1/6 Hot Toys MMS 186- The Avengers: Hulk- official specs and pics

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Really can't wait for BBTS to get this in, I have Black Widow, Loki and Thor all waiting in Pile of Loot for the big green guy, so as soon as he's in it'll be Avengers day in may house.
For you guys saying hes the best,do you guys have iron monger?

I have iron monger, and I'm not an IM fan. He's by far, the best figure HT has ever released (i am a HUGE batman fan). The engineering that went into him is just mind-blowing. People here tend to hold hulk with a special kind of love, and who can blame them. He's hugely popular, more so than iron monger will ever be.
But as far as saying Hulk being a better FIGURE than iron monger is just nuts.
For the record, I've ordered hulk and will be getting charges on the 15th...
Still waiting on sideshow multiple shipments rep said will ship on my last bill date august 25th which is a sunday so the 26th maybe it will ship if lucky. I highly doubt any earlier...
I have iron monger, and I'm not an IM fan. He's by far, the best figure HT has ever released (i am a HUGE batman fan). The engineering that went into him is just mind-blowing. People here tend to hold hulk with a special kind of love, and who can blame them. He's hugely popular, more so than iron monger will ever be.
But as far as saying Hulk being a better FIGURE than iron monger is just nuts.
For the record, I've ordered hulk and will be getting charges on the 15th...

So you're calling those saying Hulk is better than Monger nuts and you don't actually have Hulk in hand yet?
The idea of hulk being a better made figure than monger, yes, I call that nuts. I don't need to have Hulk in hand to believe that. I will though, and that same thought wont change.
Don't really mind you disagreeing with that, I could care less.
I have an Iron Monger and have held a Hulk, tbqh not really fair to compare the two unless you do it solely based on what they are supposed to be.

The Iron Monger has much more going, as it should it is a mechanized thing. Hulk is simply the Hulk.
However if you judge solely based on the figure they are supposed to represent, the Hulk would get my nod.

I was psyched when I got my IM, and still think it is a fantastic piece.
But I was totally blown away by the Hulk, when you get one in your hands you will see what I mean. The detail is simply amazing.

If someone said I could only keep one of these, I would definitely take the Hulk.

Glad I don't have to make that choice though, IM is awesome.
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I own Monger and have seen Hulk at SDCC. Hulk is amazing, but Monger >> Hulk IMO. The paint job, all of the moving parts AND the fact that it opens up to reveal Stane's head inside....I'll agree, their best figure ever. At least that I've seen in person.
I own Monger and have seen Hulk at SDCC. Hulk is amazing, but Monger >> Hulk IMO. The paint job, all of the moving parts AND the fact that it opens up to reveal Stane's head inside....I'll agree, their best figure ever. At least that I've seen in person.

Monger also has the reactor, head and 2 palm LED features plus 360 degree shoulder mounted missile & forearm mounted smg :monkey1
I own Monger and have seen Hulk at SDCC. Hulk is amazing, but Monger >> Hulk IMO. The paint job, all of the moving parts AND the fact that it opens up to reveal Stane's head inside....I'll agree, their best figure ever. At least that I've seen in person.

And that is what I was trying to imply. I'm not saying Hulk sucks, he seems to be an amazing figure, and I can't wait to have him.
The whole, basic idea, is this:
Huge, mechanical marvel Robot>>>human/monster figure.
Aesthetics. That is all.
Iron Monger no doubt has the technical wow factor and is an amazing figure, and until i get the 89 batmobile and Hulk's it dominates my collection along with Jake sully.
If the discussion is whether or not Hulk is a better Hot Toys figure then the Iron Monger? I really think it will always come down to a subjective opinion based on your love of the character.
As others have stated the Hulk is always going to be much more popular then the Iron Monger, so in a subjective aspect he will win as the better figure. However if you are going just by the figure and build and detail, then Iron Monger wins.
Hot Toys would not have charged 180 dollars more for the Iron Monger if he was less of a figure then Hulk, but due to Hulks popularity and the great quality of the figure, he is now matched, or exceeding when it comes to aftermarket price with the Monger.

Let's face it having one of these figures is awesome, and having both is just SWEET!
If the discussion is whether or not Hulk is a better Hot Toys figure then the Iron Monger? I really think it will always come down to a subjective opinion based on your love of the character.
As others have stated the Hulk is always going to be much more popular then the Iron Monger, so in a subjective aspect he will win as the better figure. However if you are going just by the figure and build and detail, then Iron Monger wins.
Hot Toys would not have charged 180 dollars more for the Iron Monger if he was less of a figure then Hulk, but due to Hulks popularity and the great quality of the figure, he is now matched, or exceeding when it comes to aftermarket price with the Monger.

Let's face it having one of these figures is awesome, and having both is just SWEET!

Absolutely agree. And I don't think everyone should think Hulk is better, but I also don't think anyone needs to be considered NUTS if they do.

I.stated a few pages ago, Hulk and Monger are 1a and 1b in my collection
They both rock monger and hulk now continue discussion a year from now on which one will cost more in a year ? I'd say monger because of the ironcan completist will want and wont be released again, unless do a 2.0 monger .:lol Hopefully we get more hulk versions later on. If you know hot toys i'd say very possible a grey or red hulk sometime :pray: in the future.
I don't think it's fair to say that because a figure has more parts/gimmicks/tricks going on that it gets to be defined as superior. Because of it's mechanical components, Monger has an advantage in being able to incorporate so many joints and bolting on of parts. Hulk is remarkably organic and much of his engineering goes into his skeleton structure while they had to figure out ways to make the skins effective. There's nothing to really hide on Hulk. Everything in his finish is exposed and a poor job would have made him look ridiculous. So there's a certain "credibility" leap that Hulk needs to achieve while Monger gets it automatically by virtue of his mechanical construction. I've always felt this was an inherent advantage that Iron Man has and is a big reason why they're able to crank out so many different versions of him. To me, there's a sort of elegance that Hulk needed to achieve, which might be a more difficult goal, and he does suffer from some seams and things which are unavoidable that a mechanical figure can take advantage of.

So I guess they're both great but for different reasons which are hard to compare.

I don't really give a **** though because the completed line of Avengers is by far one of the coolest things I have ever put together in my life.