Zack Snyder's Justice League

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Re: Zack Snyder's Justice League coming in 2021

You misread the article he is blaming wb not affleck for that affleck wasnt in control of when that news broke wb was. Affleck even admitted that it was supposed to be announced at dc fandom but it was mysteriously moved up and announced out of nowhere. it the same **** they pulled with momao and the frost announcement warner just put it out there early in order to divert and distract from whats happening between wb and then jostice league actors

He is pretty much calling Affleck a wet noodle corporate tool lackey.

I’m sure Affleck is thrilled to have his name brought up.
Re: Zack Snyder's Justice League coming in 2021

He is pretty much calling Affleck a wet noodle corporate tool lackey.

I?m sure Affleck is thrilled to have his name brought up.

Ya i dont see it that way, i see its as the same thing they did to momoa which is why he publicly joined fisher, ben will soon follow in support of his colleagues. There is no love lost between affleck and johns
Re: Zack Snyder's Justice League coming in 2021

I get what you're saying but when they're throwing around the word "abusive" in this day and age it really shouldn't matter if the film turned out as bad as it did or was a spectacular hit that made $2B. It's commendable that they are united in their support for their friend Snyder and were upset that so much of his film was discarded (& even derided on set per many reports), but I'd wager we wouldn't be hearing squat right now if the film had been a hit. And frankly I find it hard to imagine Joss Whedon even attempting to "abuse" either of these actors, what with both of them being @6'4" and physically dwarfing him. Making script changes that pissed them off by marginalizing their characters? Yes. Being short with them (verbally) when the clock was ticking and they resisted his direction? Yes. Asserting his directorial authority? Yes. Abusing them? Not likely.

So when are these p*****s going to man up and actually SAY what Whedon did? "Wah, abuse, waaaaah." Um okay so did he stick his **** in your mouth or what? Hit you with a tire iron? If this is your big ****ing #metoo moment Ray Fisher then **** or get off the pot. Sheesh.
Re: Zack Snyder's Justice League coming in 2021

So when are these p*****s going to man up and actually SAY what Whedon did? "Wah, abuse, waaaaah." Um okay so did he stick his **** in your mouth or what? Hit you with a tire iron? If this is your big ****ing #metoo moment Ray Fisher then **** or get off the pot. Sheesh.

I know right. :lol

Even his big return announcement now has to be associated with something else, lol.

Someone please remind Ray that he is playing Cyborg lol

But seriously either say what happened already or just STFU now.

This was years ago already sheesh.
Re: Zack Snyder's Justice League coming in 2021

Someone please remind Ray that he is playing Cyborg lol

But seriously either say what happened already or just STFU now.

This was years ago already sheesh.

The abuse is probably not sexual in nature but that doesnt matter not all abuse is sexual. We have all worked for unethical ruthless bosses at some point in our lives. You know the kind that dont do **** but take credit for all your hard work and oay themselves huge bonuses, Force you to work long hours to cover for them doing nothing, deliberately underpay so they can pay themselves bigger bonus and salaries- then threaten to replace you when they get the slightest whiff of discontent or that you may say something to human resources. Gaslighting is also another form of abuse that runs rampant in corporate america

At the workplace, a gaslighter can be a negative manager, a scheming coworker, a prejudiced workgroup, a disgruntled customer/client, or a smearing business competitor. Workplace gaslighting can also be the result of systemic, institutional bias, or negative media and social media coverage. A gaslighter may target and victimize groups as well as individuals.

The following four attributes often distinguish workplace gaslighting from other types of challenges on the job:

The difficult work situation is based on persistent individual, group, or institutional bias and negativity, rather than solid proof, strong facts, established cases, and/or proven data.
The difficult work environment creates a negative/unfavorable narrative about the gaslightee (contrary to evidence), and damages the gaslightee’s personal or professional reputation.
The mistreatment persists over a period of time, despite a clear track record of the gaslightee’s positive collaboration, contributions, and accomplishments.
When approached on the matter, the gaslighter typically denies mistreatment, and can become defensive, contentious, dismissive, and/or evasive. Instead of using verification and facts to problem-solve, the gaslighter may escalate and become more aggressive, or stonewall and become more passive-aggressive.

Gaslighting seeks to break a person's will, and does so by instilling the other with fear-based doubts about themselves, their sanity, their worth, their mental ability to think or make decisions.

