Today, october 6th 2022, the mario movie trailer was released, and i received my morgan this morning, i layed down some marble textured sheets over my table.
I immediately lost the Winchester side plate, and had to search for it for an hour, after finding that i broke the backstrap of the satchel and ran out and got a little bit of superglue.
also this mf is buff, his shirt flew open while i was trying put on his own jacket, maybe need to give my john some vitamin's or something.
my only mistake was not to get two, but just the one has more meaning.
these 4 years i would say flew by, but a lot of things happened.
to be honest guys, early 2020 my alcohol problem was through the roof, jack daniels, room temputure every hour, i didn’t think i had the time left to see him in person.
family saved my life, be loyal to what matters.
the perfect cattlemen gloves are now on my john and he is also complete.
the dreams i had of holding him in my hands these years, are nothing compared to the 1.5 pound behemoth this figure is.
thank you all.
also nice arthur nipples lol