Hot Toys Bespin Han speculation thread

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Because that contact was with Lucasfilm. Whenever there's a buyout those types of contacts need to get renegotiated. It's all legal mumbo jumbo that we never see behind closed doors. Hamill and Fisher both signed it away again they didn't care. Ford on the other hand obviously did. Or Is playing hardball who knows. As much as he hates SW I'm sure he or his rep are ignoring calls or wants more money than HT is wanting or willing to dish out.

As for Chan not happy with the sculpts, he seemed to not care with all the other OT and Indy sculpts that have been half assed over the years so I don't think he's just holding off because of that. Blade Runner isn't SW and he may have had to sign off on that when he agreed to the new film. Again more legal crap we have no clue over. As for Hasbro, do those even need likeness approval? Because they hardly ever look like the actors to begin with 😆

🤷🏼‍♂️ Anyways the word from an industry insider is better than anything we won't be getting from HT or Ford on the matter hence why I said **** it and went custom. I got tired of waiting.

If HT does do another OT Han it'll be a too little too late at this point for me 😆

EDIT: The renegotiating is the legal route nothing Disney can do about that. And yeah Im sure they aren't happy about it either but they weren't going to throw a (what was it 4 billion ?) Franchise out the window because one crappy old man wasn't going to play nice.

Star wars is bigger than Han Harrison Ford Solo
I don’t really buy that at all. You’re saying EVERY contract a company has has to be renegotiated after being bought out? That’s not how that works always. Those contracts get negotiated into the buyout. The selling company can certainly choose not to include said contracts, but that would most DEFINITELY lower the price. There’s no way Disney bought LucasFilm without those contracts in place. Especially OT type stuff. That just doesn’t add up to me. A quick Google will show lots of law precedent for such things. I would bet that this delay in Bespin Han is probably something so benign that HT probably gets smokes some death sticks and laughs at some of the theories.
This could be hearsay, but I don’t think the buyout is the issue, he wouldn’t sign on for the farce awakens unless his deal was renegotiated.
that could be how he got control and is screwing us.
I don’t really buy that at all. You’re saying EVERY contract a company has has to be renegotiated after being bought out? That’s not how that works always. Those contracts get negotiated into the buyout. The selling company can certainly choose not to include said contracts, but that would most DEFINITELY lower the price. There’s no way Disney bought LucasFilm without those contracts in place. Especially OT type stuff. That just doesn’t add up to me. A quick Google will show lots of law precedent for such things. I would bet that this delay in Bespin Han is probably something so benign that HT probably gets smokes some death sticks and laughs at some of the theories.
I think it was more renegotiated with his TFA deal. He could have had Disney redo the current status quo deals cause the bigger deal is having him in TFA. Who cares about the merch when the movies sucked so bad :lol. I think we all need to just look at what merch has been released since 2015 and let that speak for itself.
I think it was more renegotiated with his TFA deal. He could have had Disney redo the current status quo deals cause the bigger deal is having him in TFA. Who cares about the merch when the movies sucked so bad :lol. I think we all need to just look at what merch has been released since 2015 and let that speak for itself.
Except Mark Hamil said several times that the contracts were signed for the sequel trilogy before Lucasfilm was sold to Disney. If I remember correctly, they didn't know Lucas was going to sell the company.
Honestly, I love the guy to bits but I’ve never seen a veteran actor less grateful for their career. Lucas and Spielberg handed his career, which he’s made millions of dollars from, to him on a plate, he could be a little more appreciative. Just watch this video and you can see it’s not limited to Star Wars, he sounds disinterested in most of the films he’s made. I imagine he’s a lovely funny guy when not talking about his “job”.

narcissistic personality
Honestly, I love the guy to bits but I’ve never seen a veteran actor less grateful for their career. Lucas and Spielberg handed his career, which he’s made millions of dollars from, to him on a plate, he could be a little more appreciative. Just watch this video and you can see it’s not limited to Star Wars, he sounds disinterested in most of the films he’s made. I imagine he’s a lovely funny guy when not talking about his “job”.

And yet what is he doing...? Indy 5. :lol
Except Mark Hamil said several times that the contracts were signed for the sequel trilogy before Lucasfilm was sold to Disney. If I remember correctly, they didn't know Lucas was going to sell the company.
That would explain why we got TFA Han but nothing since. And anything that was released after the buyout were likely already in development/approved through Lucasfilm before the contracts were renegotiated.
And yet what is he doing...? Indy 5. :lol
Maybe he just don't like HT...

View attachment 546360
If I was Howard who put his blood sweat and tears into a company perfecting the human likeness and saw an actor do that to one of my products, I'd put him on ban as well. That's lack of respect on a whole new level.

Thing is Ford doesn't give a s##t if fans have a Bespin Han or not.
Sent an inquiry to GeeWhiz and got a reply. As much as I want to I’m not sure if I can justify it. The outfit (blue jacket, cream long sleeved shirt, and brown pants with the yellow stripes) is $260.

You can add on the boots for $150 more. On top of that they still charge $40 for shipping plus a 6% handling fee. So basically $500 for a custom piece..
How do you contact this person if interested?
If I was Howard who put his blood sweat and tears into a company perfecting the human likeness and saw an actor do that to one of my products, I'd put him on ban as well. That's lack of respect on a whole new level.

Thing is Ford doesn't give a s##t if fans have a Bespin Han or not.
I think Ford is just joking around...he's a wind-up merchant. Or maybe he thought the head-sculpt looked sh*te:D
Ford comes across narky in most interviews.
I find it's more the stupid questions he gets asked from the Interviewer,hence the sarcasm and grumpiness.
He tries real hard to be funny sometimes and he takes it too far rather than subtle.
When he came out to Australia in 2015 to promote TFA(What Star Wars movie ever needed promoting at this point?),he was actually very humble and appreciative of what Star wars has given him.
Who really knows wtf is going on with a Bespin/Endor Han.
It probably doesn't help that whatever film he is promoting that star wars turns up in the conversation. He is probably tired of talking about it.

Would be nice if he took Hamill's approach though. Hamill seems pretty cool about it.
That's because Hamill seems to show actual gratitude for the thing that launched his career.
I remember back in the 1990's when the "special editions" were being released, Hamill showed up at the premiere saying, "I didn't want to be conspicuous by my absence." Guess the only OT star who wasn't there?🤔
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