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I dont remember how it ended up in current canon, but iirc Asajj Ventress was originally taken as an apprentice in secret. So essentially Dooku planning to eventually over throw Palpatine since that's the way of the dark side.

Yes, it just seems like to way of things to have apprentices, adepts, acolytes, etc. under you as a Sith, secret or not.

Ventress operated in the open as a commander in the CIS. Even if Dooku tried to keep her a secret, Sidious would know. But in the EU, he introduces her to Sidious directly in the Tartakovsky series right after vetting her.

Sidious didn't mind that Dooku had a Dark Side Force wielder under him, apparently. He was only bothered when she became too powerful and would be able to successfully overthrow him together.

They'd plot, they'd scheme and in jockeying for position probably even kill each other :lol

Which is all very Dark Side and Sithy.

That's the irony baked into the Rule of Two as I see it. It's all well and good on paper but in practice - and even in theory - the Sith are gonna Sith.
Yes, it just seems like to way of things to have apprentices, adepts, acolytes, etc. under you as a Sith, secret or not.

Ventress operated in the open as a commander in the CIS. Even if Dooku tried to keep her a secret, Sidious would know. But in the EU, he introduces her to Sidious directly in the Tartakovsky series right after vetting her.

Sidious didn't mind that Dooku had a Dark Side Force wielder under him, apparently. He was only bothered when she became too powerful and would be able to successfully overthrow him together.

Which is all very Dark Side and Sithy.

That's the irony baked into the Rule of Two as I see it. It's all well and good on paper but in practice - and even in theory - the Sith are gonna Sith.
Ventress was never actually Sith anyway, she was just an assassin and a tool and Dooku used her and tossed her aside as such; much like the Inquisitors.
Ventress was never actually Sith anyway, she was just an assassin and a tool and Dooku used her and tossed her aside as such; much like the Inquisitors.

Yep, agreed. I made a point of that earlier as well. These are all just Dark Side Force users who are not technically Sith that get used as pawns which I really like as a concept and makes for interesting stories.

And that idea has existed for a long time, way back in the EU. Imperial Inquisitors, too.
I don’t know how far I want to go with the Inquisitors. I’m thinking about getting the Grand Inquisitor and Reva.

I didn’t really expect the rest of them.
They’re cool but not sure if they’re really needed. Question also is if they’ll even be made or if they’ll be prototypes shown never produced.
What actually makes you a Sith? Not a red saber obviously.

If you're not a Darth, you're not a Sith? Who awards that name -- only Palpatine?
Pretty much yeah, it's a title; like Royalty. He's a Sith Lord, master, he can take an apprentice and give them the title of Darth making them a Sith Lord.

But that doesn't stop people like Maul and Savage laying claim to the title, they'll just need to fight for it.

The Rule of Two was only really in place so that the Sith could stay hidden and take revenge on the Jedi one day; which they accomplished, but I doubt Palpatine wanted more rivals so it stuck.
You'd think there would be a lot more "Darths" around if you could basically just call yourself that.

"Yeah, yeah, that's it, I'm Darth... Darth. The real Darth. That's me. See my red saber."
Collect them all!?!

I haven't seen the series, but these look nice! Cool that we're getting more villains.
That group shot trumps anything they accomplished in the show- seeing as they primarily just stood around either looking awkward or growling at Reva for having absolutely no chill.
I like the design of the 5th bro the best... 4th sis next... I'd toss the other two and re-design.

5th bro should have been the boss... 4th sister should have been Reva.

Grand Inquisitor looks like a basic acolyte; they should have squadrons of pale bald dudes.
Grand Inquisitor looks like a basic acolyte; they should have squadrons of pale bald dudes.
That sounds unnervingly familiar…
Yep, agreed. I made a point of that earlier as well. These are all just Dark Side Force users who are not technically Sith that get used as pawns which I really like as a concept and makes for interesting stories.

And that idea has existed for a long time, way back in the EU. Imperial Inquisitors, too.

Yeah its that escapes on a "technicality" bit that is kinda hacky to me.

It's up there with there being only Luke left to carry the jedi except maybe Leia, Ahsoka, Cal Kestis, Kanan, Ezra.... :lol
You'd think there would be a lot more "Darths" around if you could basically just call yourself that.

"Yeah, yeah, that's it, I'm Darth... Darth. The real Darth. That's me. See my red saber."
Technically, that's how Darth Bane did it. The creator of the Rule of Two. He just told the other Sith "I'm Darth Bane" and they were like..."no? You can't just claim that" and he was like, "I just did Broham" and BOOM!
If anything is dumb about inquistors, its that they clearly break the rule of two.

I know Palpatine was supposed to be using them as sort of a way to screw with Vader, but the idea of keeping a bunch of dark side force users around would inevitably lead to betrayals and what not.
As others have more or less said inquisitors are further down the food chain. They're not real Sith and not really important.
So no rules broken imo either.