Persons in authority positions are expected to use gaslighting, and to control those they rule over with fear-tactics, lies and illusions, reward and punish accordingly. Gaslighting is a continuous stream of lies, so to speak, with just enough truth, to keep the other confused. Trying to make heads and tails of nonsense an NPD or APD spews is a waste of time. Most of us have been raised to be unsuspecting. The last thing we want to believe is that someone is telling lies to intentionally keep others confused, so that they can more easily control them at every level (their thinking, beliefs, choices, feelings etc.)
Re: Zack Snyder's Justice League coming in 2021

The abuse is probably not sexual in nature but that doesnt matter not all abuse is sexual. We have all worked for unethical ruthless bosses at some point in our lives. You know the kind that dont do **** but take credit for all your hard work and oay themselves huge bonuses, Force you to work long hours to cover for them doing nothing, deliberately underpay so they can pay themselves bigger bonus and salaries- then threaten to replace you when they get the slightest whiff of discontent or that you may say something to human resources. Gaslighting is also another form of abuse that runs rampant in corporate america

At the workplace, a gaslighter can be a negative manager, a scheming coworker, a prejudiced workgroup, a disgruntled customer/client, or a smearing business competitor. Workplace gaslighting can also be the result of systemic, institutional bias, or negative media and social media coverage. A gaslighter may target and victimize groups as well as individuals.

The following four attributes often distinguish workplace gaslighting from other types of challenges on the job:

The difficult work situation is based on persistent individual, group, or institutional bias and negativity, rather than solid proof, strong facts, established cases, and/or proven data.
The difficult work environment creates a negative/unfavorable narrative about the gaslightee (contrary to evidence), and damages the gaslightee?s personal or professional reputation.
The mistreatment persists over a period of time, despite a clear track record of the gaslightee?s positive collaboration, contributions, and accomplishments.
When approached on the matter, the gaslighter typically denies mistreatment, and can become defensive, contentious, dismissive, and/or evasive. Instead of using verification and facts to problem-solve, the gaslighter may escalate and become more aggressive, or stonewall and become more passive-aggressive.

So in your mind who exactly is the gaslighter and gaslightee in this situation? Johns and Snyder? Hell right now it's more like Fisher and Whedon, as Fisher is the one creating a negative/unfavorable narrative about Whedon and damaging his personal/professional reputation, despite a clear track record of Whedon's contributions and accomplishments. And in this #metoo era there's also the matter of NO ONE from any of Whedon's past productions having jumped on the bandwagon. If he really was so abusive and unprofessional, doesn't it seem likely that there would have been a pattern of such behavior?
Re: Zack Snyder's Justice League coming in 2021

So in your mind who exactly is the gaslighter and gaslightee in this situation? Johns and Snyder? Hell right now it's more like Fisher and Whedon, as Fisher is the one creating a negative/unfavorable narrative about Whedon and damaging his personal/professional reputation, despite a clear track record of Whedon's contributions and accomplishments. And in this #metoo era there's also the matter of NO ONE from any of Whedon's past productions having jumped on the bandwagon. If he really was so abusive and unprofessional, doesn't it seem likely that there would have been a pattern of such behavior?

I dont know or really care that much but what im saying is is that warner is gaslighting rey fisher but i guess you can interpret it differently. Fisher has no power here though the power dynamic is with hamada and warner. Usually the gaslightor is the one in a position of authority over the gasslightee not the other way around. Fisher isnt making up lies, warner is about him refusing to work with investigators. Thats the gasslight activity to silience a legitimate complaint that an employee has. Johns threatening fisher about his job is text book gaslighting so is the diversion tactics warner used to discredit him- all lies and deception to make the gaslightee the complainer/victim look crazy or bad and hopefully cause him and the public to second guess his claims but momao joined up to help the guy out and added much needed validity to the claims due to the gaslighting techniques employed by warner that have you and other convinced its all all unfounded ravings of a rich disgruntled actor- which is exactly what they want you to believe
Re: Zack Snyder's Justice League coming in 2021

I dont know or really care that much but what im saying is is that warner is gaslighting rey fisher but i guess you can interpret it differently. Fisher has no power here though the power dynamic is with hamada and warner. Usually the gaslightor is the one in a position of authority over the gasslightee not the other way around. Fisher isnt making up lies, warner is about him refusing to work with investigators. Thats the gasslight activity to silience a legitimate complaint that an employee has. Johns threatening fisher about his job is text book gaslighting so is the diversion tactics warner used to discredit him- all lies and deception to make the gaslightee the complainer/victim look crazy or bad and hopefully cause him and the public to second guess his claims but momao joined up to help the guy out and added much needed validity to the claims due to the gaslighting techniques employed by warner that have you and other convinced its all all unfounded ravings of a rich disgruntled actor- which is exactly what they want you to believe

