Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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Very cool stuff there TCM. I have a pending 1:6 Space Ghost. I'm just waiting on his head to return to me.
Angel, now that HT has upped the apes ante, I just might take some of my swappables from SS and try that KISS ape idea. Combining two of my faves can't be bad, can it?
Hitchhiker - Love those nostalgic looking photos for the German woman on your banner, and your new ape avatar. Please post a few more pictures, only larger. They look awesome!

Here is the Hot Toys, Silken Floss photo....


I don't have a larger version of the one I am using as my Apatar. I just snapped that off real quick last night for a new avatar. I did snap this one off today though....


You can see a ton of my toy photography here...

Hitchhiker, Well alright! Get up the gumption! We need more of that around here. What kind of display/diorama/background do you think you'd make for the apes?

I just checked out your custom work at that website.

Did you actually work for a toy company making these? These seem to be manufactured toys. They are of unbelievable quality. I really liked your Dr. Zaius, Moon Man, Space Ghost, and Peter Criss.

That photo of yours, “What Lurks in the Darkeness” reminds me of that scary comedy (what in the world is it called again?) with the female Demon locked under the trap door. I just can’t think of it's title now. Help me out guys, this flick has that demon book and the trees that come to life.

Ooooo and seeing his Peter Criss made me remember something that I wanted to do... KISS apes. That old idea totally slipped my mind.

Nope, never worked on figures for a toy company, except for the one in my head. :p

The film you speak of is Evil Dead II. Love that flick.

Very cool stuff there TCM. I have a pending 1:6 Space Ghost. I'm just waiting on his head to return to me.
Angel, now that HT has upped the apes ante, I just might take some of my swappables from SS and try that KISS ape idea. Combining two of my faves can't be bad, can it?

Gotta see that Space Ghost when you get him finished! Big fan.

You guys should totally do some KISS Apes, that would be so awesome.
I hope that you still have those extra ape heads, Angel, so you can do the KISS apes. What a super cool project. Cornelius looks fabulous!!!
I hope the plastic doesn't melt--I've covered what I could with aluminum foil and he's baking now...but remember that Lone Ranger body I was going to use for Link and then I bought another body? Well...I figured it would be perfect for Virgil!! So...I've added some additional fluff, made him stoop over like a wise old orangutan, and snapped his he is in his birthday suit:

I got my first HT ape yesterday and I have to say it looks skinny compared to the HT photos, but it's still a great figure.
Here’s a picture of Lady Liberty going through some rough times. I melted her head and neck and then straightened them both out into more of an upright position.

I then melted her fingers and bent them into better positions so she could better grasp each of the two items. I broke off some of her fingers and had to relocate them slightly to do this.

She also stood a little to tall for my liking, so I chopped off several inches from around her entire waist. That’ll work well for when she is buried amongst the fake rocks in the cliff side.

I had to chop off her left arm at the elbow because the fiberglass mannequin would not bend as much as I wanted it to.

You can also see the beginnings of both objects already in her hands.

Yesterday afternoon, Lady Liberty was mounted on an actual plywood base.

I think the next step will be the paper mache to build up her robe. I have to find the gumption for that. Her robe will have lots of details in it. There’s going to be a big difference in her once it's actually completed.

BTW - Try to imagine the rocks at her base as you look at these photos. In my mind, it seems much much cooler that way.
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Here’s one last photo, just to get an idea on the scale. I know the scale isn’t correct, but it’s still damn cool to me. Remember, if it were actually to scale, her head alone, from ear to ear would be as wide as a garbage can lid! (What is that, 2-1/2' to 3' across?) I can't have that in my house.
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Oh, the KISS apes are coming! They're are coming!

It really is a nifty photo.

Jessica - I can't tell, is that custom Virgil body going to be a MEGO or 1/6 scale?

It was a fatal experiment. He died in the oven!! I have another Lone Ranger body to try's going to be 1:6 fit my Virgil sculpt...I will have to go with Apoxie...
Angel Lady Liberty is going to look fantastic. Just plop some Megos in front of her and she'll be to scale!!...OR just use her as a background prop when you take photos. You should take her to a beach (is there one near you?) and take some photos there!
It will be fun to shoot pictures of Lady Liberty once she’s done, as long as she isn’t the only thing in the photo.

To me, she is a background piece. It becomes really obvious once you put some figures in the same picture. The picture looks so much better when you see the size difference.

Once finished, it will be fun to shoot photos of her from behind, just as they did in the movie.

Photographing Taylor on his knees, and within the shadow of Lady Liberty, would also make an interesting shot.

There are some lakes in the area that have beaches, but the ocean is just way too far.
I was watching the Burton remake the other day. Yeah, I know the film is a mess but I do enjoy certain aspects of the movie.

Anyway, I was geeking out a bit on the scene with Charlton Heston as Thade's father. Then it occured to me... is there any behind the scenes footage of him getting aped up? That makeup session was historic... they were finally going to make a monkey out of Taylor!!! Heck, I'm sure that Rick probably applied the makeup himself. There HAS to be someone who documented it either in photos or footage.

Does anybody have any ideas. :confused:

Does anyone care. :eek:

Just a thought. :D
Dude, Angel, I can't wait to see that Statue of Liberty. Great idea using a mannequin. How hard was it to heat her up and bend her? Was it a mess? Any dangerous fumes?
I was watching the Burton remake the other day. Yeah, I know the film is a mess but I do enjoy certain aspects of the movie.

Anyway, I was geeking out a bit on the scene with Charlton Heston as Thade's father. Then it occured to me... is there any behind the scenes footage of him getting aped up? That makeup session was historic... they were finally going to make a monkey out of Taylor!!! Heck, I'm sure that Rick probably applied the makeup himself. There HAS to be someone who documented it either in photos or footage.

Does anybody have any ideas. :confused:

Does anyone care. :eek:

Just a thought. :D

I've watched all the extras on the Burton DVD, and I may be wrong, but I don't recall there being any footage of Mr. Heston getting all aped up! I wonder why I wouldn't remember that? :dunno
LOL, oh man that looks great! I am thinking I am going to have to do this now.....

For those of you interested in doing the KISS apes with your Sideshow figures, here's a website that makes miniature guitars. Check it out if you’re interested. Check out the 7” guitars for the 12” figures. These 7" guitars were made for the MEGO KISS Dolls that were 12".
