Petition for Hot Toys to finish "their" Watchmen line.

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Man, would love to have that on my shelf. One day....:lol

Yeah, it's just fantastic. I have issues with the movie, but god, when I saw these images before the movie was released I could not believe how good they were. This is a perfect visualization of the graphic novel.
Wrong again Nam, are you ever anything else? School yard bully? Small _____? Whats your issue?
I'm a 40 year old professional, thanks very much. 1st class honors degree and a very well paid job in the feature film industry. You? oh yeah, you dress up as a soldier and sell air pistols. Now @$£@ the hell off and annoy someone else you ignorant red neck. You seem to think that by being loud and obnoxious, that somehow makes your opinion valid, I see you doing so in numerous threads, but you just come across as a fool.

That pretty much proves my point. Thank you, and stay in school. Someday, if you study hard enough you'll achieve those accolades you're pretending to have. :clap:clap:clap
You obviously haven't read some of the threads around here Nam.
Particularly the Reign of Fire thread. I don't have to prove anything to an adult who dresses up a soldier with plastic guns.

Please do not acknowledge me again, and I will do you the service of ignoring you. Go lock yourself in a room with one of your guns and a large bottle of scotch. And then do the world a favor.

Please stop ruining this thread, and let it get back on topic.
ta ta now..bye bye.
You obviously haven't read some of the threads around here Nam.
Particularly the Reign of Fire thread. I don't have to prove anything to an adult who dresses up a soldier with plastic guns.

Please do not acknowledge me again, and I will do you the service of ignoring you. Go lock yourself in a room with one of your guns and a large bottle of scotch. And then do the world a favor.

Please stop ruining this thread, some of us actually give a ____ about Watchmen.

ta ta now..bye bye.

You think insulting my work is going to get you anywhere? It only makes you look sad and pathetic and further proves my point about you being a child. :dunno
Back to the subject at hand . . .

The HT WATCHMEN line is dead . . . finished . . . never going to be completed . . . end of story . . . as much as some of us would like to see it completed, but some things are not meant to be.
Back to the subject at hand . . .

The HT WATCHMEN line is dead . . . finished . . . never going to be completed . . . end of story . . . as much as some of us would like to see it completed, but some things are not meant to be.

Yeah, it is. I guess the point of Calcifer's thread was to let HT know there is serious interest by fans for further figures. What harm can it do?

They have listened to fans before. We haven't gotten Ghost Rider yet and there were proto pics of him and Rorschach from around the same time.
So who knows, with HT never say never. I mean look at the sporadic Terminator releases?
Yeah, it's just fantastic. I have issues with the movie, but god, when I saw these images before the movie was released I could not believe how good they were. This is a perfect visualization of the graphic novel.

Yeah totally. I was actually disappointed when i first saw the movie at the cinema, and i remember saying to my cousin after that i think anyone who hadnt read the graphic novel might have been confused by the movie, because it was a bit all over the place. But watching it again since i do really appreciate it more. But i really want this line finished just to give me some representations of those great characters, as im a massive fan of the book. And i'll take movie incarnations, especially as the designs were great.
Yeah, it is. I guess the point of Calcifer's thread was to let HT know there is serious interest by fans for further figures. What harm can it do?

They have listened to fans before. We haven't gotten Ghost Rider yet and there were proto pics of him and Rorschach from around the same time.
So who knows, with HT never say never. I mean look at the sporadic Terminator releases?

Sporadic? They've run through T2 and then made a single T1 figure. It makes sense they'd offer a T1 T-800 update given they didn't have the likeness rights when they made their first T-800. The closest they've come to what you're suggesting was a con exclusive Guardian Predator who was, bio aside, a rehash of already existing parts and inexpensive to produce. Additionally, financially, Predator > Watchmen, so that doesn't help your argument either. Hell, if DCD didn't see any money in finishing them given it's essentially their property, why would Hot Toys? :lol
Nam don't quote Rorywan he asked to be left alone, if your so set on the fact that this line is dead please stop posting in this thread you have made your point, leave this thread to those of us who still have faith in this line.

..who know's what the future will bring, another company may take on the license, maybe enterbay or blitzway.
Nam don't quote Rorywan he asked to be left alone, if your so set on the fact that this line is dead please stop posting in this thread you have made your point, leave this thread to those of us who still have faith in this line.

Calcifier, don't respond to my posts. I have nothing to say to you.
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Nam don't quote Rorywan he asked to be left alone, if your so set on the fact that this line is dead please stop posting in this thread you have made your point, leave this thread to those of us who still have faith in this line.

..who know's what the future will bring, another company may take on the license, maybe enterbay or blitzway.

Yeah definitely because I never thought EB would take on the Prision Break licence. Even though it is unlikely, never say never. I so want Ror & Owl in my collection
Er..thanks for that guys?
Anyway, I tried to watch the "Ultimate cut of Watchmen" last night. Inspired by the fun I have been having on this thread. Has anyone watched it? The version with "Black Freighter" animated back into the live action edit? Not sure it really works together. The addition of the news stand segues makes it a disjointed watch, interesting though. Feels like you are watching a graphic novel. Way too long, I only got around half way through. It's like 3hrs 40mins.
Er..thanks for that guys?
Anyway, I tried to watch the "Ultimate cut of Watchmen" last night. Inspired by the fun I have been having on this thread. Has anyone watched it? The version with "Black Freighter" animated back into the live action edit? Not sure it really works together. The addition of the news stand segues makes it a disjointed watch, interesting though. Feels like you are watching a graphic novel. Way too long, I only got around half way through. It's like 3hrs 40mins.

I'm kind of interested in watching that too, but it just seems like it would be too much. I still havent seen "Black Freighter" or "Under the Hood" (that was made too right?). Will have to try and get a hold of them and watch them separately.
I'm kind of interested in watching that too, but it just seems like it would be too much. I still havent seen "Black Freighter" or "Under the Hood" (that was made too right?). Will have to try and get a hold of them and watch them separately.

Black Freighter is great, but kind of pointless on it's own. The extended Directors cut of Watchmen is great, but putting them together in this "Ultimate Cut" is a strange mix. I would recommend checking them out on their own as you suggest. Under The Hood is just fluff really, a nice extra but thats all.

The movies version of Rorschach is absolute kick ass though, I really can't imagine a better interpretation. I want him standing next to The Comedian in my detolf!:pray: