Avatar: The Way of Water

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The snap thing was kinda dumb.

Yes. This!

But then, so are capes. And cartoons. And a great... many... things.
Yeah, I just pretend that Eitri designed the Gauntlet such that one could only access the power of all the stones simultaneously via snapping....while reenacting a scene from West Side Story...
EG was re-released the weekend before FFH with extra stuff added to the credits to try and push it past Avatar (which it temporarily did until Avatar itself got re-released in China the following year.)

Google it. It hadn't fully left all theaters but everyone still called it a re-release, including Feige.

It definitely didn't just hang on of its own accord due to audience interest like say Maverick which came out last May and only just got kicked out of the local AMC IMAX screens by AWOW with no extra marketing push, no extra scenes...

But I don't want to rain on EG's short lived parade. It did what it had to to reach number one and the Russos should be very proud that Cameron himself thanked Feige for his accomplishment, lol.
:lol Well played. Now that you mention it specifically I do recall that one weekend re-release, although that's hardly the same thing as JC trotting out Avatar every 3 years or so to keep in the public's eye because.....???.... I guess because he needed 13 years to figure out how to follow it up? In the end kudos to him because it worked out, but I still would have preferred to see him deliver new/different content in that time period. In terms of numbers he'll have made 2 movies in that time period that will gross @$5 Billion together (quite impressive), compared to say the Russo brothers with 4 MCU films (EG, IW, CW, CA:TWS) that made @$6.7 Billion out of a total MCU haul of over $25 Billion in that same span. But in the end it's not about the numbers for me; I simply would have preferred he'd given us more during all those years, but instead he chose to work on eventually giving us more of the same.
:lol Well played. Now that you mention it specifically I do recall that one weekend re-release, although that's hardly the same thing as JC trotting out Avatar every 3 years or so to keep in the public's eye because.....???.... I guess because he needed 13 years to figure out how to follow it up? In the end kudos to him because it worked out, but I still would have preferred to see him deliver new/different content in that time period. In terms of numbers he'll have made 2 movies in that time period that will gross @$5 Billion together (quite impressive), compared to say the Russo brothers with 4 MCU films (EG, IW, CW, CA:TWS) that made @$6.7 Billion out of a total MCU haul of over $25 Billion in that same span. But in the end it's not about the numbers for me; I simply would have preferred he'd given us more during all those years, but instead he chose to work on eventually giving us more of the same.
Oh yes, agreed on both counts! What the Russos delivered was absolutely unbelievable especially considering WB showed the world how easy it is to screw up a sure thing with the Justice League. But capping off the 23 film Infinity Saga the way they did is truly something for the ages.

And I agree with your second point that it would have been great to have another 7-10 Cameron sci-fi action flicks that all could have come out many times over between Titanic and today.

But AWOW was awesome and I'm now very much looking forward to seeing where he takes the story from here so hopefully he makes this extended stay in Avatar land worth everyone's while.
Oh yes, agreed on both counts! What the Russos delivered was absolutely unbelievable especially considering WB showed the world how easy it is to screw up a sure thing with the Justice League. But capping off the 23 film Infinity Saga the way they did is truly something for the ages.

And I agree with your second point that it would have been great to have another 7-10 Cameron sci-fi action flicks that all could have come out many times over between Titanic and today.

But AWOW was awesome and I'm now very much looking forward to seeing where he takes the story from here so hopefully he makes this extended stay in Avatar land worth everyone's while.
Wow, I wasn't even thinking about the long gap between Titanic and Avatar. So since 1997 he's only directed 2 feature films in 25 years. Not exactly prolific lol. But I would be remiss to overlook his greatest contribution in that time period - co-creating the TV show Dark Angel. He gave us Jessica frickin' Alba, and we are forever in his debt! :drool

The things Buffinator will say just to avoid seeing an Avatar movie lol
Oh, I don't need to say anything to do that lol...
Wow, I wasn't even thinking about the long gap between Titanic and Avatar. So since 1997 he's only directed 2 feature films in 25 years. Not exactly prolific lol. But I would be remiss to overlook his greatest contribution in that time period - co-creating the TV show Dark Angel. He gave us Jessica frickin' Alba, and we are forever in his debt! :drool
Yes, James Cameron had become my absolute favorite director after T1, ALIENS, The Abyss, and T2 and it wouldn't be overstating it to say that I was absolutely crushed to see that year after year there was no new sci-fi to look forward to from him. "Okay True Lies is his little palette cleansing action comedy. Okay Titanic gave him his Oscars and now he can really do whatever he wants." Ooh can't wait to see his Spider-Man. Ooh maybe George will ask him to direct a SW prequel. And then nothing. And nothing. And nothing, year after year until freaking 2009. And then 13 years after that and here we are. I do remember in the late 90's reading about him purchasing the rights to Alita and saw mention of this thing called "Avatar" but never dreamed that I'd have to wait so long to see either.

For a while he was cranking out a new sci-fi classic every 2-3 years like clockwork and I can't help but wonder what our movie libraries would look like now if Titanic had bombed or at least struggled to break even causing him to go back to his bread and butter. Sigh, it is what it is.
Holy crap that's a great point. IW/EG was riding an absolute tidal wave of goodwill and anticipation (so much that even CM made a billion during the same time period) bur Avatar did it all by itself and thanks to the 13 year delay AWOW had to overcome a total lack of momentum as well (and a good amount of friction from those actively wanting it to fail.)
One man will be responsible for 3 out of the 5 movies that made over 2 billion with a total of 7.2 billion :rotfl

End Game needed a 21 movie build up to reach that 2 billion milestone.

Cameron did it with a 13 year wait!

Black Adam lulz
A young Leo DiCaprio was responsible for 1 of those 3 movies topping 2 billion. If it wasn't for all those young girls going to see it multiple times to swoon over him it wouldn't have made half as much. As egotistical as Cameron is I don't think even he would claim to have predicted that lol...
A young Leo DiCaprio was responsible for 1 of those 3 movies topping 2 billion. If it wasn't for all those young girls going to see it multiple times to swoon over him it wouldn't have made half as much. As egotistical as Cameron is I don't think even he would claim to have predicted that lol...
That's true, What's Eating Gilbert Grape, The Quick and the Dead, and Romeo + Juliet made $2 billion as well didn't they.

He must of made some type of deal. Who the hell keeps going back and watching this when I see nobody talking about it? The kids are all talking about Megan lol. What is he some type of movie demon who makes profit from any film he releases lol
Well... I saw it. It was pretty much what I expected. I can't join in with those that say its great. It had some magnificent visuals, -- absolutely stunning -- but they got as tiresome as watching the tide go out.

Little things kept pulling me out. Like in the beginning, when Jake's family is raiding the crash site, Jake says "two minutes, people" -- very Cameron -- but also, do Na'vi keep time? They don't have watches so are they counting in their heads? It made me start to think about the concept of time in Pandora; distracting.

The three other people I was with also felt the same. I really hoped to be enthralled, but I wasn't. It was like watching Avatar again -- and I don't mean because it was similar to the first but because I felt like I was there, at Pandora, already. A bit like going back to Tatooine constantly. It just gets boring no matter how beautiful it is.

The highlight was Cameron showing up of course. It was fun to see "the King" right there in front of you. He didn't take questions; someone from the Hollywood Reporter asked the questions -- yes, it was all set up. He spent much of the time talking about the advantages of mocap -- how you can get all your shots (singles, 2-shots, masters, etc) all from one single take. Also, how anyone can now play anything (like Weaver playing the teen) so you're not limited to finding the right person age-wise. But then, that's been animation's advantage for a very long time. He also said Avatar 3 is fully shot (with actors -- clearly there's lots of CGI yet to tweak) but he said the current cut is "way too long"... and for him to say that, it must be 6 hours. He said he "starts work" in another couple weeks to get the movie ready.
The highlight was Cameron showing up of course. It was fun to see "the King" right there in front of you.
I'll bet! Was he present in the audience for the entire showing or did he only arrive at the end?

He spent much of the time talking about the advantages of mocap -- how you can get all your shots (singles, 2-shots, masters, etc) all from one single take. Also, how anyone can now play anything (like Weaver playing the teen) so you're not limited to finding the right person age-wise. But then, that's been animation's advantage for a very long time.

Very true, and even now is still limited to things like Avatar. CGI isn't good enough for Sigourney to play herself as a human 14 year old obviously.

He also said Avatar 3 is fully shot (with actors -- clearly there's lots of CGI yet to tweak) but he said the current cut is "way too long"... and for him to say that, it must be 6 hours. He said he "starts work" in another couple weeks to get the movie ready.

Yeah I saw an interview where he said the same and I believe you're exactly right that his current rough cut is about 6 or more hours.

What format was the movie in? 3D? IMAX? HFR?

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