OK, I see where you're coming from now but IMO saying Fisher has no power here is inaccurate. In this era of social media you're now guilty until proven innocent and even if his claims turn out to be false people will still remember them and assume the worst (just ask Chris Hardwick). You yourself are already stating some of Fisher's claims as fact (Johns threatening his job, his explanation for not working with investigators, his theories about some of WB's announcements being diversionary tactics). Maybe those things are true, but I'm not aware of Momoa or anyone else having corroborated a single one of them.
Re: Zack Snyder's Justice League coming in 2021


Mamoa?s response is straight to the point and bold. He does not hold back, and in fact, he also reveals that the news about him playing Frosty in a Frosty The Snowman film was fake and used as a strategic move by the studio to provide cover from the Fisher allegations- this is the same ploy they used with the ben affleck announcement. Here?s his quote:

?THIS **** HAS TO STOP AND NEEDS TO BE LOOKED AT @ray8fisher AND EVERYONE ELSE WHO EXPERIENCED WHAT HAPPEN UNDER THE WATCH OF @wbpictures NEEDS PROPER INVESTIGATION I just think it?s ****ed up that people released a fake Frosty announcement without my permission to try to distract from Ray Fisher speaking up about the ****** way we were treated on Justice League reshoots.
Serious stuff went down. It needs to be investigated and people need to be held accountable. #IStandWithRayFisher. aloha j?

What more proof do you need about momoa?? The gaslightining is obviously working to the point people refuse to believe quotes directly from the actor himself even when he posted it all over the net
Re: Zack Snyder's Justice League coming in 2021

I would hardly call that whining...
And anyway, it doesn't matter where you work or how much you get paid, if you get treated badly or your bosses are abusive you have a right and an obligation to speak out, because maybe you have the financial security and emotional toughness to let such behaviours slide, but others probably don't.
Re: Zack Snyder's Justice League coming in 2021

I would hardly call that whining...
And anyway, it doesn't matter where you work or how much you get paid, if you get treated badly or your bosses are abusive you have a right and an obligation to speak out, because maybe you have the financial security and emotional toughness to let such behaviours slide, but others probably don't.

Funny thing is people blindingly following the corporate line and making uninformed arguments that are inline with thier preconceived understanding of the situation also happen to be st apologists. That cannot be a coincidence, if only they could apply the same logic and reasoning they use to defend the st (something they like) which would require them to be impartial and or unbiased toward one direction, and not unleash all this pent up ambivalence on the dc- who they perceive to be the enemy or and easy target to say hey look the st isnt so bad look how ****ed up wb is lol. Humans are crazy people but we can see right thru their biased intentions
Re: Zack Snyder's Justice League coming in 2021


Mamoa?s response is straight to the point and bold. He does not hold back, and in fact, he also reveals that the news about him playing Frosty in a Frosty The Snowman film was fake and used as a strategic move by the studio to provide cover from the Fisher allegations- this is the same ploy they used with the ben affleck announcement. Here?s his quote:

?THIS **** HAS TO STOP AND NEEDS TO BE LOOKED AT @ray8fisher AND EVERYONE ELSE WHO EXPERIENCED WHAT HAPPEN UNDER THE WATCH OF @wbpictures NEEDS PROPER INVESTIGATION I just think it?s ****ed up that people released a fake Frosty announcement without my permission to try to distract from Ray Fisher speaking up about the ****** way we were treated on Justice League reshoots.
Serious stuff went down. It needs to be investigated and people need to be held accountable. #IStandWithRayFisher. aloha j?

What more proof do you need about momoa?? The gaslightining is obviously working to the point people refuse to believe quotes directly from the actor himself even when he posted it all over the net

I adjusted the bolded section to emphasize that this part of Momoa's statement is not proof as to why they released the Frosty announcement, merely his opinion. I grant you it adds up, but it can't be taken as fact without confirmation from another source.

Momoa goes on to say "serious stuff went down, it needs to be investigated, etc., etc.." Nowhere does he specifically say he witnessed Johns threatening Fisher's job or that he could corroborate Fisher's story about why he didn't cooperate with the investigation. So we're left with Fisher lobbing grenades every week or so with little explanation as to what his main complaint actually is. At this point it's not unreasonable to suspect that he may be PO'd about his career not taking off as anticipated and is simply being vindictive because he knows he can get away with it in today's sociopolitical climate.
Re: Zack Snyder's Justice League coming in 2021

I adjusted the bolded section to emphasize that this part of Momoa's statement is not proof as to why they released the Frosty announcement, merely his opinion. I grant you it adds up, but it can't be taken as fact without confirmation from another source.

