, Sideshow knew that a lot of people would think Vader was coming. I'm sure that was part of the fun of the whole thing. But when the announcement was an army builder instead of a mainstream character people were going to be dissappointed. If say Tarkin was announced, there would be a lot less complaining.

I wouldn't have complained if it was Tarkin. He would have been awsome.
Don't kid youself, Sideshow knew that a lot of people would think Vader was coming. I'm sure that was part of the fun of the whole thing. But when the announcement was an army builder instead of a mainstream character people were going to be dissappointed. If say Tarkin was announced, there would be a lot less complaining.

I guess we are all entitled to what we think, or kid ourselves about. But Sideshow has even said in interviews that there will be no armored figures (including Vader) until 2008. There was no mention of a big Star Wars announcement, and it just makes sense that a small fan-oriented event would not be the forum for what is sure to be a major announcement.

You can choose to believe you were duped, but I for one expected a minor figure and am happy since its a figure I wanted anyway.
Man, this thread sucks more every time I look at it. :lol

I still think it's a decent figure and that situations like this make me sad to be a SW collector. I really see no reason to cry about anything. There is so much SW product out there for whoever wants it and in GREAT quantity. The major characters will be touched on, I just get tired of hearing all the crying about it taking so long.....:monkey1
I think you are missing my point a little bit. There's absolutely nothing wrong with the figure (except maybe the price). But people were expecting a bigger name character then what was announced. That's why there is so much more "whining" going on then usual. Most people had high hopes because this was a Sideshow Event, so the let down was even greater. I never thought it was going to be Vader that was announced. But I didn't expected it to be Praji either.
But people were expecting a bigger name character then what was announced.

And there it is again, EXPECTATION. Every collector that expects something ends up pissed off when that expectation is not met, and I don't know why it is, but Star Wars causes more expectation in collectors than any property I've seen people discuss. We're 2 years into this line, we've seen how things are, people still EXPECT big characters and get pissed when they're not delivered, at this point, people should know not to expect anything anymore, accept that Sideshow is going to do things as they wish, what will be will be, and enjoy the ride as it goes, all the agony and expectation in the world isn't going to change things, especially when people post immaturely written comments on Sideshow's site.
I don't mind people's criticisms.... I just hate some people who post their thoughts wrapped up in a crap sandwich... and they have diarrhea, so its this unending posting of crap sandwiches-filling the world with stinky poop food.

Take out the Medi figures and the list diesnt look that well balanced.
How do figure that.

Chess Table
ANH Leia
Yavin Luke
Alum Padme
Bespin Luke
Palpatine 2-pack
Commander Praji

Ok Chess table yeah not for everyone but then Leia
Obi and Sidious can cancel each other out
Padme and Luke can cancel each other out
Palpatine 2 pack can cancel out Praji
that leaves Yavin Luke which is in the middle a major character in a minor costume.

Seems pretty damm balanced to me.
I don't mind people's criticisms.... I just hate some people who post their thoughts wrapped up in a crap sandwich... and they have diarrhea, so its this unending posting of crap sandwiches-filling the world with stinky poop food.


EEEEWWWWW!!!!:monkey4 True but gross.
Thats more the collectors problem than Sideshow's.

I'm not condemning the announcement of Praji. I'm just trying to explain maybe why there is so much more complaining going on then usual. I do however believe that Sideshow had an idea that people would think Vader was going to be announced, and people were going to react negatively when he wasn't.
People were unrealistic to expect Vader, the buildup that it was him from the Criswell comments were really digging deep to connect the words to Vader, which should have been a sign; Criswell videos were pretty cut and dry if you were familiar with the source material, and if you look back on it now that we know what it was, clearly it could only be Vader by the biggest stretch of the imagination. Sideshow can't account for collectors reading into officer and black as giveaways that it's Darth Vader, that's just ludicrous, you might as well say ohhh, the prediction said "the" and "it", those have to mean it's Vader. People want and expect Vader and they'll read into everything they can that it's a sign he's coming, but that's the people's fault, Star Wars fans, myself included, are an eccentric bunch and Sideshow is a more intellectual bunch that at some point will look at the deductions people make from their comments and just shake their heads in awe at mental leaps greater than anything Evil Knievel could do.
...and if you look back on it now that we know what it was, clearly it could only be Vader by the biggest stretch of the imagination.....

I still don't believe that. The only thing that would lead anyone to question was the word "officer".... everything else could have just as easily and logically been Vader.
Forget the spooktacular comments that ignited this burning desire for Vader, I think the point most are making is why on earth is it taking this long. Just an explanation from Sideshow would suffice not what sideshow super fans think the reason is.

What other Star Wars line can you name that has gone two years without the signal most important figure of the Star Wars Saga, Darth Vader? None of them, they have had more than enough time to develop him and I think not communicated more thoughtfully is what's bugging most people. Just saying don't worry they are coming is not enough, paying customers like myself really deserve a bit more. I don't want a 10 page write up of what's going on behind the scenes just a bit more than 'were R&D'.

There's nothing wrong with not liking Sideshow's choices for releases, and there's nothing wrong with voicing dislike of their character choices. Just because your not happy with every release does not make you a sideshow hate spewing evil creature of the dark side and you should give up your right to buying these figures. Just like there's nothing wrong with blindly falling head over heals for lack luster characters. I think people need to disassociate themselves a bit more from the 'company'. A critism of sideshow is not a critism of those who love everything that is being produced by sideshow.

I just want an explanation and I think I am owed one, I pay for these figures, I enjoy this line but I want to have some idea of what's going on with Vader. It's great that most here enjoy these off core characters and I agree they add spice to the line, but I want to know when my main course is coming, where's the steak/Vader, MY Sideshow Luke says it best (he really is posed like that on my shelf right now :D):
