Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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The series was a seperate entity from any of the films made to stand on its own. The Dr. Zaius name was repeated but it was a totally different character from the films.

I totally agree. No fruit can be born in trying to splice them together. Not one little banana.

I've always hated that the series didn't bother to think up another name for that orangutan. It confuses a lot of people. He can't be the same monkey. Difference time within the Ape timeline AND different coast.

And Booth Coleman is no Maurice Evans. :banghead:banghead:banghead
Was the TV show a continuation of what happened to the POTA after the nuclear blast at the end of Beneath the Planet of the Apes

No... "The green and insignificant planet" was dead. Besides the time line places the arrival of Burke and Virdon to be centuries before Taylor. So the gernade that Bizarro Zaius possesses couldn't have come from Taylor or from Brent for that matter. So the TV series is refering to another set of "as...tro...nauts" that has never been explained. Perhaps there's another "Conspiracy"-type of book here. :rolleyes:

or was the series the distant future after Battle for the Planet of the Apes?

I think that was the general plan of the creators of the show. But they didn't seem to be too interested in making the series line up with the rest of the film series. The fact that practically the first shot you see in the TV series is that of a young chimp chasing after his dog gave Ape fans a good preview of how well the series would adhere to the film series. :banghead:banghead:banghead

I guess that '80s "space disease" didn't completely take. :rolleyes:
So I received my Hot Toys Apes tonight and they are phenomenal. They simply must continue making Apes. I am dying to see a Hot Toys Cornelius.
So I received my Hot Toys Apes tonight and they are phenomenal. They simply must continue making Apes. I am dying to see a Hot Toys Cornelius.

Hitchhiker - Love those nostalgic looking photos for the German woman on your banner, and your new ape avatar. Please post a few more pictures, only larger. They look awesome!

I guess that '80s "space disease" didn't completely take. :rolleyes:

"The space disease" didn't completely take. Too funny. :rotfl

Because I don't remember seeing him in your photos, but I remember him in Ironman's collection. Maybe I didn't recognize him because you modified him so much, but I DO remember the giraffe neck comment!!

Jessica - You were probably focused on the Hunt Leader Bandolier I just made, like Snickertown had. The Hunt Leader still looks the same, but with the correct size neck.

Guess what, guys? I'm going to start up on my Mego scale market scene again! What was stopping me was not having the ape sculpts...but I see now the power of Super Sculpey...I've found my reference photos (Thanks, Angel!!) and I'll be studying them at lunchtime so I can ponder about how to jump start the project again.

My fighting elf project is almost done...need to sculpt only the following:

sword holding gloved hand (yikes! my first human hand!)
scabbard or sheath
vambrace (the arm word for me!)
fix the boots
glue up the leather belts

and then
painting. Then I'll work on my market scene!! yay!

Jessica - Even though you're doing it MEGO size, I'm really looking forward to seeing more of this project. The items and the details that you've already put into the ape tents, fruits and clothing racks and your new ape sculpts are mind blowers! I know this will re-charge my battery! Bring it on. :banana
I could go along with that, but the episode where Dr. Zaius shows Burke and Virdon a gernade (which Urko uses later on), and tells them of others like them that almost destroyed the planet, leaves me doubting.
Buyit, you'll sleep better.

This is in reference to those prints available at SDCC this year. The one with Milo supervising the towing of the Icarus originally the artist made a mistake and drew Cornelius instead.
New quest!! We must find that. Unfortunately, I can't find any ape related Sanjulian artwork.

I forgot all about the dog, so would you say two different stories or alternate realities?
Yes. I thought I had in fact.

So I received my Hot Toys Apes tonight and they are phenomenal. They simply must continue making Apes. I am dying to see a Hot Toys Cornelius.
Welcome to the addiction.
Guys....the circle is complete! TCM Hitchiker is the artist who created the customized Simpson's Dr. Zaius posted awhile back. Welcome to Central City, TCM!!
You mean this guy?


That's one beautiful monkey! :monkey2:monkey2:monkey2
I am still waiting for Jason S. to pop up here in Central City. You guys already know him because he sculpts those wonderful ape busts you find on Feebay. He just posted a really beautiful sculpt of an orangutan on Facebook. It looks so freaking real that you can almost see it breathing. I hope he comes by soon. We need more artisans here.
:lol Works for me!

Was the artist San Julian? I just posted a question to Drew at the POTADG to see where I can view this art. I'll let you know when I receive an answer.


The Omega poster was done by Manuel Sanjulian, Alpha was by Joe Jusko.
I'd add Jusko to my desired new ape art story wish list.
My weekend has officially begun! I need to get my hiney out of the slavemines like a bat out of hell...

I have a b-day party tomorrow to host, so no crafting...:monkey2
and today I have to prepare for the party while the kids are in daycare.

Sunday I am going to finish painting up those Mego heads...and I am not going to take anymore painting commissions until I get my Link and Snick's outfits complete! :maul

And then I'm going to make two or 3 female Mego-scale apes so I can start up on the market scene again....

Ciao my fellow apes.
Haha, it is so weird to see my custom Dr. Zaius all of a sudden getting attention again. I made him back in 2003. He was a lot of fun, and probably my favorite custom I ever did. I was really happy with the way he turned out.

I don't really do customs anymore. The most recent thing I did was a custom Mez-Itz designer vinyl figure for an art show that Mezco had at this years SDCC. I was one of 60 artists invited to take part. Other than that I haven't made any customs since 2006. I simply got burnt out, and don't have the time or patience currently. May get back into it at some point.

The Simpsons Dr. Zaius is the only POTA custom I have ever done, but some of my other custom work can be seen here if anyone cares to take a look.

About the only crafting I do anymore is props and backgrounds for various photo shoots. Right now I am trying to get up the gumption to tackle a display/diorama/background for a nice Hot Toys Apes shoot.
Right now I am trying to get up the gumption to tackle a display/diorama/background for a nice Hot Toys Apes shoot.

Hitchhiker, Well alright! Get up the gumption! We need more of that around here. What kind of display/diorama/background do you think you'd make for the apes?

I just checked out your custom work at that website.

Did you actually work for a toy company making these? These seem to be manufactured toys. They are of unbelievable quality. I really liked your Dr. Zaius, Moon Man, Space Ghost, and Peter Criss.

That photo of yours, “What Lurks in the Darkeness” reminds me of that scary comedy (what in the world is it called again?) with the female Demon locked under the trap door. I just can’t think of it's title now. Help me out guys, this flick has that demon book and the trees that come to life.

Ooooo and seeing his Peter Criss made me remember something that I wanted to do... KISS apes. That old idea totally slipped my mind.