Momoa goes on to say "serious stuff went down, it needs to be investigated, etc., etc.." Nowhere does he specifically say he witnessed Johns threatening Fisher's job or that he could corroborate Fisher's story about why he didn't cooperate with the investigation. So we're left with Fisher lobbing grenades every week or so with little explanation as to what his main complaint actually is. At this point it's not unreasonable to suspect that he may be PO'd about his career not taking off as anticipated and is simply being vindictive because he knows he can get away with it in today's sociopolitical climate.

Why would momoas or fisher be upset about their careers not taking off over a movie that was compeltely destroyed due to studio interference- its not their fault- you move on like LN in Phantom menace did. It was just a ****** movie but it they treated you like **** and abused you then destroyed (cut) all your work in said movie For no legitimate story reason but just to destroy the dceu, snyder and your contribution to the dceu as we know it, and it turned out **** (so johns accomplishes his goal) i think you have a right to *****. Especially when they are trying frame you as a disgruntled actor who didnnot agree with the character arc cuts that you didnt not sign up for (Eg gaslight him) Gl didnt mistreat LN so he didnt file any greivences with them you cannot file a grievance over a ****** movie or role unless your were treated like ****. Besides most good actors star in a dud at some point in thier careers and they end up fine. I dont get this argument at all
Re: Zack Snyder's Justice League coming in 2021

So we're left with Fisher lobbing grenades every week or so with little explanation as to what his main complaint actually is.

I don't know why people keep repeating this.

Fisher was clear from the outset what the problem was, Joss was abusive and unprofessional and when Fisher went to Joss' superiors, they didn't do anything about it. That's his complaint.

If Fisher's career stalled because of his reporting of the abuse, that's even more evidence in his favor.
Re: Zack Snyder's Justice League coming in 2021

Why would momoas or fisher be upset about their careers not taking off over a movie that was compeltely destroyed due to studio interference- its not their fault- you move on like LN in Phantom menace did. It was just a ****** movie but it they treated you like **** and abused you then destroyed all your work in said movie and it turned out **** i think you have a right to *****. Gl didnt mistreat LN so he didnt file any greivences with them you cannot file a grievance over a ****** movie or role unless your were treated like ****

I never meant to imply that Momoa was upset about his career not taking off - I meant Fisher. Maybe I'm wrong, but I thought someone here had mentioned that he was in line for a solo Cyborg movie back when Snyder was still in charge of Justice League (pre-Whedon) and his role was much more substantial. And I agree, if all of that stuff happened he has every right to ***** about it and "file a grievance". But has he actually done anything through official company or legal channels? It seems he is doing all of this via social media and WB is the one who actually has tried to conduct an "official" investigation in response. But now he doesn't seem to trust that process, yet I'm not aware of any alternative legal action he's taken. Now why would that be I wonder?
Re: Zack Snyder's Justice League coming in 2021

I don't know why people keep repeating this.

Fisher was clear from the outset what the problem was, Joss was abusive and unprofessional and when Fisher went to Joss' superiors, they didn't do anything about it. That's his complaint.

If Fisher's career stalled because of his reporting of the abuse, that's even more evidence in his favor.

Clear? He has yet to provide a single example of what he means by that. He couldn't be more vague. And I implied that his career may have stalled due to the film's failure, not because he reported any abuse. If in fact he did.
Re: Zack Snyder's Justice League coming in 2021

Are people actually talking about Jason Momoa (himself included) playing FROSTY THE SNOWMAN with a straight face, regardless of whether it's true or not? lol!


The mental picture of him pounding away at his keyboard "WHAT HAPPEN UNDER THE WATCH!" "ME GRIMLOCK NOT PLAY FROSTY!" "RAWR!" is beyond hilarious, lol.
Re: Zack Snyder's Justice League coming in 2021

Are people actually talking about Jason Momoa (himself included) playing FROSTY THE SNOWMAN with a straight face, regardless of whether it's true or not? lol!


The mental picture of him pounding away at his keyboard "WHAT HAPPEN UNDER THE WATCH!" "ME GRIMLOCK NOT PLAY FROSTY!" "RAWR!" is beyond hilarious, lol.

You have no credibility here after your “the st had a plan” nonsense. Just continue to live in a reality in your head lol but leave the real world problems out of it cause they do not match your delusional view of reality lol. You are unfit to render such a conclusion because your mind is clouded by your biased distorted views of reality and refusal to accept facts if they are not in line with your preconceptions regardless of what facts are presented before you. Kind of like donald trump these days lol

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